Notre Dame geometry/topology summer undergraduate workshop "Part II"
When: Wed, Aug 2-Fri, Aug 4, 2017
Where: University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, Hayes-Healy Center 231
Contact: Mark Behrens and Gabor Szekelyhidi
Shuttle info: (for University of Chicago participants)
Shuttle ("Royal Excursion") will arrive Wed around 8:30am outside of Eckhart Hall on University Ave, and depart at 9:00am. Shuttle will depart Notre Dame at 4:00 pm on Friday.
- Wed, Aug 2:
- 1:20-2:30 - Stephan Stolz - Homology of surfaces
- 2:50-4:00 - Andy Putman - Covers and simple closed curves
- 4:30 - Undergraduate presentations:
- Francesca Falzon - On the Complexity of the Rooted Triples Problem
- Siddarth Kannan - Frobenius distributions in short intervals for elliptic curves
- Claudia Sofia Carillo Vazquez - The Sortability of Graphs and Matrices under Context Directed Swaps.
- Eric Chen - Geometry of the Affine Grassmannian
- Matt Schoenbauer - Relating TQFTs and Cut and Paste Invariants
- Anh Hoang Trong Nam - Einstein Equation and future directions in general relativity
- Matt Schoenbauer - Relating TQFTs and Cut and Paste Invariants
- Robert Green - Using sheaves to model natural language phenomena
- Thurs, Aug 3:
- 9:10-10:20 - Gabor Szekelyhidi - Closed geodesics and minimal surfaces
- 10:40-11:50 - Katrina Barron - Algebraic structures ``governed" by geometric surfaces and applications to string theory
- 1:20-2:30 - Chris Schommer-Pries - 2-Dimensional topological field theories and commutative frobenius algebra
- 2:50-4:00 - Matt Gursky - How to hear the topological and geometric properties of a manifold
- 4:30-6:00 - Problem session
- 6:00 - Cookout
- Fri, Aug 4:
- 9:00-10:10 - Jeff Diller - Rotation numbers, Thompson's group and dynamics of plane rational maps
- 10:30-11:40 - Richard Hind - Quantitative symplectic geometry
- 12:30-1:40 - Mark Behrens - K-theory (and beyond?)
- Problem session - 2:00-3:30
Abstracts of the talks.
Local Information: A map of Notre Dame. A list of dining options on and near campus (for lunch and dinner)
Hotel: Fairfield Inn and Suites