Seminar Description
The general theme of the seminar will be penance and penitence and
it will treat the interrelationship of the biblical notion of metanoia
and the sacraments as expressed at key points in history both in liturgical
practice and in theological discourse. Theologically we will examine such
themes as sin, pardon, satisfaction, contrition, conversion, compunction,
reconciliation, repentance, absolution, asceticism, healing, purgation,
justification and mortification. The methodology will be fully ecumenical
as we trace these themes in the various Christian traditions.
1. Since this class will meet only once a week, attendance is imperative. If you are unable to attend the seminar, by way of academic courtesy please let me know prior to the meeting, either personally or by telephone.
2. Given the seminar nature of our project, all participants will be expected to take turns presenting aspects of their work related to the topic of penance and penitence.
3. One paper of about fifteen pages will be due by the end of the term summarizing the work done throughout the semester.
4. There will be no exam. However an exit interview will be scheduled allowing for discussion of the term paper and the possibility of bringing closure to our work in the seminar.
II. Sept 3
A. Penance in TaNaK
B. Yom Kippur
III. Sept 10
A. Christological basis for reconciliation
B. Reconcilation into Paschal Mystery
IV. Sept 17
A. Canonical Penance: Patristic sources
B. Penance in transition: Celtic sources
V. Sept 24
A. Scholastic Theology on Penance
B. Scholastic Theology on Justification
VI. Oct 1
A. Reformation: Luther
B. Reformation: Calvin
VII. Oct 8
A. Reformation: English
B. Counter-Reformation: Trent to Vatican II
VIII. Oct 15
A. Vatican II
B. Orthodox Penance
BREAK Oct 19-27
IX. Oct 29
A. Precursor of the Penitential Psalms in the Canon and Psalter
B. Medieval Development of the Seven Penitential Psalms
X. Nov 5
A. Conversion, Penance and Divinization
B. Reconciliation and Penance in the Church's Mission: 1983 Roman Synod
XI. Nov 12
A. State of the Question of Penance in the Lutheran Church
B. Making Corporate Confession Corporate: A Lutheran Response
XII. Nov 19
A. Traditions of Sickness and Healing Prior to the Penitential Psalms
B. Penance and Ongoing Conversion in the Process of Deification
XIII. Nov 26
A. The Notion of Corporate Sin and Ritual Adaptation
B. Ecclesiological Aspects of Penance in the Lutheran Tradition
XIV. Dec 3
Selected articles from Reconciliation: The Continuing Agenda
XV. Dec 10
Selected articles from Reconciliation: The Continuing Agenda