\magnification=\magstep1 {\bf{\centerline{ Math 431 Exam 1: Monday Feb 28, 3:00--4:15pm}}} \bigskip \parindent=0pt {\bf 1.}{\sl (10 points)} \smallskip { (a)} Define the greatest common divisor of two integers $m$ and $n$.\smallskip {(b)} Explain what is meant by saying that $m$ and $n$ are relatively prime. \medskip {\bf 2.} {\sl (10 points)} Compute the greatest common divisisor $d$ of $147$ and $99$ and use the Euclidean algorithm to represent it in the form $d=147x + 99y$ for some integers $x$ and $y$.\medskip {\bf 3.} {\sl (15 points)} Find {\bf all} incongruent solutions of the congruences \smallskip (a) $35x\equiv 2 \pmod {41}$.\smallskip (b) $x^2-1 \equiv 0 \pmod {16}$.\medskip {\bf 4.} {\sl (10 points)} How many incongruent solutions do each of the following congruences have? \smallskip (a) $105x\equiv 2 \pmod {49}$.\smallskip (b) $105x \equiv 21 \pmod {49}$. \medskip {\bf 5.} {\sl (10 points)} Find an integer $x$ satisfying both congruences $x\equiv 5 \pmod{111}$ and $x\equiv 6 \pmod {113}$.\medskip {\bf 6.} {\sl (10 points)}.\smallskip (a) State the Little Fermat Theorem.\smallskip (b) The number 1063 is prime. Find the integer $a$ with $0\leq a< 1063$ and $10^{2127}\equiv a\pmod{1063}$.\medskip {\bf 7.} {\sl (10 points)}\smallskip (a) Define Euler's $\phi$-function and state Euler's generalization of the Little Fermat Theorem.\smallskip (b) Compute $\phi(180)$.\medskip {\bf 8.} {\sl (15 points)} The incongruent squares modulo $7 $ (i.e. integers $y$ of the form $y\equiv x^2\pmod 7$ for some integer $x$ and with $0\leq y<7$ ) are $0$, $1$, $4$ and $2$ (e.g. $2\equiv 3^2\pmod 7$). Thus, there are $4$ incongruent squares modulo $7$. \hskip .2in Find all the incongruent squares modulo $p$ for (a) $p=3$, (b) $p=5$, (c) $p=11$ (and more $p$ if you need), and try to guess a formula in terms of $p$ for the number of incongruent squares modulo $p$ for any odd prime number $p$.\medskip {\bf 9.} {\sl (10 points)}\smallskip { (a)} Define the term ``primitive Pythagorean triple.'' Give examples of three different primitve Pythagorean triples.\smallskip {(b )} Find a primitive Pythagorean triple $(a,b,c )$ with $a=25$.\medskip \vfill\eject\bye