% exam.cls % % A LaTeX2e document class for preparing exams. % % Written by Philip Hirschhorn \def\fileversion{2.0} \def\filedate{1997/04/06} %--------------------------------------------------------------------- %--------------------------------------------------------------------- % PLEASE DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES TO THIS FILE! % % If you wish to make changes to this file, rename this file % to something other than exam.cls BEFORE YOU MAKE THE CHANGES! % % If there's some feature that you'd like that this file doesn't % provide, tell me about it. % % Philip Hirschhorn % Department of Mathematics % Wellesley College % Wellesley, MA 02181 % psh@math.mit.edu % phirschhorn@wellesley.edu % (617) 283-3116 % % % % The user documentation for exam.cls is in the file examdoc.tex. % % % Thanks to: % % Piet van Oostrum, from whose excellent ``fancyheadings.sty'' we % shamelessly stole most of the code for setting the headers and % footers. % % Mate Wierdl , who contributed the % code so that if the number of points is ``1'', then the default % value of \pointname will print ``1 point'' instead of ``1 points''. % % Tom Brikowski , who contributed the code for % making the number of points and number of questions available as % macros (as well as the idea of putting the number of points in a % box, instead of in parentheses). (I changed his code to make this % all optional, so if there are errors there, it's my fault and not % his.) % %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{exam}[\filedate\space Version \fileversion\space by Philip Hirschhorn] \RequirePackage{ifthen} \DeclareOption*{% \PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article}% } \ProcessOptions \LoadClass{article} % ***************** % ** PAGE LAYOUT ** % ***************** \setlength{\textwidth}{6.5in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0pt} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0pt} \setlength{\headheight}{15pt} \setlength{\headsep}{15pt} \setlength{\topmargin}{0in} \addtolength{\topmargin}{-\headheight} \addtolength{\topmargin}{-\headsep} \setlength{\textheight}{8.8in} \setlength{\footskip}{29pt} \setlength{\marginparwidth}{.5in} \setlength{\marginparsep}{5pt} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % **************** % ** EXTRAWIDTH ** % **************** \newlength\@extrawidth % We put the argument of \extrawidth into a length so that it will % work correctly even if it's negative: \def\extrawidth#1{% \@extrawidth=#1 \advance \textwidth by \@extrawidth \divide\@extrawidth by 2 \advance\oddsidemargin by -\@extrawidth \advance\evensidemargin by -\@extrawidth } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Making room for large headers and footers % The following are used to save the effect of any changes to % \topmargin and \textheight caused by \extraheadheight or % \extrafootheight commands. They hold the value given in the most % recent command. We put them into a length so that it will work % correctly even if the argument is negative: \newlength\@extrahead \newlength\@extrafoot \setlength{\@extrahead}{0in} \setlength{\@extrafoot}{0in} \def\extraheadheight{% \@ifnextchar[{\@doextraheads}% {\@setheadheight}% } \def\@doextraheads[#1]#2{% \@setheadheight{#1}% \@appendoutput{\ifnum\thepage=2\@setheadheight{#2}\fi}% } \def\extrafootheight{% \@ifnextchar[{\@doextrafeet}% {\@setfootheight}% } \def\@doextrafeet[#1]#2{% \@setfootheight{#1}% \@appendoutput{\ifnum\thepage=2\@setfootheight{#2}\fi}% } \def\@appendoutput#1{% \output=\expandafter{\the\output #1}% } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \setheadheight and \setfootheight: \def\@setheadheight#1{% \begingroup % Avoid trouble from using \@temp and \@spaces % Reset the effect of the most recent change: \global\advance\topmargin by -\@extrahead \global\advance\textheight by \@extrahead % Save the newly set value: \def\@temp{#1} \def\@spaces{ } \ifx\@temp\@empty \global\@extrahead=0in \else \ifx\@temp\@spaces \global\@extrahead=0in \else \global\@extrahead=#1 \fi \fi % Set the new values: \global\advance\topmargin by \@extrahead \global\advance\textheight by -\@extrahead % Make it take effect RIGHT NOW!: % (The following stuff isn't necessary if \@setheadheight is % executed only in the preamble or as we return from the output % routine, but we're leaving it in so that this will still work if % we use this at some random point in the middle of composing a % page). \global\@colht=\textheight \global\@colroom=\textheight \global\vsize=\textheight \global\pagegoal=\textheight \endgroup } \def\@setfootheight#1{% \begingroup % Avoid trouble from using \@temp and \@spaces % Reset the effect of the most recent change: \global\advance\textheight by \@extrafoot % Save the newly set value: \def\@temp{#1} \def\@spaces{ } \ifx\@temp\@empty \global\@extrafoot=0in \else \ifx\@temp\@spaces \global\@extrafoot=0in \else \global\@extrafoot=#1 \fi \fi % Set the new values: \global\advance\textheight by -\@extrafoot % Make it take effect RIGHT NOW!: % (The following stuff isn't necessary if \@setfootheight is % executed only in the preamble or as we return from the output % routine, but we're leaving it in so that this will still work if % we use this at some random point in the middle of composing a % page). \global\@colht=\textheight \global\@colroom=\textheight \global\vsize=\textheight \global\pagegoal=\textheight \endgroup } %--------------------------------------------------------------------- % % ************************* % ** HEADERS AND FOOTERS ** % ************************* % % The pagestyles available are head, foot, headandfoot, and empty. % \pagestyle{head} prints the head, and gives an empty foot. % \pagestyle{foot} prints the foot, and gives an empty head. % \pagestyle{headandfoot} prints both the head and the foot. % \pagestyle{empty} gives an empty head and an empty foot. % % Pagestyles: \def\ps@head{% \@dohead \@nofoot } \def\ps@headandfoot{% \@dohead \@dofoot } \def\ps@foot{% \@nohead \@dofoot } \def\ps@empty{% \@nohead \@nofoot } \def\@dohead{% \def\@oddhead{% \ifnum\value{page}=1 \@fullhead \else \r@fullhead \fi }% @oddhead \let\@evenhead=\@oddhead } \def\@dofoot{% \def\@oddfoot{% \ifnum\value{page}=1 \@fullfoot \else \r@fullfoot \fi }% @oddfoot \let\@evenfoot=\@oddfoot } \def\@nohead{% \def\@oddhead{}% \let\@evenhead=\@oddhead } \def\@nofoot{% \def\@oddfoot{}% \let\@evenfoot=\@oddfoot } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \@fullhead, \r@fullhead, \@fullfoot, and \r@fullfoot: \def\@fullhead{% \vbox to \headheight{% \vss \hbox to \textwidth{% \rm\rlap{\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\raggedright\@lhead\strut}}% \hss\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\centering\@chead\strut}\hss \llap{\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\raggedleft\@rhead\strut}}% }% hbox \if@headrule \hrule \else % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant: \hrule width 0pt \fi }% vbox } \def\r@fullhead{% \vbox to \headheight{% \vss \hbox to \textwidth{% \rm\rlap{\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\raggedright\r@lhead\strut}}% \hss\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\centering\r@chead\strut}\hss \llap{\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\raggedleft\r@rhead\strut}}% }% hbox \ifr@headrule \hrule \else % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant: \hrule width 0pt \fi }% vbox } % We arrange it so that the very top of first line of text in the % foot is at a fixed position on the page, whether or not there's % a footrule: \def\@fullfoot{% \vbox to 0pt{% \if@footrule \hrule \else % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant: \hrule width 0pt \fi \vskip 3pt \hbox to \textwidth{% \rm\rlap{\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\raggedright\@lfoot}}% \hss\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\centering\@cfoot}\hss \llap{\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\raggedleft\@rfoot}}% }% hbox \vss }% vbox } \def\r@fullfoot{% \vbox to 0pt{% \ifr@footrule \hrule \else % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant: \hrule width 0pt \fi \vskip 3pt \hbox to \textwidth{% \rm\rlap{\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\raggedright\r@lfoot}}% \hss\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\centering\r@cfoot}\hss \llap{\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\raggedleft\r@rfoot}}% }% hbox \vss }% vbox } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % % ******************************************** % ** COMMANDS TO DEFINE HEADERS AND FOOTERS ** % ******************************************** % % \lhead[#1]{#2} sets the first page left head to #1, and the % running left head to #2 % % \lhead{#1} sets both the first page left head and the running % left head to #1 % % \chead, \rhead, \lfoot, \cfoot, and \rfoot work similarly. % % % \@lhead is the left head for Page 1 % \r@lhead is the running left head % (i.e., for all pages other than the first) % % \@chead is the center head for Page 1 % \r@chead is the running center head % (i.e., for all pages other than the first) % % etc. % % Alternative commands are: % \firstpageheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % \runningheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % or % \header{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % which is equivalent to the two commands % \firstpageheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % \runningheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % % Alternative commands are: % \firstpagefooter{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % \runningfoother{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % or % \footer{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % which is equivalent to the two commands % \firstpagefooter{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % \runningfoother{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} \def\firstpageheader#1#2#3{% \def\@lhead{#1}% \def\@chead{#2}% \def\@rhead{#3}% } \def\runningheader#1#2#3{% \def\r@lhead{#1}% \def\r@chead{#2}% \def\r@rhead{#3}% } \def\header#1#2#3{% \firstpageheader{#1}{#2}{#3}% \runningheader{#1}{#2}{#3}% } \def\firstpagefooter#1#2#3{% \def\@lfoot{#1}% \def\@cfoot{#2}% \def\@rfoot{#3}% } \def\runningfooter#1#2#3{% \def\r@lfoot{#1}% \def\r@cfoot{#2}% \def\r@rfoot{#3}% } \def\footer#1#2#3{% \firstpagefooter{#1}{#2}{#3}% \runningfooter{#1}{#2}{#3}% } \def\lhead{\@ifnextchar[{\@xlhead}{\@ylhead}} \def\@xlhead[#1]#2{\def\@lhead{#1}\def\r@lhead{#2}} \def\@ylhead#1{\def\r@lhead{#1}\def\@lhead{#1}} \def\chead{\@ifnextchar[{\@xchead}{\@ychead}} \def\@xchead[#1]#2{\def\@chead{#1}\def\r@chead{#2}} \def\@ychead#1{\def\r@chead{#1}\def\@chead{#1}} \def\rhead{\@ifnextchar[{\@xrhead}{\@yrhead}} \def\@xrhead[#1]#2{\def\@rhead{#1}\def\r@rhead{#2}} \def\@yrhead#1{\def\r@rhead{#1}\def\@rhead{#1}} \def\lfoot{\@ifnextchar[{\@xlfoot}{\@ylfoot}} \def\@xlfoot[#1]#2{\def\@lfoot{#1}\def\r@lfoot{#2}} \def\@ylfoot#1{\def\r@lfoot{#1}\def\@lfoot{#1}} \def\cfoot{\@ifnextchar[{\@xcfoot}{\@ycfoot}} \def\@xcfoot[#1]#2{\def\@cfoot{#1}\def\r@cfoot{#2}} \def\@ycfoot#1{\def\r@cfoot{#1}\def\@cfoot{#1}} \def\rfoot{\@ifnextchar[{\@xrfoot}{\@yrfoot}} \def\@xrfoot[#1]#2{\def\@rfoot{#1}\def\r@rfoot{#2}} \def\@yrfoot#1{\def\r@rfoot{#1}\def\@rfoot{#1}} % Initialize head and foot: \pagestyle{headandfoot} \lhead{} \chead{} \rhead{} \lfoot{} \cfoot[]{Page \thepage} \rfoot{} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Headrules and footrules: \newif\if@headrule \newif\ifr@headrule \def\firstpageheadrule{\@headruletrue} \def\nofirstpageheadrule{\@headrulefalse} \def\runningheadrule{\r@headruletrue} \def\norunningheadrule{\r@headrulefalse} \def\headrule{\@headruletrue\r@headruletrue} \def\noheadrule{\@headrulefalse\r@headrulefalse} \newif\if@footrule \newif\ifr@footrule \def\firstpagefootrule{\@footruletrue} \def\nofirstpagefootrule{\@footrulefalse} \def\runningfootrule{\r@footruletrue} \def\norunningfootrule{\r@footrulefalse} \def\footrule{\@footruletrue\r@footruletrue} \def\nofootrule{\@footrulefalse\r@footrulefalse} % Initialize: \noheadrule \nofootrule %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \numpages, \iflastpage, and \oddeven % Also: \numpoints, \numquestions, \numparts, and \numsubparts % Make the number of pages available as the macro \numpages, % the number of points as \numpoints, % the number of questions as \numquestions, % the number of parts as \numparts, and % the number of subparts as \numsubparts \def\numpages{\pageref{@lastpage}} \def\numpoints{\pageref{@numpoints}} \def\numquestions{\pageref{@numquestions}} \def\numparts{\pageref{@numparts}} \def\numsubparts{\pageref{@numsubparts}} %%%\let\@realenddocument=\enddocument %%%\def\enddocument{\clearpage %%% \if@filesw %%% {\advance\c@page-1 \immediate\write\@mainaux %%% {\string\newlabel{@lastpage}{{}{\arabic{page}}}}% %%% } %%% \fi %%% \@realenddocument %%%} \AtEndDocument{\clearpage \if@filesw {\advance\c@page-1 \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\newlabel{@lastpage}{{}{\arabic{page}}}}% \advance\c@page+1 % In case some other package looks at \c@page \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\newlabel{@numpoints}{{}{\thenumpoints}}}% \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\newlabel{@numquestions}{{}{\thenumquestions}}}% \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\newlabel{@numparts}{{}{\thenumparts}}}% \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\newlabel{@numsubparts}{{}{\thenumsubparts}}}% } \fi % Echo numbers of questions, parts, and subparts: \typeout{This exam contains \thenumquestions\space questions with \thenumparts\space parts and \thenumsubparts\space subparts.} % If counting points, echo total points: \if@printtotalpoints \typeout{This exam has a total of \thenumpoints\space points.} \fi } % We define \iflastpage so that it can safely be used % in headers and footers: \def\iflastpage#1#2{% \@ifundefined{r@@lastpage}{\def\@@lastpage{-1}}% {\edef\@@lastpage{\expandafter\@cdr\r@@lastpage\@nil}}% \ifnum\value{page}=\@@lastpage #1% \else #2% \fi } % The macro \oddeven takes two arguments. If the page number is odd, % then you get the first argument; otherwise, you get the second % argument. \def\oddeven#1#2{% \ifodd\value{page}% #1 \else #2 \fi } %--------------------------------------------------------------------- % % *************************** % ** QUESTION ENVIRONMENTS ** % *************************** % % % % We define the command \part only inside of a parts environment, % so that we don't interfere with the meaning of the standard % article documentclass command \part if that is used inside of a % questions environment. The commands \question and \subpart are % defined everywhere inside of a questions environment. (If the % user accidentally gives a \subpart command outside of a subparts % environment, then a warning will be printed, and the \subpart % command will be treated as either a \question command or a % \part command (depending on the current environment). % We use the counter name `partno' for the parts environment so that % we will not interfere with the counter `part' used by the article % document class. %%%\@definecounter{question} %%%\@definecounter{partno} %%%\@definecounter{subpart} \newcounter{question} \newcounter{partno} \newcounter{subpart} \newcounter{numpoints} \newcounter{numquestions} \newcounter{numparts} \newcounter{numsubparts} \newenvironment{questions}% {\def\@queslevel{question}% \def\question{% \@checkqueslevel{question}% \addtocounter{numquestions}{1}% \@doitem }% \def\subpart{% \@checkqueslevel{subpart}% \addtocounter{numsubparts}{1}% \@doitem }% \list{\thequestion.}% {\usecounter{question}\def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}% \def\thequestion{\arabic{question}}% \settowidth{\leftmargin}{10.\hskip\labelsep} \labelwidth\leftmargin\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \partopsep=0pt }% }% {\endlist} \newenvironment{parts}% {\def\@queslevel{part}% \def\part{% \@checkqueslevel{part}% \addtocounter{numparts}{1}% \@doitem }% \list{(\thepartno)}% {\usecounter{partno}\def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}% \def\thepartno{\alph{partno}}% \settowidth{\leftmargin}{(m)\hskip\labelsep} \labelwidth\leftmargin\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep=0pt \partopsep=0pt }% }% {\endlist} \newenvironment{subparts}% {\def\@queslevel{subpart}% \list{\thesubpart.}% {\usecounter{subpart}\def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}% \def\thesubpart{\roman{subpart}}% \settowidth{\leftmargin}{vii.\hskip\labelsep} \labelwidth\leftmargin\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep=0pt \partopsep=0pt }% }% {\endlist} \def\@checkqueslevel#1{% \begingroup \def\@temp{#1}% \ifx\@temp\@queslevel % Everything's fine; do nothing. \else \@warning{I found a #1 where I expected to find a \@queslevel} \fi \endgroup } \def\@doitem{\@ifnextchar[{\@readpoints}{\item\@setpoints}} \def\@readpoints[#1]{% \edef\@points{#1}% \@placepointstrue \if@addpoints \addtocounter{numpoints}{\@points} \fi \item \@setpoints } \def\@setpoints{% % The \item command sets \everypar so that the first time we enter % horizontal mode (which will cause \everypar to be added to the % paragraph), the label (or labels, if, e.g., a \question begins % with a parts environment) will be placed on the page, a couple % of other bookkeeping chores are done, and then \everypar is % set to the empty token string (so that none of this will be % repeated for the following paragraphs). % % We check to see if there are points to be placed for this item. % if so, we append either % \llap{(\@points)\hskip\@totalleftmargin\hskip\marginpointssep}% % \@placepointsfalse % or % (\@points\@pointname)\enspace\@placepointsfalse % to \everypar, so that the number of points will be set whenever % we first enter horizontal mode, and the flag to set points will % be turned off. (Actually, that's what we do if \if@boxedpoints is % false; if it's true, we do the analgoous thing with commands that % use \fbox instead of parentheses.) (Resetting the flag is put % into \everypar so that if another \item is encounteres before we % actually enter horizontal mode, we'll put this back into the new % version of \everypar that will be created by that \item.) \if@placepoints \if@pointsinmargin \if@boxedpoints \everypar=\expandafter{\the\everypar \llap{\fbox{\@points\@marginpointname}\hskip\@totalleftmargin \hskip\marginpointssep}% \@placepointsfalse}% \else \everypar=\expandafter{\the\everypar \llap{(\@points\@marginpointname)\hskip\@totalleftmargin \hskip\marginpointssep}% \@placepointsfalse}% \fi \else \if@boxedpoints \everypar=\expandafter{\the\everypar \fbox{\@points\@pointname}\enspace\@placepointsfalse}% \else \everypar=\expandafter{\the\everypar (\@points\@pointname)\enspace\@placepointsfalse}% \fi \fi \fi }% @setpoints \newif\if@placepoints \@placepointsfalse % If the user says \pointsinmargin, then the distance from % the right parentheses enclosing the points to the left margin % will be \marginpointssep: \newskip\marginpointssep \setlength{\marginpointssep}{5pt} \newif\if@pointsinmargin \def\pointsinmargin{\global\@pointsinmargintrue} \def\nopointsinmargin{\global\@pointsinmarginfalse} \@pointsinmarginfalse \newif\if@boxedpoints \def\boxedpoints{\global\@boxedpointstrue} \def\noboxedpoints{\global\@boxedpointsfalse} \@boxedpointsfalse \def\pointname#1{\gdef\@pointname{#1}} % Initialize to leave a space, and then the word `points': %%\pointname{ points} % The following improvement was contributed by % Mate Wierdl % If the number of points is ``1'', then the default value of % \pointname will print `` point'' instead of `` points'' (and this % version of the command doesn't generate an error message if the % points entry is something other than a number): \pointname{ \ifthenelse{\equal{\@points}{1}}{point}{points}} % If we used the following line instead, then you'd get an error % message if the point value contained something other than a valid % integer: %\pointname{ \ifthenelse{\@points = 1}{point}{points}} % \@marginpointname is used in place of \@pointname if % \@pointsinmargin is true: \def\marginpointname#1{\gdef\@marginpointname{#1}} \marginpointname{} % The following keeps track of whether the user has requested that we % add up the points on the exam. We make the default false so that % users who put other than numbers into the points argument of a % question (or part, or subpart) won't get error messages. % We use \if@printtotalpoints as a flag to signal that we are counting % points, so that we will know to print the total on the screen (and % in the log file). We use this separate flag so that the user can % use both \addpoints and \noaddpoints to count some points and not % others, but still have the total printed when we finish the file no % matter what the state of \if@addpoints. \newif\if@addpoints \newif\if@printtotalpoints \def\addpoints{\global\@addpointstrue\global\@printtotalpointstrue} \def\noaddpoints{\global\@addpointsfalse} \@addpointsfalse \@printtotalpointsfalse %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \uplevel and \fullwidth: % \uplevel is used to print text at the indentation level of the % enclosing environment. For example, to precede a question with % directions about how that question should be answered, you would % say \uplevel{Answer this question correctly.} % % \fullwidth is similar, but uses the full page of text on the page. \long\def\uplevel#1{% \par\bigskip \vbox{% {} \advance\leftskip\@totalleftmargin \advance\leftskip-\leftmargin #1\par }% vbox \nobreak } \long\def\fullwidth#1{% \par\bigskip \vbox{% \leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt #1\par }% vbox \nobreak } %--------------------------------------------------------------------- \endinput %--------------------------------------------------------------------- %--------------------------------------------------------------------- %--------------------------------------------------------------------- %---------------------------------------------------------------------