Suggestions for Semester Projects
Each student is expected to write a substantial research paper on some
aspect of medieval liturgy. Topics must be discussed with the professor
in advance and should tie in with the student’s academic interests and
pursuits; each student will be asked to present his or her topic and discuss
the preliminary work done on it during the last two class meetings. The
following projects have been derived from the work of John Leonard.
These projects are offered by way of suggestion.
A. A Liturgical Feast in the Middle Ages
1. Compile the complete texts for the Office and Mass of a single feast
day as celebrated in a particular cathedral or monastery (e.g. Sarum, York,
Hereford, Hyde Abbey, etc).
2. Provide translations for all but the most common texts; include
translations of all the ceremonial rubrics for the day; the hymns, antiphons,
responsories and non-biblical readings from the office; chants (tropes)
and orations of the mass.
B. The Origins of the Private Mass
1. Compile the primary sources used by the principal scholars and others
you may find.
2. Summarize the theories of each scholar as a sort of status quaestionis.
3. Draw your conclusions.
C. The Origin and Evolution of the Masses for the Dead and/or Ordo
1. Using liturgical texts, trace the development of the order for Christian
funerals including the office of the dead.
2. Provide commentary on the Theology of Christian Death exemplified
in these texts.
1. Using liturgical texts and other primary sources, trace the evolution
and proliferation of daily masses for the dead.
2. Provide a theological explanation for this phenomenon.
D. Medieval Marriage Rites in the West: Description, Comparison,
1. Describe a selection of medieval marriage rites (see Ritzer, Molin/Moutembe,
Stevenson for sources).
2. Note similarities/differences.
3. Describe the social context: family, politico-economic system,
role of the church, theology.
E. Liturgical Piety and Instruction of the Laity:
Carolingian, Ottonian, mendicant, Primers, Prone, Eucharistic,
Using primary sources from one of these areas, discuss the relationship
between the liturgy, the piety and/or the liturgical formation of the people.
F. The Liturgical Instruction of the Clergy
How were the clergy trained in the Middle Ages? Primary and secondary
G. The Liturgical Use of Romanesque, Carolingian, or Gothic Architecture:
Church Plans and Ordinals
Using the architectural plans on the one hand and the liturgical ordinals
or customaries on the other, demonstrate the liturgical use of a particular
cathedral or monastic church complex.
H. Expositiones Missae or Commentaries on the Divine Office
Choose one or more of the Expositiones Missae or commentaries on the
Office that have not been studied and prepare a commentary or comparison.
I. Liturgical MSS at Notre Dame
Choose one of the liturgical mss or Books of Hours owned by ND and
prepare a preliminary study of its contents or a part of its contents.