Friday, September 25 and Saturday, September 26

Indiana University, Bloomington

Add your name (or make changes) to: MEG Mailing List.

Look at the registration form.

Download a copy of the registration form.

The 8th annual meeting of the Midwest Econometrics Group will be held on September 25-26, at Indiana University, Bloomington. The meeting will begin at approximately 1:00 PM on Friday, September 25 and end at approximately 5:00 PM on Saturday, September 26, and will be held at Wylie Hall on the IU campus.

A block of rooms is being held for Friday and/or Saturday nights at

Courtyard Bloomington
310 S. College Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47403

Phone: 812-335-8000
Fax: 812-336-9997

The price is $76 per night, plus applicable taxes, for a room with either 2 double beds or a king size bed with a sofa sleeper. Additional information about the hotel can be found at the following website:


Because of conjunction of several events, including sporting events, accommodation in Bloomington is very tight from the end of September through the middle of November. Campus accommodation proved essentially unavailable for the MEG meetings. However, Courtyard Marriott provides convenient accommodation for this meeting, since it is about six blocks (about 1 mile) from Wylie Hall. A future email and corresponding web page will provide directions for getting to the hotel. We will lay on transport between the hotel and the campus during the conference.

The most convenient airport for Bloomington arrivals/departures is Indianapolis Airport which is about 45 miles from Bloomington. A future email and web page will provide additional information about travel options.

To attend the meeting, please return the following registration form, preferably by June 30. If you wish to present a paper, you must fill out the registration form and send a copy of the paper by June 30. A preliminary program will be sent out in late July. Please return forms to:

Pravin Trivedi
Department of Economics
Wylie Hall
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405

Phone 812-855-3567

FAX 812-855-3736


As in previous years, there is no registration fee, but participants must pay for their own accommodation and travel.