: Compare and contrast of sprinkling, effusion, and full immersion.

Baptism in the Middle Ages.

Baptism: The role of the parents vs. godparents.

Baptism: the Protestant view vs. the Catholic view.

Baptism: Infant vs. adult Baptism.

Baptism: Church's view of Baptism in the New Testament as a necessary sacrament of faith.

Baptism: The meaning of the symbolism.

Baptism: Compare and contrast Baptism in the Lutheran and Catholic Churches.

Baptism: Before and after Vatican II.

Baptism: Comparing the roles of parents and godparents plus the role of the sponsor in adult Baptism.

Initiation: Sacraments of Initiation in the early church.

Baptism: Baptism in different churches. (Lutheran, Catholic)

Baptism: Original sin and its consequences on infant baptism based on the writings of St. Augustine.

Baptism: St. Augustine's view of Adam's sin, unbaptized infants, baptism and original sin.

Baptism: Baptism rituals in the early church.

Baptism: Exploration of the sacramental seal of character of the initiation rites.

Confirmation: Major trends in preparation for Confirmation and identify common accents within these trends.

Confirmation: Rituals before and after Vatican II.

Confirmation: Development of baptism and confirmation into separate sacraments.

Confirmation: Confirmation according to catechisms .

Confirmation: The role of the Bishop.

Eucharist: Changes in the practices of Eucharist and the development of the private Mass.

Eucharist: The controversies surrounding the Eucharist in the Middle Ages.

Sacraments in the Protestant Religions (Lima Statement BEM).

Eucharist: Protestant, Baptist, and Catholic meanings of the Eucharist.

Eucharist: Eucharist in the first four centuries.

Eucharist: Lutheran vs. Catholic.

Eucharist: Medieval Eucharist and transubstantiation.

Eucharist: Lutheran vs. Catholic.

Eucharist: History of the Eucharist in relationship to the passover.

Eucharist: The ecumenical meaning.

Reconcilition: Irish and Anglo-Saxon penance in the Middle Ages.

Reconciliation: Health care professionals and the sacrament of the sick and reconciliation.

Reconciliation: Public and private confession in the Early Church.

Reconciliation: Penance in the Early Church compared to Baptism as a process.

Reconciliation: Changes between the Early and Medieval Churches.

Reconciliation: The new rite of reconciliation.

Reconciliation: Reasons for forgiveness in the Middle Ages.

Reconciliation: Martin Luther's view of the jurisdiction by faith alone.

Reconciliation: Biblical portrayal of reconciliation.

Reconciliation: Before and after Vatican II.

Reconciliation: Is the removal of stain complete in Reconciliation?

Reconciliation: A step to conversion.

Sacrament of the Sick: How the sacrament differs from death. Is a person healed physically or spiritually.

Sacrament of the Sick: Changes since Vatican II.

Sacrament of the Sick: Exploration of Christian views of death and dying.

Marriage: The Franciscan and Dominican views during the Middle Ages.

Marriage: Post Vatican II views of procreation vs. sexual love.

Marriage: Contemporary view of marriage in a theologically positive perspective.

Holy Orders: Ministry and the Priesthood in the Early Church.