\magnification=\magstep1 {\bf{\centerline{ Math 431 Exam 2: Wednesday, March 29, 3:00--4:15pm}}} \bigskip \parindent=0pt {\bf 1.} {\sl (20 points)}\smallskip (a) Determine $a=\phi(1763)$ where $\phi$ denotes Euler's phi-function (note $1763=41\times 43$). \smallskip (b) Find explicitly a positive solution $u$ of $187u\equiv 1\pmod{a}$.\smallskip (c) Explain how to use your answer to (b) to find a solution $x$ of $x^{187}\equiv 341 \pmod{1763}$ (i.e. express a solution of the congruence in terms of $u$). Is the solution unique modulo $1763$? \medskip {\bf 2.} {\sl (15 points)} Let $p$ be a fixed prime number. \smallskip (a) Let $a$ be an integer not divisible by $p$. Explain what is meant by the exponent $e_p(a)$ of $a$ modulo $p$. \smallskip (b) For which values of the integer $d$ is there an integer $a$ which is not divisible by $p$ and satisfies $e_p(a)=d$? For such a $d$, how many solutions $\psi(d)$ for $a$ of the equation $e_p(a)=d$ are there (do not count values of $a$ which are congruent modulo $ p$ as distinct solutions)? \smallskip (c) If $g$ is a primitive root modulo $p$, what is the value of $e_p(g)$?\medskip {\bf 3.} {\sl (25 points) } \smallskip (a) Show that $2$ is a primitive root modulo $11$.\smallskip (b) For each $a$ not divisible by $11$, let $I(a)$ denote the index of $a$ with respect to the primitive root $2$ i.e. the solution $j$ with $1\leq j\leq 10$ of the equation $2^j\equiv a\pmod{11}$. Construct a table showing for each $a$ with $1\leq a\leq 10$ the values of $I(a)$ and $e_{11}(a)$. \smallskip (c) Use the table of indices in (b) to find all incongruent solutions of the equation $$5x^5\equiv 6\pmod{11}.$$ \medskip {\bf 4.} {\sl (20 points)} Let $p$ be an odd prime number. \smallskip (a) Let $a$, $b$ be integers not divisible by $p$. Explain what is meant by $\bigl({a\over p}\bigr)$ (Legendre symbol). What is the relationship between $\bigl({ab\over p}\bigr)$, $\bigl({a\over p}\bigr)$ and $\bigl({b\over p}\bigr)$?\smallskip (b) State the law of quadratic reciprocity (your answer should express $\bigl({{-1}\over p}\bigr)$ and $\bigl({2\over p}\bigr)$ in terms of $p$, and describe the relationship between $\bigl({q\over p}\bigr)$ and $\bigl({p\over q}\bigr)$ for another odd prime $q$). \medskip{\bf 5.} {\sl (20 points)} \smallskip (a) The number $1307$ is prime. Use the law of quadratic reciprocity to determine if the congruence $x^2\equiv 690\pmod{1307}$ has a solution.\smallskip (b) Use quadratic reciprocity to determine for which odd primes $p\neq 7$ the congruence $x^2\equiv 7\pmod{p}$ has a solution (your answer should depend only on the value of $p$ modulo $28$). \vfill\eject\bye