MATH 425: Complex Variables, Spring 1995 Classes meet MWF 2:20 - 3:10 AM in Room 310 DeBartolo Instructor: Abraham Goetz, Room 352, CCBM, Phone 17393 Office hours: Tuesday 3:00 - 4:00 PM and Wednesday 3:30-4:00 PM Text: Complex Variables , Second Edition by Stephen D. Fisher, Wadsward & Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA 1990 Homework: Homework will be assigned at (almost) every class meeting and will be due next class. Late homework will not be graded (except when the delay is excused) but its submission will be recorded and partial credit will be given for it. Tests: There will be three in class tests and a final. The schedule of tests is as follows: Test No. 1 WEdnesda, February 8, Test No. 2 Monday, March 8, Test No. 3 Friday, April 21, Final examination Thurday, May 11, 4:15 - 6:15 There may also be some quizzes as need arises. The tests will take place during regular class hours but they will start five minutes earlier and end five minutes later to allow for 60 minutes working time. All tests and the final examination will take place in the same room that classes ordinarily meet? Students are reminded that they are bound by the Notre Dame Honor Code. Students may cooperate and consult books and notes while working on their homework, but the use of books, notes, etc. and communication with others is not allowed during tests and quizzes. Grading: Each test will be worth 100 points and the final 150 points. Homework and quizzes will contribute 50 more points for a total of 500 points. An approximate letter grade corresponding to the number of points earned will be announced after each test has been graded and may vary with the degree of difficulty of the test. Attendance: Cutting classes is, as a rule, detrimental to the student, especially since the lectures will, occasionally, deviate from the textbook. Since my students are intelligent adults, I am rather lenient in dealing with absences with the exception of tests and the final. A student absent from a test must present a written excuse from the Office of the Vice-President for Student Life. If circumstances preventing a student from taking a test are known before hand, please, see me about it. NOTE: You are encouraged to use my office hours and contact me early with any difficulties, before problems accumulate beyond help.