1. Describe the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults to a friend who does not understand the initiation as a process. Make reference to the the model of initiation in the Early Church (4th and 5th centuries).
2. It is often said that confirmation is a sacrament in search of a theology. Describe the various theological approaches used to explain the sacrament of confirmation and address your own ideas about it.
3. The Constitution on the Liturgy speaks about the Eucharist
as the "source and the summit" of the Christian life. Review the development
of the theology and practice of the Eucharist and comment on this statement.
In broad strokes what strikes you as the most significant changes theologically
and practically in the Eucharist over the course of time?
4. We have spoken about the seven sacraments as being a part of a sacramental system like a mobile. I have mentioned that when you touch one part of the system, there are ramifications elsewhere. Talk about how the sacrament of penance is interrelated to the other sacraments and give some historical examples of how a change in one sacrament effects the other sacraments.
5. Talk about the sacraments of healing and how they are interrelated. Distinguish between the anointing of the sick, the rites for the dying, and the care for the aged.
6. In 1975 the Church promulgated three new rites of reconciliation. How are these rites complementary and do they meet the current pastoral situation? Address the idea that in the past the Church has responded to people's needs innovating other forms of reconciliation which for one reason or another have disappeared from use. How do all the sacraments have a reconciliatory dimension? What does reconciliation mean?
7. Marriage and Holy Orders are two sacraments of vocation. Yet we have said that Baptism is the fundamental sacrament of vocation. Explain the interrelationship of these sacraments. How is marriage a sacrament? How do we see the unmarried life as its own form of vocation?
8. There are many different ways in which one can minister in the Church. Address how ministries developed in the early Church and discuss the question of ministry in today's Church, including the question of Holy Orders. How are the different ministries complementary? Re-read Lumen Gentium (course packet) and see Powerpoint presentation on Vocation and Mission.