425 Complex Variables, Spring 1997 Instructor; Alan Howard The course followed the textbook: S.D. Fisher, Complex Variables, 2nd edition. We essentially covered the first 2 chapters plus sections 3.1 and 3.2. (See table of contents below.) I originally planned to cover all of the first 3 chapters plus, but I ran out of time. I think, in retrospect, that I could have done that by organizing better, going a little faster, and being less repetitive. But I tried to get the students to participate by calling on them to solve problems, review previous material, etc., and that took much time. There were two tests (one take-home and one in class) during the semester and a two-part final (first part, take home; second part, in class). Chapter 1. The Complex Plane 1 1.1. The Complex Numbers and the Complex Plane 1 1.1.1* A Formal View of the Complex Numbers 10 1.2. Sone Geometry 12 1.3. Subsets of the Plane 22 1.4. Functions and Limits 30 1.5 The Exponential, Logarithm, and Trigonometric Functions 43 1.6. Line Integrals and Green's Theorem 56 Chapter 2. Basic Properties of Analytic Functions 77 2.1. Analytic and Harmonic Functions; The CauchyÐRiemann Equations 77 2.1.1* Flows, Fields, and Analytic Functions 86 2.2. Power Series 93 2.3. Cauchy's Theorem and Cauchy's Formula 106 2.3.1* The CauchyÐGoursat Theorem 119 2.4. Consequences of Cauchy's Formula 123 2.5. Isolated Singularities 135 2.6. The Residue Theorem and Its Application to the Evaluation of Definite Integrals 153 Chapter 3. Analytic Functions as Mappings 171 3.1. The Zeros of an Analytic Function 171 3.1.1* The Stability of Solutions of a System of Linear Differential Equations 183 3.2. Maximum Modulus and Mean Value 191 3.3. Linear Fractional Transformations 196 3.4. Conformal Mapping 208 3.4.1* Conformal Mapping and Flows 219 3.5. The Riemann Mapping Theorem and SchwarzÐChristoffel Transformations 224 Chapter 4. Analytic and Harmonic Functions in Applications 245 4.1. Harmonic Functions 245 4.2. Harmonic Functions as Solutions to Physical Problems 254 4.3. Integral Representations of Harmonic Functions 284 4.4. Boundary-Value Problems 298 4.5. Impulse Functions and the Green's Function of a Domain 309 Chapter 5. Transform Methods 318 5.1 The Fourier Transform: Basisc Properties 318 5.2 Formulas Relating u and uÊ^ 335 5.3. The Laplace Transform 346 5.4. Applications of the Laplace Transform to Differential Equations 356 5.5. The Z-Transform 365 5.5.1* The Stabiity of a Discrete Linear System 374