MATH 431, Section 01 Spring semester 1997-98 Number Theory Classes meet MWF 9:35-10:25 AM in Room 317 CCMB Instructor: Abraham Goetz, Room 352 CCBM, Phone 1 7393, e-mail: Office hours: To be scheduled You are encouraged to use my office hours and contact me early with any difficulties before problems accumulate beyond help. If the office hour time is inconvenient, please make an appointment to see me at some other time. Text: A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory by Joseph H. Silverman, Prentice Hall 1997. The textbook is easy to read and not very formal. Lectures will add a somewhat more formal approach and will introduce some additional material. Additional books: Fundamental Number Theory with Applications by Richard A. Mollin and An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers by I. Niven, will be placed on reserve in the Math Library. Homework: Homework will be assigned frequently and will be due on the last day of the week it was assigned. Homework problems will range from routine exercises (meant to help to absorb new concepts) to harder problems calling for ingenuity in solving them. The solutions of these problems will be presented in class by the student who solved it. Tests: There will be two one hour tests and a final examination. The schedule of tests is as follows: Test 1 Wednesday 2/25, Test 2 Wednesday 4/22 Final examination Monday 5/4, 8:00-10:00 AM The exams are given during the class period. The final examination will take place the same place as classes meet. Any changes will be announced Honor code: All Notre Dame students are bound by the Notre Dame Honor Code Students may cooperate and consult books and notes, while working on their homework, but mustn't copy others work or submit work done by others. The use of books, notes, etc. and communication with others is not allowed during tests and quizzes. Grading: Each test as well as the final will be worth 100 points. Homework and presentations will add an additional 100 points Attendance: You are expected to attend all class meetings. Excessive absences may result in lowering the grade or even failing the class. Make up tests or quizzes will be given only if the absence is excused. The schedule of tests is known early enough, and travel arrangement should be made so that they do not interfere with tests. e-mail: I will use e-mail to communicate with you between class meetings an you are encouraged to do so likewise. Be sure that your e-mail is active, and that I have the correct address. Do not send e-mail for me to any other address than the given above.