\magnification=\magstep1 {\bf{\centerline{ Math 431 Problem Set 2}}} \bigskip \parindent=0pt {\bf Figurate numbers}\smallskip {\bf1.} Write down the first ten triangular numbers, squares, pentagonal numbers, hexagonal numbers. Write down the sum of the first $k$ cubes, from $k=1$ to $k=10$.\smallskip {\bf 2.} Find a formula for the $n$-th triangular number, the $n$-th pentagonal number, the $n$-th hexagonal number, the $n$-th $k$-gonal number. \smallskip \smallskip {\bf{3.}} Find and prove a relationship between the square numbers and the sums of two consecutive triangular numbers.\smallskip {\bf 4.} Find and prove a relationship between triangular numbers, square numbers and the sum of the first $k$ cubes.\smallskip {\bf 5.} Is three times a pentagonal number always a triangular number?\smallskip {\bf 6.} Determine which hexagonal numbers are also triangular numbers. \smallskip {\bf 7.} Ex 1.1 The first two numbers which are both squares and triangles are $1$ and $36$. Find the next one, and if possible, the one after that. Can you figure out a way to efficiently find square-triangular numbers? Do you think that there are infinitely many? \smallskip {\bf Numerical Problems}\smallskip {\bf 8.} Write down some of the multiples of $6$ and some of the multiples of $8$. Determine which integers can be expressed as $6x+8y$ for integers $x$, $y$. \smallskip {\bf 9.} Ex 6.1: {\bf 10.} Ex 6.2: {\bf Exploration: Continued fractions and Euclid's Algorithm} \smallskip {\bf 11.} (a) Consider the ``magic table'' $$\matrix{\ &\ &2 &1&5&2\cr 0&1&2&3&17&37\cr 1&0&1&1&6&13}$$ Calculate the determinants of all the $2\times 2$-matrices consisting of the entries in two consecutive columns of the two bottom rows. What do you notice? Can you prove it holds for any magic table? Write down integers $x$, $y$ satisfying $37x+13y=1$. (b) Use Euclids algorithm to find the gcd of $37$ and $13$. Use the results of this algorithm to show that $$37/13=2+{1\over{1+{1\over{5+{1\over 2}}}}}$$ (this is called a simple continued fraction for $37/13$). The fractions $2+{1\over{1+{1\over{5}}}}$, $2+{1\over{1}}$, $2$ are called the successive convergents to the fraction $37/13$. Can you explain the relationship of the convergents to the magic table in (a)? For each convergent $a/b$, calculate $37/13-a/b$. What do you notice? Can you prove it in general?\medskip {\bf 12. Egyptian fractions} The ancient Egyptians had symbols only for the unit fractions i.e. those with numerator $1$, so they represented other fractions as sums of unit fractions. The following procedure for writing a fraction in this way was apparently known to them. Choose a rational number $\alpha_0$ with $0<\alpha_0<1$. Let $n_1$ be the smallest positive integer such that $\alpha_1:= \alpha_0-{1\over{n_1}}\geq 0$. If $\alpha_1>0$, let $n_2$ be the smallest positive integer such that $\alpha_2:= \alpha_1-{1\over{n_2}}\geq 0$. Continue in this way to define $\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \alpha_3,\ldots $, as long as the $\alpha$'s are non-zero. For example, if $\alpha_0=4/5$, then $n_1=2$, $\alpha_1=4/5-1/2=3/10$, $n_2=4$ and $\alpha_2=3/10-1/4=1/20$, $n_3=20$, $\alpha_3=0$ and the process stops. Note this represents $4/5=1/2+1/4+1/20$ as a sum of unit fractions. \smallskip (a) Calculate the $\alpha_i$ beginning with some other values of $\alpha_0$. Does the process always seem to stop? If so, look carefully at your examples and try to explain why it stops. \smallskip (b) Use Mathematica or Maple to calculate the $\alpha_i$ for the following values of $\alpha_0$: $5/121$, $65/131$, $31/131$. %{\bf Ingenuity} \smallskip \bye