\magnification=\magstep1 {\bf{\centerline{ Math 431 Final Exam : Wednesday, May 10, 4:15--6:15pm}}} \bigskip \parindent=0pt {\bf 1.} {\sl (20 points)}\smallskip {(a)} Find all incongruent solutions of the congruence $36x\equiv 44 \pmod{88}$.\smallskip {(b)} Find the two rightmost digits of the base ten expression of the number $3^{1000}$.\medskip {\bf 2.} {\sl (30 points)}\smallskip {(a)} Show that $a=21\equiv -2$ is a primitive root modulo $p=23$ .\smallskip {(b)} Construct a table of indices modulo $23$ with $a$ as base. \smallskip {(c)} Use the table of indices from (b) to determine all incongruent solutions of the congruence $5x^{19}\equiv 7\pmod{23}$.\medskip {\bf 3.} {\sl (20 points)}\smallskip {(a)} Determine whether $51$ is a quadratic residue modulo the prime $103$. \smallskip {(b)} Use the law of quadratic reciprocity to describe for which primes $p$ the number $5$ is a quadratic residue modulo $p$. \medskip{\bf 4.} {\sl (20 points)}\smallskip {(a)} The numbers $p=1019$ and $q=1021$ are primes. Determine which of the following integers are expressible as a sum of two squares: $p$, $q$, $p^3q^5$, $p^2q^5$ and $p^3q^2$.\smallskip {(b)} Find a Pythagorean triple $(a,b,c)$ of integers, $c^2=a^2+b^2$, with $c=41$. Is there a Pythagorean triple $(a,b,c)$ with $c=43$? Explain. \medskip {\bf 5.} {\sl (30 points)}\smallskip (a) Use the line through the points $(-2,1)$ and $(1,2)$ on the elliptic curve $E:y^2=x^3-2x+5$ to produce a third rational point on $E$.\smallskip(b) Consider the following proceedure: take a point $P=(a,b)$ on $E$, find by calculus the equation of the tangent line $T$ to $E$ at $P$, and let $Q$ denote the point of intersection of $T$ with $E$ satisfying $Q\neq P$. Find $Q$ if $P=(-2,1)$. Try to explain why this proceedure always gives a rational point $Q$ when $P$ is rational. \smallskip (c) Calculate the number of points on the elliptic curve $E \pmod 5$.\smallskip \medskip {\bf 6.} {\sl (30 points)} The cubes modulo $7$ are $0$, $1$ and $6$ since $0^3\equiv 0$, $1^3\equiv 2^3\equiv 4^3\equiv 1\pmod 7$ and $3^3\equiv 5^3\equiv 6^3\equiv 6\pmod 7$. Let $c_p$ denote the number of cubes modulo $p$ i.e. $c_p$ is the number of distinct values of $x^3\pmod p$. So, for example, $c_7=3$. \smallskip {(a)} Calculate $c_p$ for $p=2$, $3$, $5$, $7$, $ 11$ and $13$. \smallskip {(b)} Try to guess a formula for $c_p$, for all prime numbers $p\neq 3$. (Your answer should have two cases, depending on whether $p\equiv 1\pmod 3$ or $p\equiv 2\pmod 3$. You may need to compute $c_p$ for more primes.) \smallskip {(c)} Try to prove that your formula in (b) is correct. \medskip \vfill\eject\bye