Math 431 Spring 1998 Instructor: Abraham Goetz Text: A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory by J.H.Silverman, Prentice Hall 1997. The book: Fundamental Number Theory with Applications by Richard A. Mollin, CRC Press was places in the Math Library on the reserved books shelf. I covered Chapters 1 to 27. The Gauss Lemma used in Chapter 23 (without the name an in a special case a = 2) was stated and proved in whole generality. Syllabus 1. Integers and their properties. Divisibility. The greatest common divisor of two numbers. The division theorem. Euclid's algorithm. Representation of the gcd. of two numbers as their linear combination with integer coefficients. Relatively prime numbers. 2. Congruences modulo m.. Properties of congruences. Solutions of a congruence ax º b (mod n).The Chinese Remainder Theorem. Application of congruences to divisibility tests: divisibility by 3 and 9. Divisibility by 11. 3. Prime numbers. The prime factorization theorem. Twin primes. The set of prime numbers is infinite. The prime number theorem. Little Fermat's Theorem. Euler's j-function (the totient function) and the generalization of Little Fermat's Theorem. Mersenne primes. The function s(n). Perfect numbers and their relation to Mersenne primes. The Internet site for large primes 4. Computation of powers modulo n by the method of consecutive squares. Solving the congruence xm ºb (mod n) in the case, when j(n) is known and is relatively prime to the exponent m.. RSA codes 5. Multiplicative functions. examples of multiplicative functions j(n), s(n). The sum F(n) = åd|nÊÊf(d), where, f (n) is a multiplicative function, is multiplicative. 6. Powers modulo p (p a prime). The exponent ep (a) of a number modulo p. ep (a) | p - 1. Primitive roots modulo p. Number of primitive roots. General case: powers modulo m. Exponent em (a). em (a) | j(m). Primitive roots modulo m. 7. Indices of a number modulo p, where p is a prime, for a given primitive root.Analogy with logarithms. Using indices for computation. 8. Quadratic residues and non-residues modulo m. The number of quadratic residues between 1 and p - 1 modulo a prime p. The Legendre symbol ()nm. The Legendre symbol ()nm is a multiplicative function of n, when m is fixed. Euler's criterion.The Gauss lemma. The quadratic reciprocity theorem: ()-1p and ()2p with proof, ()pq without proof. 9. Representation of primes as sum of two squares. The Fermat descent procedure. The representation of any number as a sum of two squares. Which numbers can be the hypotenuse of a primitive Pythagorean triangle. 10. Nonsolvability of the equation x4 + y4 = z2 in nonzero integers. A few words about the Wiles proof of the Last Fermat Theorem. Comments The textbook is very well written and accessible for the students to read. It has a very nice selection of more advance topics in addition to the basics. I consider it as the best text for an undergraduate course I encountered. There were two tests during the semester, each consisting of a take-home part, which contained the problems requiring more computations, and a in-class part more theoretical. The final was a take-home test asking for a written presentation of the teory of congruences covered in the course.