Church and Worship

Calendar for class meetings

for Fall 2012

AUGUST 21                            S.A.C.R.A.M.E.N.T.S.
AUGUST 23                            Film - Babette's Feast
AUGUST 28                            Film - Babette's Feast (cont,) and introductions
AUGUST 30                            Pieper, chs. 1-2.
SEPTEMBER 4                      Pieper, chs. 3-4  
SEPTEMBER 6                      Pieper, chs. 5-6
SEPTEMBER 11                    Sacraments in General
SEPTEMBER 13                    Beginning of Christian Sacraments
SEPTEMBER 18                    Mystery Religions and Sacraments
SEPTEMBER 20                    Development of Sacramental Theology through the Middle Ages        PAPER I
SEPTEMBER 25                   Jesus as the Primordial Sacrament
SEPTEMBER 27                   The Church as the Sacrament of Christ        
OCTOBER 2                          We Believe

OCTOBER 4                           Midterm exam during regular class period

OCTOBER 9                           Sacraments of Initiation
OCTOBER 11                        Baptism – RCIA


OCTOBER 23                        Sacraments of Vocation and Mission
OCTOBER 25                        Confirmation – A Sacrament in Search of a Theology
OCTOBER 30                        Eucharist - Early Church
NOVEMBER 1                       NO CLASS
NOVEMBER 6                       Eucharist - after Constantine to Middle Ages
NOVEMBER 8                       Eucharist – Trent to Vatican II
NOVEMBER 13                    “The Faithful Revolution”             
NOVEMBER 15                    Eucharist - after Vatican II                                                                                         PAPER II
NOVEMBER 20                    Penance


NOVEMBER  27                   Anointing
NOVEMBER  29                   Marriage
DECEMBER 4                       Marriage
DECEMBER 6                       Holy Orders

DECEMBER  11 (Tuesday) 10:30-12:30                    FINAL EXAM

The above schedule and procedures in this course are subject to change
only in the event of extenuating circumstances.