Michael Stephan Driscoll

Personal Profile

Date of Birth: May 11, 1951.

Ecclesiastical Status

Ordained to the Priesthood for the Diocese of Helena, MT, August 5, 1977.
Ordained to the Diaconate for the Diocese of Helena, MT, April 29, 1976.

Academic Employment

Associate Professor with Tenure
University of Notre Dame
2000 to present

Tisch Family College Assistant Professor
University of Notre Dame
1998 to 2000

Assistant Professor of Theology and Liturgy
University of Notre Dame
1995 to 2000

 Visiting Assistant Professor of Theology and Liturgy
University of Notre Dame

 Academic Sabbatical
Institute of Ecumenical Affairs
St. John's University, Collegeville

Visiting Professor Chalice of Repose Project
St. Patrick's Hospital
Missoula, MT 59801

 Theology Department Chair,
Carroll College
Helena, MT 59624
May 1988-1993

 Associate Professor of Theology with Tenure
Carroll College
Helena, MT 59624
Spring 1993-1995

 Episcopal vicar for Ecumenism
Diocese of Helena, MT 59625
July 1989-1994

 Visiting Assistant Professor of Sacramental Theology and Liturgy
Notre Dame University
Summers 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996

 Visiting Assistant Professor of Theology
Graduate School of Theology
Seton Hall University
Summers 1987-1989

 Tenured Assistant Professor of Theology
Carroll College
Helena, MT 59624
August 1986-1993

 Instructor of Theology
Carroll College
Helena, MT 59624
September 1980-May 1982


École Biblique et Archéologique Française
Couvent Saint-Etienne
6, Nablus Road
P. O. Box 19053
91190 Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Visiting Research Scholar, 1998.

Research topic "Liturgical and Ascetical Prayer at Byzantine St. Stephan's Monastery in Jerusalem," Fall, 1998.

Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research
University of St. John, Collegeville, MN 56321
Sabbatical as scholar-in-residence, 1993.
Research topic "The Form and the Function of Creeds and Creedal Formulae in Ecumenical Work," Fall, 1993.

L'Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)
1, rue Victor Cousin
75230 Paris Cedex 05, FRANCE
Doctorate (3rd cycle) in Religious Sciences.
Diploma granted with highest honors (très bien), 1986, dissertation directed by Dr. Pierre Riché.

L'Institut Catholique de Paris
21, rue d'Assas
75270 Paris Cedex 06, FRANCE
Doctorate (3rd cycle) in Theology (S.Th.D.) with a specialization in Liturgy and Sacramental Theology.
Diploma granted with highest honors (très bien), 1986, dissertation directed by Pierre-Marie Gy, O.P.
The "thèse conjointe" allowing for the double degree is entitled Alcuin et la pénitence à l'époque carolingienne.

Athanaeum of San Anselmo
Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, 5
00153 Rome, ITALY
S.Th.L. in Dogmatic Theology.
Diploma granted magna cum laude, 1980, tesina directed by G. Békés, O.S.B.
The tesina required for the S.Th.L. is entitled Teaching Authority and Infallibility in the Church: Lutherans and Catholics in Dialogue in the U.S.A.

Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Piazza della Pillota
00185 Rome, ITALY
Diploma granted cum laude, 1977.

While in Rome in the seminary, my residence was the North American College.

Carroll College
Helena, Montana 59625
B.A. in Philosophy

Diploma granted magna cum laude, 1969.

 Academic Teaching Experience

September 1994 to present
Assistant Professor of Theology
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN
courses taught:
Church and Worship (Undergraduate)
Christian Initiation (MA/MDiv)
Eucharist (MA/MDiv)
Liturgical Theology: Penance and Penitence (Ph.D. Seminar)
Medieval Liturgy (Ph.D. Seminar)

December 1992 and February 1993
Visiting Professor Chalice of Repose Project
St. Patrick's Hospital
Missoula, MT 59801
courses taught:
Interiority and Temperament
Psalmody and Prayer

August 1980 to May 1982 and
August 1986 to 1994
Carroll College
Helena, MT
courses taught:
Sacramental Theology
Foundational Theology
Patristic Theology
History of Christian Spirituality
Church and Worship
Protestant Theology and recent
Ecumenical Agreements
History of Christian Doctrine
Introduction to Biblical Studies
Reformation Theology
Music Appreciation

Summers 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996
Graduate School of Theology
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN
courses taught:
Music in the Rites (1990)
Liturgical History (1992)
Eucharistic Theology (1994, 1996)

Summers 1987 to 1989
Graduate School of Theology
Seton Hall University
South Orange, NJ
courses taught:
Eucharistic Theology (1987)
Theology of Liturgy (1988)
Sacraments of Vocation (1989)

Recent Awards, Grants, Fellowships, & Honors:

Recipient of ISLA Foreign Travel Award – Societas Liturgica meeting in Reims, France, Aug 8-13, 2011.

Elected an officer and president-elect of the Catholic Academy of Liturgy (CAL) for a three-year term at its annual meeting in Milwaukee, WI, Jan 7, 2010.

Recipient of ISLA Foreign Travel Award – Societas Liturgica meeting in Sydney, Australia, Aug 10-15, 2009.

International Advisory Board for the journal Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 2008.

Co-recipient of ISLA Grant to host annual meeting for Forum on Music and Christian Scholarship  (co-sponsored with the Theology Department, the Music Department and the Graduate School), Feb 27-28, 2009.

Recipient of ISLA Foreign Travel Award – Societas Liturgica meeting in Palermo, Italy, Aug 6-11 ,2007.

Elected to the Council of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians (chair of the education committee) for a four-year term, 2006.

Recipient of ISLA Foreign Travel Award – Societas Liturgica meeting in Dresden, GERMANY, Aug 7-13,  2005.

Recipient of ISLA Foreign Travel Award – Societas Liturgica meeting in Eindhoven, NETHERLANDS, Aug 10-16,  2003.

Elected member to the Council of the Societas Liturgica, 2001-2007.

Vice-President (2001) and President (2002) of the North American Academy of Liturgy.

Co-recipient of ISLA grant for College of Arts and Letters Young Scholar Series to host Raúl Gómez, SDS, Feb 21, 2001.

Recipient of Henkels Grant to plan and host symposium co-sponsored with the Institute for Church Life and co-organized by the Notre Dame Theology Department and the Notre Dame School of Architecture on Cathedrals for a New Century, Oct 21-23, 2001.

Recipient of ISLA Foreign Travel Award - meeting in Kottayam, INDIA, 1999.

Co-recipient of Lilly Theological Research Grant, principal investigator, 1999.

Recipient of ISLA Summer Graduate Research Fellowship in Arts and Letters, 1999.

Recipient of Tisch College Assistant Professorship, University of Notre Dame, 1998.

Research Scholar, École Biblique et Archéologique Française, Jerusalem, ISRAEL, 1998.

Co-recipient of Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts (ISLA) Multiyear Collaborative Research Grant Competition, co-principal investigator, 1997.

Recipient of Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts (ISLA) Foreign Travel Award, meeting in Åbo/Turku, FINLAND, 1997.

Recipient of Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts (ISLA) Publishing Subvention, University of Notre Dame, 1997.

Research Fellow in Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research, University of St. John, Collegeville, MN, 1993.

 Publications and Scholarly Papers


The Order of Mass: A Roman Missal Study Edition and Workbook, co-authored with J. Michael Joncas, Chicago: Liturgical Training Publications, 2011.

Alcuin et la pénitence à l'époque carolingienne, Liturgiewissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen 81, Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 1999.

Book Chapters:

“The Eucharist and Social Justice,” Sacraments and Justice, Doris Donnely, ed. Collegeville, The Liturgical Press, 2012.

“General Introduction,” The Liturgy Documents (5th ed), vols. 1-2. Chicago: Liturgical Training Publications, 2012.

“Church Architecture and Liturgy in the Carolingian Period,”  A Companion to the Eucharist in the Middle Ages, Ian Levy, Gary Macy and Kristen Van Ausdall, eds., Koninklijke Brill, Netherlands: Brill Academic Publications, 2011.

"The Conversion of the Nations," The Oxford History of Christian Worship, Geoffrey Wainwright and Karen Westerfield Tucker, eds, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

“Musical Mystagogy: Catechizing through the Sacred Arts,”  in Music in Christian Worship:  At the Service of the Liturgy, Charlotte Kroeker, ed., Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2005.

"Mozart and Catholic Marriage," The Art of Liturgy: Essays in Honor of Nathan Mitchell, Clare Johnson, ed., Chicago : Liturgy Training Program, 2003.

"The Many Modes of Christ’s Presence in the Revised Sacramentary," in The Many Presences of Christ, T. Fitzgerald  and D. Lysic, eds., Chicago: Liturgy Training Program, 1999.

"Liturgy and Devotions: Back to the Future?" in The Renewal That Awaits Us, E. Bernstein and M. Connell, eds., Chicago: Liturgical Training Program, 1997.

 "Penance in Transition: Popular Piety and Practice," in Medieval Liturgy, L. Larson-Miller, ed., New York: Garland Publishing, 1997.

 "From Faith Through Creed To Unity?: From Montreal to Santiago," Unum Omnes in Christo in Unitatis Servitio Miscellanea Gerardo J. Békés OSB, Ádám Somorjai OSB, ed., Pannonhalma: Bencés Fóapátság, 1995.

Refereed Article:

“Every Knee Shall Bend: Liturgical and Ascetical Prayer in V-VII Century Palestine,” co-authored with Susan Guise Sheridan, 2000 Worship 74.5: 453-468.

"The Seven Psalms of Penitence: Their Designation and Usage from "2000 Ecclesia Orans, 17.2: 153-201.

“Death, Dying and Burial: Liturgical Considerations from the Early Middle Ages,” 1999 The Jurist 59.1: 229-48.

 "Ad Pueros Sancti Martini: A Critical Edition, English Translation and Study of the Manuscript Transmission," 1998 Traditio  53: 37-61.

"The Baptism of Clovis and French Baptismal Consciousness," Proceedings of the North American Academy of Liturgy, Annual Meeting, Chicago, Jan 4-7, 1997, Valparaiso, IN: 133-45.

"The Precum Libelli and Carolingian Spirituality," Proceedings of the North American Academy of Liturgy, Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Jan 2-5, 1990, Valparaiso, IN: 68-76.

Solicited Articles:

“Ministering the Missal: Introductory and Concluding Rites,” 2011 Liturgical Ministry 20(Summer) 117-22.

“Preparing Musicians for Ministry,” 2008 Pastoral Music 33.2 (Dec) 28-29.

“The Liturgy and the Ars Celebrandi,” 2007  Pastoral Music 31.2  (Dec-Jan) 35-36

"Sending Us Forth: Eucharist, Mission and the Closing Rites," 2005 America 193.9 (Oct 3,) 20-22.

“Interview with Père Pierre-Marie Gy, OP,” Voices from the Council, Michael Prendergast & M. D. Ridge, eds., Pastoral Press, Portland, OR, 2004.

“Voices from the Council,” 2004 Today’s Liturgy (Feb-Jun), 12-13.

“AGO, CAL, CRCCM, Form/Reform, NAAL, NPM, SCL, Forum,” 2003 Today’s Liturgy (Sept-Nov), 21.

"Per Sora Nostra Morte Corporale: The Role of Medieval Women in Death and Burial Practices," 2001 Liturgical Ministry, 10 (Issue on Liturgy in Context), Winter: 14-22.

“Bread of Life: The Two Tables,” 2000 Assembly 26,5 Sept: 36-40.

"Symbol, Mystery, and Catechesis: Toward a Mystagogical  Approach," Liturgical Ministry, vol. 7 (Issue on Liturgy and Catechesis), 1998 Spring: 67-75.

"Sexuality and Spirituality in the Life of the Celibate," Chicago Studies, vol. 32, Nov 1993: 203-13.

"Sacramental Symbols in a Technological Age," Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture, 25: 1, 1990 Winter: 61-70.

Book Translations:

Sacraments: Revelation of the Humanity of God: Engaging the Fundamental Theology of Louis-Marie Chauvet. by Philippe Bordeyne and Bruce Morrill, eds., Pueblo, Collegeville, MN, 2008.

Comparative Study on the Process of Admission to Ordained Ministry, (vol. I) by James Puglisi, S.A., translated from French and edited, Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1996.

The Mass, by Lucien Deiss, translated from French and edited, Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1992.

Book Reviews:

The Mythological Traditions of Liturgical Drama: The Eucharist as Theater. Christine Schnusenberg in Theological Studies. (Mar 2011).

Sacraments: Revelation of the Humanity of God: Engaging the Fundamental Theology of Louis-Marie Chauvet,  Philippe Bordeyne and Bruce T. Morrill, eds in  Pastoral Liturgy 41(Nov-Dec 2010 ).

Un pionnier, dom Lambert Beauduin (1873-1960): Liturgie et Unité des chrétiens by Raymond Loonbeek and Jacques Mortiau.( 2 vols. ) in The Catholic Historical Review  94,4 (Oct 2008).

The Feast of Corpus Christi by Barbara R. Walters, Vincent Corrigan, and Peter T. Ricketts in The Catholic Historical Review  94,4 (Oct 2008).

Theology, Rhetoric, and Politics in the Eucharistic Controversy, 1078-1079: Alberic of Monte Cassino against Berengar  of Tours by Charles M. Radding and Francis Newton, Archa Verbi 2(2005).

Anamnesis as Dangerous Memory: Political and Liturgical Theology in Dialogue, by Bruce T. Morrill, S.J., Theological Studies 62.4(Dec. 2001).

The Spirit of Worship: The Liturgical Tradition, by Susan J. White, Spiritus: A  Journal of Christian Spirituality 1(Spring 2001).
Ascetic Eucharists: Food and Drink in Early Christian Ritual Meals, by Andrew McGowan, Doxology: A Journal of Worship 17(2000).

An American Emmaus: Faith and Sacrament in the American Culture
by Regis Duffy, Sisters Today,1996.

 Théologie liturgique de Philon d'Alexandrie et d'Origèneby Jean Laporte, Worship 1996; and The Studia Philonica Annual,vol. VIII, 1996.

 Baptism and Change in the Early Middle Ages c. 200-c.1150by Peter Cramer, Worship 69 (September, 1995).

Real Food: A Spirituality of the Eucharist by Robert Fabing S.J. Sisters Today, May,1995.

Creation and Liturgy: Studies in Honor of H. Boone Porter by Ralph McMichael, Jr., ed., La Maison Dieu, May, 1995.

Ordinaire du Missel de Genève (1473) : (Gevève, B.P.U., Ms. lat. 38a, ff. 107ra-126vb) by François Huot OSB, Worship, March, 1995.

Les Lectionnaires Romains de la Messe au VII et au VIII siècle(vols. I and II) by Antoine Chavasse, Worship, September, 1994.

Fountain of Lifeby Gerard Austin, O.P. ed. Worship, March, 1993.

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias:

“Doxology, IV Christianity,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Hans-Josef Klauck, Bernard McGinn, et al., eds., Verlag Walter de Gruyter: Berlin & New York, 2010.

“Adoration (general), V. Christianity, c. Modern Europe and America,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Hans-Josef Klauck, Bernard McGinn, et al., eds., Verlag Walter de Gruyter : Berlin & New York, 2009.

"Adoration," "Baptism," "Enthusiasm," "Religious Festivals," "Interiority," and "Penitence," in The New SCM Press Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, Philip Sheldrake, ed., SCM Press, London, 2005.

"North American Academy of Liturgy," Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Franz Karl Prassl, ed. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, Germany, 2003.

"Lectionaries, historical," "Lectionaries, contemporary," and "Evangelaries,"  New Catholic Encyclopedia, Berard Marthaler, ed., The Gale Group and Catholic University of America Press, Farmington Hills, MI, 2003.

“Medieval and Roman Catholic Liturgical Books,” “Medieval and Roman Catholic Eucharist,” “Medieval and Roman Catholic Funerals,” in A Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship, Paul Bradshaw, ed. SCM Press, London, England, 2002.

Twenty-seven entries in Worship Music: A Concise Dictionary, Edward Foley, ed., Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 2000.

“Liturgy,” The Encyclopedia of the Renaissance, Timothy DeWerff, ed., Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 2000.

"Commentary on the Mass of the Roman Rite," The Topical Encyclopedia of Christian Worship, vol. II, R. Webber, ed., Abbott-Martyn Press, Nashville, TN, 2003.

"Adoration," "Celibacy," "Chastity," "Compunction," "Enthusiasm," "Friendship," "Interiority and interior life," and "Spiritual Warfare," in The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality, M. Downey, ed., The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1993.

"Cult of the Saints," in The New Dictionary of Sacramental Worship, Peter Fink, S.J., ed., The Liturgical Press (Michael Glazier Press), Collegeville, MN, 1990.

Scholarly Papers and Presentations:

"Comment Prier? L’euchologie dans les sacramentaires romains et romano-francs," at the Institut Catholique de Paris (Institut d'Etudes Médiévales),  Annual Conference entitled Liturgie, pensée théologique et mentalités religieuses au haut Moyen Age: Le témoignage des sources liturgiques, Paris, FRANCE, May 11, 2012.

Invited lecture “Ordo Agenda Mortuorum” at conference on "The Liber ordinarius as a Source of Cultural History", Tilberg University and Radboud University, Steyl, Netherlands , Nov 26-28, 2008.

Invited lecture,  "The Role of Women in Dying and Burial Rites in the Middle Ages," New York Liturgy Group, Columbia University, NY, Oct 29, 2004.

Co-organizer and presenter in joint Architecture and Liturgy Colloquia on NCCB Draft Document Domus Dei, University of Notre Dame, Feb 22 & Mar 21, 2000.

Paper presented at Symposium on Christian Funeral Rites “The Medieval Legacy of the Current Rites of Christian Funerals,” Theology Department of Catholic University of America, Washington D.C.,  Nov 15-16, 1999.

Co-authored paper with Susan Guise Sheridan delivered at Societas Liturgica bi-annual meeting, "Every Knee Shall Bend: A Biocultural Reconstruction of Ascetical Prayer at Byzantine St. Stephen's Monastery in Jerusalem," Kottayan, INDIA, Aug 19-24, 1999.

Co-authored paper with Susan Guise Sheridan delivered at Medieval Congress, "Prayer in Our Bones: The Monastic Prayer of St. Stephen’s Monastery in Jerusalem: An Anthropological and Liturgical Investigation," Kalamazoo, MI, May 6, 1999.

Paper delivered at the annual meeting of the North American Academy of Liturgy, "The Bones of St. Stephen’s Speak: Liturgical and Ascetical Prayer in V-VI Century Jerusalem," Vancouver B.C, CANADA, Jan 2-5, 1999.

Paper delivered at the annual meeting of the North American Academy of Liturgy, "The Baptism of Clovis and French Baptismal Consciousness," Chicago, IL, Jan 4-7, 1997.

Invited Lectures and Addresses:

Series of five presentations for Directors of Music Ministries Division (DMMD), “The Paschal Mystery throughout the Liturgical Year,” National Pastoral Musicians (NPM) Convention, Pittsburgh, PA, July 23-27, 2012.

Keynote Addreess, “Vocation and Mission in Lumen Gentium and Beyond: Ordained and Lay Ecclesial Ministries,” Diocesan Convocation on Ordained and Consecrated Life, Boise, ID, June 4-7, 2012.

Series of regional workshops entitled, "The Art of Celebration: Fostering a Sense of the Sacred," five locations in western Montana, Diocese of Helena, May 22-30, 2012.

“Vocation and Mission: Lay Ecclesial Ministry Since Vatican II," Christ Our King Parish, Charleston, SC, Jan 20, 2012.

"The Eucharist as the Embodiment of Love," Hesburgh Lecture in conjunction with the Diocese of Shreveport, Shreveport, LA, Nov 10, 2011.

"The Genius of the Roman Rite: On the Preparation and Reception of the New Translation of the Roman Missal (3rd edition)," Hesburgh Lecture in conjunction with the Diocese of Charleston, Columbia, SC., Nov 5, 2011.       

Workshops with deacons, priests and music ministers on the chants of the Roman Missal, Sts. Simon and Jude, Orange County, CA, Oct 19-23, 2011.

Workshops with deacons and priests on the chants of the Roman Missal, Diocese of Rapid City, South Dakota, Oct 16-18, 2011.

“The Genius of the Roman Rite:  On the Reception and Implementation of the New Missal,” Hesburgh Lecture in conjunction with College of St. Rose and the Diocese of Albany, Albany, NY, Oct 6, 2011.

"Missal Alert: Retranslation of the Roman Missal and its Implementation," Saint Mary College, Notre Dame, IN, O'Grady Center, Oct 4 and 9, 2011.

"The Embodiment of Love: Eucharistic Theology and the Roman Missal (3rd edition)," Hesburgh Lecture in conjunction with the Cincinnati Archdiocese, St. Luke's Parish, Beavercreek, OH. Sept 15, 2011.

"The Eucharist as a Mystery to be Celebrated, Believed and Lived," Hesburgh Lecture, Mobile AL, Sept 8, 2011.

"Missal Alert: The Revision of the Roman Missal (third edition)," Saturday Scholars Lecture Series, University of Notre Dame. Sept 3, 2011.

"The Baptism of Clovis and Its Influence on French History and Culture," Congress of the Societas Liturgica, Reims, France, Aug 10, 2011.

"The Spirituality of the Roman Missal: Dynamic Equivalence, Literal Translation and English as the New Latin," National Pastoral Musicians National Convention, Louisville, KY, Jul 18, 2011.

"Congregans Omnes Principes Sacerdotum et Scribas Populi: Preparing for the New Translation of the Roman Missal,” Shekinah Group, South Bend, May 14, 2011.

"The Embodiment of Love: Eucharistic Theology and the Roman Missal (3rd edition)." invited lecture, Fort Walton Beach, Emerald Coast, FL, May 7, 2011.

“Process of A New Translation of and Challenges in Implementing the Roman Missal,” Notre Dame Alumni Communion Breakfast, Toledo, OH, May , 2011.1

“New Words: Renewing the Vision,” Pastoral Ministry Days, four invited lectures, Diocese of Rapid City, Rapid City, SD, Apr 11, 2011.

"The Roman Missal (3rd edition): Liturgical and Musical Considerations," Diocese of Kalamazoo, Edwardsburg, MI, Mar 26, 2011.

"The Embodiment of Love: The Eucharist as a Mystery to be Celebrated, Believed and Lived," Walsh University, Canton, OH, Mar 16, 2011.

Congregans Omnes Principes Sacerdotum et Scribas Populi: Preparing for the New Translation of the Roman Missal.” 2 invited lectures, Archdiocese of Milwaukee, St. Benedict Parish, Fontana, WI, Mar 11-12, 2011.

"Understanding the Liturgy and the impact of the New Missal,” Emmaus Program, four-part series, Gary Diocese, Feb 28, Mar 7, 14 & 21, 2011.

“The Roman Missal (Third Edition); Tradition and Translation,” four invited lectures, Lancing Diocese, Lancing, MI, Feb 13-15, 2011.

“Liturgy and Life: To Pray with Christ, To Live as Christ,” invited lecture, Ss. John and Paul Parish, Altoona, IA, Feb 6, 2011.

"Theologizing from the Eucharistic Prayer: A Eucharistic Lexicon," International Novitiate of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, invited lectures, Nov 18, 2010.

"The Embodiment of Love: The Eucharist and Social Justice," Akron, OH, invited lecture, Nov 11, 2010.

"The Eucharist and a Decade of Liturgical Reform: Awaiting the New Translation of the Roman Missal," Springfield, OH, invited lecture, Nov 4, 2010.

“Why We Sing and What We Sing,” first webinar in the seven-session series sponsored by National Pastoral Musicians Association on Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship, entitled Oct 14, 2010.

"The Rapport of Liturgy and Architecture in the Carolingian Period," presentation in the Issues in Medieval Liturgy seminar of the North American Academy of Liturgy, Milwaukee, WI,  Jan 7-10, 2010.

"The Influence of Chant Singing at Solesmes on Simon Weil," Conference: "Simon Weil: Philosopher, Mystic, Activist, Writer," Bon-Pasteur Accueil, Angers, France, Nov 1, 2009.

"Eucharist and Ecclesial Identity," Lecture Series: "Building Spiritual Bridges to the Community," Pontifical College Josephinum, Columbus, OH, Nov 11, 2009.

Invited Hesburgh Lecture on "The Eucharist and Social Justice,"  Staten Island, NY., Apr 30, 2009.

Archdiocese of Seattle, Presbyterate and Diaconate, "The Church Makes the Eucharist and the Eucharist Makes the Church: Liturgy in the Shaping Catholic Identity.” Seattle, WA.;  Feb 5; Pastoral musicians of Seattle Archdiocese, "Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship." Anacortes and Longview, WA., Feb 6-7, 2009.

Keynote lecture “Liturgy and the Shaping of Catholic Identity,” and workshops on “Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship,” “SCAP and Catholic Identity,” and “Sacramentum Caritatis," for the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC - Region 12), 2008 Spring Meeting, Helena, MT, Apr 29-May 2, 2008.

Invited lectures, “What is This Place?: The Rapport Between Liturgy and Architecture” and “Liturgy as An Embodied Experience,” St. Paul’s Newman Center, Laramie, WY, Apr 2-3, 2008.

Hesburgh Lecture: "Sending Us Forth: The Eucharist and Social Justice," Greenville, SC. Mar 27, 2008.

Two invited lectures: "Called and Sent: Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord" and "Liturgy and Devotions: Back to the Future?", Huntington Beach, CA. Simon and Jude Parish, Mar 5 and 6, 2008.

"The Eucharist: Sacrament of Charity" and "The Cathedral as the Mother Church of a Diocese: Reflections on Holy Week at Our Lady of the Angels," Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, Anaheim, CA. Feb 29-Mar 2, 2008.

"Music as Mystagogy: Catechizing through the Sacred Arts." St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center, Chico, CA, Dec 8 , 2007.

"Benedict XVI and the Latin Mass," Chico State University of California. Dec 6, 2007.

Diocese of Helena, Program of Formation for Lay Ministry, "Eucharistic Theologies through the Ages," Missoula, Montana, Nov 17-18, 2006.

Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, “The Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist and Mission of the Church” and “Eucharist and Social Justice: The Unreformed Closing Rites;” Anaheim, CA, Mar 30–Apr 2, 2006.

Chrism Day Presentations to the presbyterate of the Diocese of London, “Reflections on the Blessing of Chrism” and “Ars Celebrandi and Liturgical Stewardship,” London, Ontario, Canada, Apr 10, 2006.

Series of five lectures on "Penance and Penitence," co-sponsored by Creighton University and St. Joseph Educational Center, Diocese of Des Moines, IA, Mar 18, 2006.

"The Liturgy as Gathering and Sending," St. Nicholas Parish, Virginia Beach, VA, Mar 12-13, 2006.

Keynote address for the Winter Clergy Conference, Archdiocese of Omaha, NE, "Ars Celebrandi: Liturgy and Artful Living,” Feb 6, 2006.
Day long presentation to the Program on Lay Ecclesial Ministry and the Liturgical Institute, Diocese of Gary, IN, "Understanding the Eucharist through Hymns," Apr 9, 2005.

Day of recollection to the Eucharistic Ministers, Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN, "Journeying to Emmaus," Apr 10, 2005.

Two-day workshop, “Music and Religious Belief” in Teachers as Scholars Program, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, Apr 20 & 27, 2005.

Keynote address “Many Spokes, One Center,” Liturgy Day 2005, Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Feb 5, 2005.

Series of talks “Christological Development and Christ in the Films,” Diocese of Gary, Valparaiso, IN, Sept 29, Oct 6, 13 & 27, 2004.

Speaker “Music as Mystagogy,” at Notre Dame June Conference, “Music In Catholic Worship: Full, Conscious and Active Participation,” Notre Dame, IN, Jun 14-16, 2004.

In-service presentation for Office of Worship, “Recent Vatican Documents on the Liturgy,” Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Fatima Retreat House, Notre Dame, IN, May 26, 2004.

Talk “Hymnody as a Vehicle for Theology and Doctrine,” and panel participant  “Teaching Theology through Music Conference Workshop,” Oakwood Academy, IN, May 31, 2004.

Series of talks “From Age to Age: The Eucharist through History,” Diocese of Gary, Merillville, IN, Feb 12 & 26, Mar 4 & 9, 2004.

MTS Colloquium, Michael Driscoll with Laura Bertone, "Sing A New Song: The Art of Liturgical Music," University of Notre Dame, Jan 21, 2004.

Keynote address “Prosper’s Dictum and Ecumenism: A Roman Catholic Perspective”  at Lutheran/Anglican/Roman Catholic (LARC) Ecumenical Conference on Lex Orandi-Lex Credendi, Huttonsville, WV, May 17-19, 2004.

Invited talk “Singing Our Lives: A Review of the Liturgy Forty Years after Vatican II,” St. Ann’s of Dunes, Beverly Shores, IN, Feb 29, 2004.

Key note address at the Southwest Liturgical Conference, “Mystagogy and the Sacred Arts,” Cheyenne, WY, Jan 16, 2004.

STEP Distance Learning Course, “ From Kerygma to Scripture: An Introduction to Biblical Literary Forms in the Gospels,” Institute for Church Life, Notre Dame, IN, spring semester, 2003-04.

Respondent to Jaime Laura at Notre Dame June Conference, "Languages of Worship - El Lenguaje de la Liturgia," Jun 17, 2003.

"Subtle Interactions Between Jewish and Christian Worship Traditions," Co-principal speaker with Rabbi Dr. Richard Sarason at Jewish-Catholic Dialogue of New Mexico, ninth annual spring colloquium, Albuquerque, NM, Mar 4-5, 2002.

"Finding Our Voice," Vice-Presidential address delivered to the North American Academy of Liturgy, Reston, VA, Jan 3, 2002.

Series of four talks on "Mystagogical Approaches to Sacraments" for the priests of the Diocese of Providence, RI, Oct 2-4, 2001.

Series of talks on "The Revised General Instruction of the Roman Missal 2000" for the priests of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Oct 23-25, 2001.

Committee on Notre Dame's Position on the Ordination of Women, "The Ordination of Women in the Early Middle Ages," University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, Jan 30, 2001.

Eucharist Congress, workshop “The Eucharist in the Documents of Vatican II,” Diocese of Kalamazoo, MI, Jul 22, 2000.

Office of Worship, presentation "Popular Devotions and Liturgy," Archdiocese of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA., Feb  3, 2000.

Symposium on Liturgical Art and Architecture, "The Rapport of Liturgy and Architecture through the Ages," Goshen College, Goshen, IN., Nov 11, 1999.

Symposium on Christian Funeral Rites, presentation "The Medieval Legacy of the Current Rites of Christian Funerals," Theology Department of Catholic University of America, Washington D.C.,  Nov 15-16, 1999.

Satellite Theological Education Program (S.T.E.P.), "What We Do When We Gather For Eucharist," Institute for Church Life, Notre Dame, IN, Nov 6, 1999.

Jubilee Conference, keynote address "Christ Came Reconciling All," and workshop "Penance in Transition," Kalamazoo Diocese, Kalamazoo, MI, Oct 23, 1999.

Cornerstone Ecumenical Festival, "Towards the Great Jubilee," Sherbrook St. Gilbert’s, Glasgow, SCOTLAND, Jun 18, 1999.

Liturgical Ministries Convocation of Archdiocese of Glasgow, " Singing Out Our Lives," Glasgow, SCOTLAND, Jun 13, 1999.

Symposium on Change and Continuity in Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Worship, "Status of Medieval Liturgical Studies," Calvin College Institute of Christian Worship, Grand Rapids, MI, May 8, 1999.

Men’s Ministries Prayer Breakfast of Diocese of Jolliet, "Baptismal Anointing as Consecration into the Vocation and Mission of Christ," Glen Ellyn, IL, Apr 24, 1999.

American Friends of the École Biblique, Institute for Church Life, and the Medieval Institute with Susan Guise Sheridan, "Every Knee Shall Bend: Anthropological and Liturgical Interpretations of the Bones of St. Stephen’s Monastery," University of Notre Dame, Mar 22, 1999.

Series of three presentations for Office of Worship of Diocese of St. Petersburg, "Devotions and Liturgy: Are They Compatible?" St. Petersburg, FL, Mar 9, 1999.

Series of three presentations for Convocation of Priests of Diocese of Palm Beach, "Liturgy, Devotions and Priestless Sundays," Palm Beach, FL, Mar 11, 1999.

Presentation at St. Mary’s College, "Monastic Liturgy and Prayer at Byzantine St. Stephen’s Monastery in Jerusalem, Notre Dame, IN, Mar 4, 1999.

Presentation for Granger Sunrise Rotary, "The Jerusalem Project at the Byzantine Monastery of St. Stephen," Mishawaka, IN, Feb 24, 1999.

Ph.D. Liturgy Colloquium, University of Notre Dame,  "Monastic Liturgical Prayer in Byzantine Jerusalem," Notre Dame, IN, Feb15, 1999.

Presentation for St. David’s Episcopal Church, "Report on the Jerusalem Project at St. Stephen’s Monastery," Elkhart, IN., Jan 17, 1999.

Presentation at Centre Danielou, "Le Monastère Byzantin du St. Étienne à Jérusalem: À  la recherche de la vie quotidienne monastique," Rueill-Malmaison, FRANCE, Nov 15, 1998.

Presentation made to the Albright Institute for Archeological Research with Susan Guise Sheridan, "Rise up O Men of God: Anthropological and  Liturgical Interpretations of St. Stephen’s Monastery," Jerusalem, ISRAEL, Oct 23, 1998.

Series of three presentations for Washington and Lee University, "Monastic Influences and Contributions to Liturgy and Sacraments in the Early  Middle Ages," Lexington, VA, May 11-13, 1998.

Pre-concert lecture at St. Mary’s College, "J. S. Bach as Liturgical Musician," lecture given in conjunction with concert of St. John Passion, South Bend Chamber Singers and Orchestra of the Rhein, Notre Dame, IN, Apr 5, 1998.

Public lecture in Lenten series The Triduum: A Jubilee Experience of Liberation, St. Mary’s College, "The Last Supper: A Liberating Table," Notre Dame, IN,  Mar 19, 1998.

Series of three presentations for Clergy Study Days, Diocese of Davenport "The Rapport between Liturgy and Devotions and Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of Eucharist," Iowa City, IA, Feb 23-24, 1998.

Lecture in Education Series at Historic St. Peter’s Church "The Church Makes the Eucharist and the Eucharist Makes the Church: Ecclesiological Dimensions of the Eucharist and Ongoing Liturgical Renewal," Cleveland, OH, Sept 18, 1997.

Presentation at biannual meeting of Societas Liturgica, "The Future of Medieval Studies within the Societas Liturgica," and convener of six sessions on Medieval Western Liturgies, Åbu/Turku, FINLAND, Aug 11-16, 1997.

Presentation at Catholic Theological Society of America annual convention, "Medieval Perspectives on David Power’s Eucharistic Mystery: Liturgical Dimension," Minneapolis, MN, Jun 5-8, 1997.

Series of nine lectures given through University of Dayton for the Diocese of Fort Wayne/South Bend "What Are Liturgical Studies?" South Bend, IN, Jan. 31-Feb.1; Feb. 28-Mar.1; Apr.18-19, 1997.

Talk for Diocese of Lancing, "Liturgical Education and Enhancement: How to Appropriate the Symbols in Worship," Lancing, MI, Jan 11, 1997.

Presentation in Series Two Millennia of Christianity, Wethersfield Institute, "Development of Liturgy, Spirituality and Sacramental Life in the Middle Ages: From Diversity to Uniformity," New York, NY, May 2, 1996.

Series of talks for study days of Diocese of Lafayette, "The Eucharist: Learning From History," Lafayette, LA, May 6-8, 1996.

Talk delivered to the Hellenic Cultural Association of St. Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Parish, "West Meets East: Byzantine Influences upon the New Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults in the Latin Church," South Bend, IN, Mar 3, 1996.

Presentation given to St. Anthony's Parish, "The Dialogue between Liturgy and Architecture throughout History," South Bend, IN, Nov 28, 1995.

Series of five conferences for priests of Archdiocese of Boston "Secular Sacerdotal Spirituality: The Seventeenth-Century French School," Paray-le-Moniale, FRANCE, Nov 6-10, 1995.

Keynote address delivered at Sixth Annual Ministries Conference, Roman Catholic Diocese of Memphis "Baptism as Entrance into Vocation and Mission," Memphis, TN, Sept 16, 1995.

Presentation given at biannual meeting of the Societas Liturgica, "Shaping the Liturgy: Patchwork Quilt or Seamless Garment?" Dublin, IRELAND, Aug 19, 1995.

Address for Liturgy Conference, Notre Dame Center for Pastoral Liturgy "Devotions and Liturgy: Back to the Future?" Notre Dame, IN, Jun 19-22, 1995.

Keynote address for Annual Conference of Diocese of Fort Wayne/South Bend,  "The Baptismal Context of the Creed," Fort Wayne, IN, Mar 7-8, 1995.

Preached retreat for Josephinum Seminary, "Eucharistic Spirituality," Maria Stein, OH, Jan 10-14, 1995.

Public lecture, Marlboro College, "What Is This Place? The Interrelationship of Liturgy and Architecture," Marlboro, VT, Oct 13, 1994.

Liturgical Colloquium, University of Notre Dame "The Libri Paenitentiales: Their bon usage," Notre Dame, IN, Sept 22, 1994.

Public lecture delivered Center for Ecumenical and Cultural Affairs, St. John's University, "The Form and the Function of Creeds and Creedal Formulae in the Work of Ecumenism: From Montreal to Santiago," Collegeville, MN,  Nov, 18, 1993.

Keynote address given at the Diocesan Convocation on Collaborative Ministry, Diocese of Helena, "Vocation and Mission: from Lumen Gentium  to Christifideles Laici," Helena, MT, Aug 3, 1992.

Last updated on August 21, 2012.