Math 468

Topics covered so far (old):

Open and closed sets in Euclidean space Rn.
Details: A subset U of Rn is open if for every point x in U, there is an open ball around x which is completely contained in U. More precisely, for every x in U, there is an epsilon > 0 so that the set
   Bepsilon (x) = {y : ||y-x|| < epsilon}
is contained in U. (Here, the double vertical bars mean the length of the vector y - x.)

A subset A of Rn is closed if its complement is not open.

After giving these definitions, I gave some examples. For instance, the ``closed unit interval'' [0,1] is closed as a subset of R; the ``open unit interval'' (0,1) is open as a subset of R, but not when viewed as a subset of R2.

Countable and uncountable sets
Details: A set X is countable if there is a one-to-one onto function (i.e., a bijection)
   f:Z --> X.
For example, the integers Z, the positive integers Z+, and the rational numbers Q are each countable.

A set X is uncountable if it is infinite and not countable. For example, the real numbers R, the closed interval [0,1], and the irrationals R - Q are each uncountable.

I discussed several facts, such as: between every two distinct rational numbers, there is an irrational number; and between every two distinct irrationals, there is a rational. Indeed, between every two distinct real numbers, there are countable many rationals and uncountably many irrationals.

Lastly, I gave some examples of irrational numbers, like e, pi, and the square root of 2. I proved that the square root of 2 is irrational.

Definition: a naive topological space is a subset of Rn.
Properties of open sets in Rn, properties of closed sets.
Details: Properties of open subsets of Rn: Similarly: Properties of closed subsets of Rn: We proved the properties of open sets using the definition of open set. We proved the properties of closed sets by using the properties of open sets, together with these formulas: (In these formulas, the superscript ``c'' denotes the complement. There are similar formulas for unions and intersections of any number of elements, finite or infinite.)
Open, closed subsets in an arbitrary naive topological space.
Details: Let X be a naive topological space; in particular, suppose that X is a subset of Rn. Then a subset U of X is open if U can be written as an intersection of an open set in Rn with X: Alternatively, U is open in X if for every point in U, there is an ``open ball'' in X around that point which is contained in U: As examples, we've looked at the topological spaces [0,1) (as a subset of R2), Z (as a subset of R), Q (as a subset of R), and ([0,1] Union {3}) (as a subset of R).
Details: A topological space X is connected if the only subsets of X which are both open and closed are X and the empty set. (In other words, no nonempty proper subset of X is both open and closed.) For example, R is connected, as is Rn for any positive n (this is homework). Z is far from connected; Q is not connected, either, nor is ([0,1] Union {3}).

From the homework: if f: X -> Y is a continuous function and if X is connected, then f(X) is connected. As a result, you get the ``intermediate value theorem'' from calculus.

Details: Given a topological space X and a point x in X, a neighborhood of x is an open subset (of X) containing x. [Warning: some people use ``neighborhood'' to mean any set N containing an open set which contains x.]
Limit points.
Details: Given a topological space X and a subset A of X, a point y of X is a limit point of A if every neighborhood of y contains a point z (different from y) with z in A. For example, when X=R, then 0 is a limit point of the open interval (0,1). Indeed, [0,1] is the set of limit points of (0,1). [0,1] is also the set of limit points for ([0,1] Union {3}). The set of integers (as a subset of R) has no limit points. I then showed that a subset A of X is closed if and only if A contains all of its limit points.
Continuous functions.
Details: Given two topological spaces X and Y, a function f: X -> Y is continuous at a point b in X if for every epsilon > 0, there is a delta > 0 so that whenever ||c-b|| < delta, then ||f(c)-f(b)|| < epsilon. For example, any constant function is continuous, as are composites of continuous functions, identity functions, inclusion functions, and all of the familiar functions from calculus (wherever they are defined).
Details: Two topological spaces X and Y are homeomorphic if there are continuous functions f: X -> Y and g: Y -> X which are inverses to each other: f(g(y))=y for every y in Y, and g(f(x))=x for every x in X. For example, every open interval in R is homeomorphic to (0,1), and also homeomorphic to R itself. Note that if X and Y are homeomorphic, then the functions f and g establish a bijection between X and Y, so that in particular X and Y have the same cardinality. For instance, if X is countable and Y isn't, then X and Y can't be homeomorphic.

The basic idea in topology is to study properties of topological spaces which are ``invariant under homeomorphism''; said differently, spaces which are homeomorphic are indistinguishable to a topologist. From the example of open intervals in R, it should be clear that certain notions of size are not important. Indeed, since (0,1) is homeomorphic to (0,2), length is not of interest to topologists. Since (0,1) is homeomorphic to R, then boundedness is not of interest, either. On the other hand, the rationals Q cannot be homeomorphic to the irrational R - Q, since the former is countable and the latter is uncountable. This sort of ``size'' is important.

I discussed an example in some detail: let S1 denote the unit circle in the complex plane, and consider the function f: [0,1) -> S1, defined by

(Here, `exp' denotes the exponential function and `pi' stands for the eponymous Greek letter.) The function f is continuous, and it is also a bijection; one can describe it as ``wrapping the half-open unit interval around the circle.'' Since it is a bijection, it has a unique inverse; this inverse takes a point cos (2 pi t) + i sin (2 pi t) to the number t. This is not continuous at the point 1 in the complex plane (the point corresponding to the angle 0), and therefore f is not a homeomorphism.
Images, preimages, continuity.
Details: Given a function f: X-> Y and a subset A of X, the image of A is the following subset of Y: In other words, the image of A is the set of all points in Y that are hit by points of A. Given a subset B of Y, the preimage of B is the following subset of X: In other words, this is the set of all points that land in B after applying the function f. Note that the preimage is always defined: the function f does not need to have an inverse function.

For example, consider the function f: R -> R defined by f(x)=x2. The image of the set [-1,1] is the set of all numbers you get when you square the numbers in [-1,1]. In other words, f([-1,1]) = [0,1]. Similarly, the image of (-1,1) is f((-1,1)) = [0,1), and f([-2,-1]) = [1,4]. The preimage of [0,9] is the set of all numbers whose squares lie between 0 and 9; hence, f-1([0,9]) = [-3,3]. Since no (real) numbers have negative squares, f-1([-8,-5]) is the empty set. Also, f-1({4}) = {-2,2}, since each of the numbers -2 and 2 have square 4.

In this example, the function f(x) is neither one-to-one nor onto, so it does not have an inverse function. I can still talk about the preimages of subsets of R, though. Since f(x) is not onto, there are subsets whose preimage is empty. Since f(x) is not one-to-one, there are single points (like 4) whose preimage consists of more than one point. If the function f(x) did have an inverse, i.e., if f(x) were a bijection, then every nonempty subset of the range would have a nonempty preimage, and the preimage of each point would consist of a single point.

Important fact: A function f:X -> Y is continuous if and only if the preimage of every open set in Y is open in X (i.e., for every open set U in Y, f-1(U) is open in X). This is true if and only if the preimage of every closed set is closed. This is very important; we could have defined continuity this way, purely in terms of open sets (or in terms of closed sets)--we didn't have to use epsilons and deltas.

Open covers, compact sets.
Details: given a subset A of a topological space X, an open cover of A is a collection of open sets whose union contains A. A finite subcover is a finite subcollection of these open sets whose union still contains A.

For example, if I look at the set (0,1) in R, one open cover would be the collection of all balls of radius 1/5 around the rational numbers between 0 and 1 (i.e., all balls of the form B1/5(r) where r is a rational in (0,1)). There are certainly infinitely many such balls, but this also has a finite subcover: the particular balls centered at 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, and 4/5 cover the whole open interval (0,1). Another open cover of (0,1) consists of balls centered at 0 with radii 1/2, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, .... Every point between 0 and 1 is contained in at least one of these balls, and so (0,1) is contained in the union. On the other hand, this does not have a finite subcover.

The subset A of X is compact if every open cover has a finite subcover. For example, (0,1) is not compact, because I just told you an open cover that didn't have a finite subcover.

Theorem (Heine-Borel). Every closed interval [a,b] is compact.

I presented a proof of this. More generally:

Theorem. Every closed ``rectangle'' in Rn is compact.

Here are some properties of compact sets:

  1. If X is a compact space and A is a closed subset of X, then A is compact.
  2. Therefore if A is a closed and bounded subset of Rn, then A is compact.
  3. If X is a naive topological space and A is a compact subset of X, then A is closed.
  4. Therefore if A is a compact subset of Rn, then A is closed and bounded.
  5. If f:X -> Y is a continuous function and if X is compact, then f(X) is compact.
  6. As a result, you get the ``extreme value theorem'' from calculus.
A space-filling curve.
Details: I described a construction of a continuous surjective function f: [0,1] -> T, where T is an equilateral triangle. f was defined to be the limit of a sequence of functions fn, where fn is constructed recursively from fn-1.
Details: I defined the notion of surface, I gave some examples (the sphere, the torus, the torus with n hole, the projective plane, the Klein bottle), I discussed orientability, and I gave a classification of compact surfaces, in the orientable case and in general.

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John H. Palmieri, Department of Mathematics, University of Notre Dame,