Mathematics 468
Spring 1999

    LECTURE TIME AND PLACE: MWF 10:40-11:30, Nieuwland 182
    LECTURER: John Palmieri
              CCMB 205, 631-8846

OFFICE HOURS: Monday 9:30-10:30, 3:00-4:00 (or just drop by--I'm around a lot)


TEXT: A Combinatorial Introduction to Topology by M. Henle

EXAMINATIONS AND GRADING: There will be a one-hour exam and a final; there will also be regular homework assignments. The one-hour exam is worth 100 points, the final is worth 150 points, and the homework will count for 150 points, for a total of 400 points.

HOUR EXAM: date to be announced

FINAL EXAM: 8:00-10:00 am, Wednesday, May 5, location to be announced.

HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned frequently. Feel free to work with other people on your homework, but you must write your solutions yourself. Some class time will be spent going over homework problems; I will ask each of you to present solutions on the blackboard.

HONOR CODE: Exams and homework are conducted under the honor code. As mentioned above, cooperation on homework is permitted, but copying is not.

PLAN FOR THE COURSE: We will follow the book pretty closely.

Go to the Math 468 home page.

Go to John Palmieri's home page.

John H Palmieri
Wed Dec 9 12:46:34 EST 1998