180G Theology University Seminar
Spring Semester, 2000
Course Description
This university seminar in Theology offers
an introduction to the historical and critical study of
select biblical
texts and topics in both Testaments; a
survey of the early theological development of Christian doctrine (i.e., Trinity
and Christology); and select snapshots of the developing structures of liturgy,
ministry, and ecclesial life in early Christianity with an eye to the questions
of today. The Niceno-Constantinopolitan (or Nicene) Creed will serve as the outline
and organizing format for the course.
Goals and Objectives
Through this course students will
- a critical
understanding of select biblical texts within their
- an understanding of principal theological ideas and
doctrinal issues (i.e., Trinity, Christology, Church)
in their early
historical development;
- a Foundational-level understanding
of Theology in preparation for future courses in
the Department.
Course Requirements
The above goals and objectives will
be met by:
- Attendance at all class sessions. Unexcused
absence will automatically lower the final grade by
one letter
- Full, active, and conscious participation in
class meetings through preparation of assigned readings,
discussions, Q/A (as assigned for each class session),
short reflection papers, announced and unannounced
quizzes, etc.
- Three Short Papers (5 pages each) on assigned
topics due as indicated on the syllabus;
- A major research
paper (15 pages in length) written in stages (bibliography,
outline, first draft, final draft); the final draft
is due no later than Tuesday, May 2. A list of paper
topics will be distributed during the second week of
the course.
Grading for this course is based on the
successful completion of Numbers 1-4 above.
- The grade A is reserved for "exceptional work," (95
- 100%) a level significantly above what is required;
- A- (92-94%);
- B+ (89-91%) = very good
work, the excellent
completion of the necessary requirements;
- B (85-88%) = good work in successful
completion of what was expected and required;
- B- (80-84%);
- C+ (77-79%);
- C (74-76%);
- C- (70-73%);
- D (65-69%);
- F (below
will be computed according to
the following point system:
- Short Papers = 50 points each (150 points total)
- Class
Participation = 100 points total
- Quizzes = Variable
- Research Paper = 150 points
Required Books (and abbreviations)
- New Oxford Annotated
Bible with Apocrypha (New Revised Standard Version)
- B. Marthaler, The Creed: The Apostolic Faith
in Contemporary Theology (The Creed)
- R. Brown, An
Adult Christ at Christmas (Adult Christ)
- R. Brown,
A Crucified Christ in Holy Week (Crucified
- R.
Brown, Reading the Gospels with the Church (Gospels)
- E. Wiesel, Night
- The Rule of Saint Benedict (RB)
- Packet of Supplementary
Readings available in the Copy Shop, Third Floor,
O'Shaugnessy (ask for
Johnson, THEO 100/200)