Presentations |
2017 |
Invited Address: “Pilgrimage Toward
Unity – Recovery of Baptismal Spirituality,’ and
panel participant discussing the Catholic – Mennonite – Lutheran
Trilateral Conversaton on Baptism, Bridgefolk
2017 Conferece, Seattle University, Seattle,
WA, July 27-30, 2017.
Invited Address: “Mary of Guadalupe:
Not Just for Catholics Anymore,” Center
for Global Catholicism and Inter-cultural Theology,
DePaul University, Chicago, IL, May 25, 2017.
Invited Address: “Christian Unity – Reconciled
Diversity in our Common Baptism.” Also
led a workshop on Christian Unity and preached
the homily for the closing Worship event for
the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the
North State Ecumenical Conference, Sacramento,
CA, January 18, 2017. |
2016 |
Invited Address: “Toward the Restoration
of Prebaptismal Anointing in the Armenian Rite
of Baptism,” Armenian Liturgy Seminar
(Plenary), Society of Oriental Liturgy, Etchmiadzin,
Armenia, September 13, 2016. This was made possible
by a travel grant from ISLA.
“Lenten Vespers Reflection,” Our
Lady of Mercy Chapel, Geddes Hall, February
17, 2016. Sponsored by the Notre Dame Center
for Liturgy.
“Toward a New Edition of St
Cyril of Jerusalem’s Lectures on the
Sacraments,” to
the Problems in the Early History of Liturgy
Seminar, Annual Meeting, North American Academy
of Liturgy, Houston, TX, January 8, 2016. |
2015 |
Liturgical Studies Area Colloquium: "Re-imagining
Liturgy's Past: The Eucharistic Prayer in Traditio
Apostolica 4," September
21, 2015.
Invited Address: “Ecumenical Renewal
of Baptismal Spirituality,” for “What
We Have Seen and Heard": Fostering Baptismal
Witness in the World: A Conference in Celebration
of the 50th Anniversaries of Gaudium et Spes,
Apostolicam Actuositatem and Ad Gentes, The
Marten Program in Homiletics and Liturgy, University
of Notre Dame, June 23, 2015.
Invited Address: “The Blood of the Martyrs: ‘Seed
of the Church’ Yesterday and Today”:
Martyrdom in the Early Churches and the Armenian
Genocide,” Armenian Genocide Centennial
Commemoration, April 21, 2015, University of
Notre Dame. Sponsored by Campus Ministry, the
ND Center for Liturgy, the Institute for Church
Life, and The Nanovic Institute. |
2014 |
Invited Address: “The Blood of the
Martyrs: ‘Seed of the Church’ Yesterday
and Today,” Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information
Center, The Eastern Diocese of the Armenian
Church of America, New York, NY, October 9,
Invited Address: “Imagining Early Christian
Liturgy: The Traditio
apostolica – A
Case Study,” for Liturgy’s
Imagined Pasts: Methodologies and Materials
in the Writing of Liturgical History Today, 2014 Institute
of Sacred Music Conference, Yale Divinity School,
New Haven Ct., June 15-18, 2014.
Invited Address: "What's New in the Study
of the Liturgical Year?" Seminar for The
Word in Time: Proclamation, Lectionary and
Church Year, Valparaiso Institute of Liturgical
Studies, 2014, Monday, April 28, 2014.
Invited Address: "The Extraordinary Nature
of Ordinary Time,” The
Word in Time: Proclamation, Lectionary and
Church Year, Valparaiso
Institute of Liturgical Studies, 2014, Tuesday,
April 29, 2014.
Invited Address: “Sacrosanctum
A Liturgical ‘Magna
Carta’ Then
and Now,” Vice-Presidential Address,
North American Academy of Liturgy, January
2, 2014, Orlando, Florida. |
2013 |
of Baptism, Part 1 and Part
2,” for “Beloved
Children, imitators of God: Deification and
the Sacraments of initiation,” Notre
Dame Center for Liturgy Symposium, Notre Dame,
IN, June 17-20, 2013.
“The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
and the Renewal of Liturgy in the Churches,” Damasus
Winzen, OSB, Lecture, Mt. Saviour Monastery,
Pine City, New York, May 3, 2013.
“The Virgin of Mary in Ecumenical Perspective,” to
the National Workshop on Christian Unity, Columbus,
Ohio, April 8-11, 2013.
“Liturgy and
Theology,” Theology Majors Pro-Seminar,
University of Notre Dame, February 19, 2013. |
2012 |
“Mary of Guadalupe and Advent,” St.
Joseph Catholic Church, South Bend, IN, December
12, 2012.
“Three Advents in Advent,” for
Advent Dinner, Pasquerilla East Dorm, University
of Notre Dame, December 3, 2012.
to Benedictine Spirituality,” for “Spiritualities
of the Saints,” Notre Dame Vision Program,
Institute for Church Life, September 5, 2012
Catechumenate: Its History, Use, and Misuse,” to
the Lutheran Seminar, North American Academy
of Liturgy, Montreal, Quebec, January 5, 2012. |
2011 |
"Ecumenical Implications of the New
Translation of the Roman Missal," St.
Joseph Valley Chapter of American Guild of
Organists Meeting, Our Redeemer Lutheran Church,
South Bend, IN, October 23, 2011.
Use of Icons in Liturgical Prayer,” Adult
Forum, St. Barnabas in the Dunes Episcopal
Church, Gary, IN, October 16, 2011.
Keynote address; “What is Normative
for Contemporary Lutheran Worship? Word and
Sacrament as Non-negotiable,” 2011 Leadership
Conference, Experiencing God Through Preaching
and Worship, Lutheran School of Theology at
Chicago, April 4, 2011, Chicago, IL.
"Martyrs and Mass: The Interpolation of
the Narrative of Institution into the Anaphora," for
Problems in the Early History of Liturgy Seminar,
North American Academy of Liturgy Seminar, San
Francisco, CA, January 6-9, 2011.
Invited Address: "Liturgy,
Ecumenism, and the Pursuit of Christian Unity” for
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Roman Catholic
Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio, January 21, 2011. |
2010 |
Invited Presentation: “The Sevenfold
Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Scripture and Liturgy,” Mary
Circle, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, October
5, 2010.
Invited Address: “The Liturgical Year:
A Scholarly Update,” Unfolding
the Mystery of Christ: Exploring Liturgical Time,
Notre Dame Center for Liturgy, June 14-16,
Plenary Address: “Sharing ‘The Cup
of Christ’: The Cessation of Martyrdom
and Anaphoral Development,” International
Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy (SOL),
May 26-31, 2010, at the Volos Academy of Theology,
Volos, Greece.
Review of Everett Ferguson, Baptism
in the Early Church: History, Theology, and
Liturgy in the First Five Centuries (Grand
Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmanns, 2009) to both The
Lutheran Caucus and the Problems in the Early
History of Liturgy Seminar, North American
Academy of Liturgy Annual Meeting, Milwaukee,
WI, January 7-10, 2010. |
2009 |
Advent Reflection: “The Virgin of Guadalupe
and Advent,” Non-exempt Finance Division
Christmas Lunch, University of Notre Dame, December
14, 2009.
Invited Lecture: “The Gift of
Armenian Sacramental Theology and Liturgy to
the Wider Church,” Public Lecture Series:
The Armenian Church: A
Distinctive Christian Voice, St. Nersess Armenian Seminary, New Rochelle,
New York, Nov. 23, 2009.
Invited Lecture: “The
Virgin of Guadalupe in Ecumenical Context: One
Lutheran’s Perspective,” Annual
Theotokos Lecture, Marquette University, Milwaukee,
WI, November 15, 2009.
Invited Lecture: “Theological
Norms for Lutheran Worship,” Regional Meeting,
International Lutheran Fellowship, Gloria Dei
Lutheran Church, South Bend, IN, November 7,
2009. |
2008 |
“Baptismal Liturgy in Fourth-Century
Jerusalem in the Light of Recent Scholarship,” Society
of Oriental Liturgy, September 17-21, 2008, Casa
LaSalle, Rome, Italy.
Invited Lecture: “Common
Language and Ecumenical Convergence,” the
Consultation on Common Texts, Calvin College,
Grand Rapids, MI, May 19, 2008.
Invited Lecture: “The
Holy Spirit and Lutheran Liturgical-Sacramental
Worship,” for Yale Institute of Sacred
Music/Divinity School Conference, The
Spirit in Worship and Worship in the Spirit, Yale Divinity
School, February 21-4, 2008.
Invited Lecture: “Baptized
for Justice; Walking Wet in the Way of the Cross,” for
Eucharist and Justice, Southwest Liturgical Conference
and Study Week, Tucson, AZ, January 16-19, 2008.
Workshop Leader: “The Virgin of Guadalupe:
Ecumenical Icon of Justice?” for Eucharist
and Justice, Southwest Liturgical Conference
and Study Week, Tucson, AZ, January 16-19, 2008. |
2007 |
Invited Lecture: “Baptism and Chrismation
in Third- and Fourth-Century Egypt,” International
Theological Conference of the Russian Orthodox
Church: Orthodox Teaching on the Sacraments
of the Church, Danilovsky Monastery and Conference
Center, Moscow, Russia, November 13-16, 2007.
Invited Panel Participant (the only non-Orthodox
participant), Moscow Spiritual Academy, Trinity
Sergiev Monastery, Sergiev Posad, Russia, November
17, 2007.
Invited Lecture, “Baptism and the Cross,” Society
of the Holy Trinity Annual Retreat, Concordia
Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN, August
22, 2007.
Ecumenical Observer and Responder, International
Anglican Liturgical Consultation, Astoria Palace
Hotel, Palermo, Sicily, July 29-August 4, 2007
(made possible by a travel grant from ISLA).
“The Making of Benedictine Daily
Prayer,” St. Bridgid of Kildare
Monastery Oblates Retreat, Episcopal House of
Prayer, Saint John’s Abbey, Collegeville,
MN, July 11, 2007. |
2006 |
Invited Lecture: "The Loss of
a Common Language; The End of Ecumenical-Liturgical
Convergence?" The Aidan Kavanagh Lecture,
Yale Divinity School and Institute of Sacred
Music, New Haven, CT, October 10, 2006.
Invited Lecture: “Religiosidad
Popular, The Virgin Mary, and Lutherans,” at
the Cofradía Católica-Reformada
Meeting, Santa Cruz Lutheran Church, Joliet,
ILL, September 14, 2006.
Invited Three Lectures: “The Rites of
Formation: Forming Seekers and Congregations
into Communities of Faith,” The Annual
Gathering of Catechumenate Practitioners,North
American Association for the Catechumenate,
Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre, Niagra Falls,
Ontario, Canada, July 20 – 23, 2006.
Invited Lecture: “Walking Wet from the
Hungry Feast: Living Out our Baptism in a Eucharistic
Way,” The Rev. Wilfred A. Illies “Heart
Speaks to Heart” Inaugural Memorial Lecture,
Christ Church Newman Center, St. Cloud, MN,
April 22, 2006.
“Liturgical-Sacramental Life in the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America at the
Beginning of the 21st Century,” Yale
Divinity School and Institute of Sacred Music
Liturgy Colloquium, New Haven, CT, January
12, 2006. |
2005 |
"Santa María de Guadalupe y
la Teologia Luterana," at La Abadía
del Tepeyac, Cuautitlán, Mexico, October
21, 2005.
"Lutheran Worship in the 21st Millennium," Eck
Center, University of Notre Dame, September
11, 2005, for the 125th Anniversary of Gloria
Dei Lutheran Church, South Bend.
“Liturgy and Ecumenism: Gifts, Challenges,
and Hopes for a Renewed Vision.” Godfrey
Diekmann, OSB, Lecture. Saint
John’s School of Theology and Seminary,
Saint John’s University, Collegeville,
MN, April 21, 2005.
“Sub Tuum Praesidium: Popular
Religion and the Development of the Theotokos
Doctrine.” Conference
on The Place
of Christ in Liturgical Prayer: Christology,
Trinity, and Liturgical Theology, Yale
Institute of Sacred Music, Yale Divinity
School, New Haven CT, Feb. 24-27, 2005.
“The Problem of Creedal Formulae in Traditio
Apostolica 21:12-18,” Problems
in the Early History of Liturgy Seminar,
North American Academy of Liturgy, Louisville,
KY, January 5-9, 2005. |
2004 |
“Mary of Guadalupe in a Lutheran Context,
María de Guadalupe en un Contexto Luterano,” Encuentro
Luterano: “In
Christ – Room and Welcome: God’s
People Encountering & Nurturing
Latino Ministry,” La Iglesia Luterana
de Santa Cruz, Joliet, IL, November 20, 2004.
“Ecumenical Reflections on Baptism,” to
the Sisters and Board of Directors, St. Benedict’s
Center, Benedictine Women of Madison, Madison,
Wisconsin, October 9, 2004.
"The Use of the 'Our Father' in Liturgical
Studies," LS-CJA Joint Colloquium, Department
of Theology, University of Notre Dame, September
15, 2004.
“The Virgin of Guadalupe and Anglicans,” Holy
Trinity Episcopal Church, South
Bend, IN, May 26, 2004.
Guest Homilist, Joint Lutheran-Episcopal Ascension
Day Eucharist, St. Paul Episcopal Church, Mishawaka,
IN, May 20, 2004.
“Early Christian Liturgy Without Hippolytus
of Rome,” for Faculty Colloquium at Concordia
Theological Seminary, St. Louis, MO, May 4,
"Reflections on the Hopes and Challenges
of Christian Unity," at Interfaith Christian
Night Prayer, Week of Prayer for Christian
Unity, University of Notre Dame, January 21,
"Recent Research on the Origins and Use
of the Sanctus in the Eucharistic Prayer,"
Problems in the Early History of the Liturgy
Seminar, North American Academy of Liturgy,
New York, New York, January 3-6, 2004. |
2003 |
"Advent Reflections on
the Blessed Virgin Mary," Adult Forum,
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, South Bend, IN,
December 7 and 14, 2003.
"New Perspectives
on Christian Initiation," for New
Perspectives on the Sacramental Life of the
Church, Corpus
Christi University Parish Lecture Series, Toledo,
Ohio, October 21, 2003.
"The Theologian in the Church and the
Academy," GTS Brown-Bag luncheon, University
of Notre Dame, October 3, 2003.
"Offering or Preparation of the Gifts?" Worship
and Music Committee, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church,
South Bend, IN. October 1, 2003. |
2002 |
Panel Discussion Participant with Virgil
Elizondo and Timothy Matovina: “The Virgin
of Guadalupe and the Significance of December
12,” Institute for Latino Studies, University
of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, December 10,
Three Lectures on: “The Mystery of
Baptism and the Liturgical Year,” St.
Joseph Education Center, Dowling College,
Roman Catholic Diocese of Des Moines, Des
Moines, IA, Nov. 2, 2002.
Response to Gabriele Winkler "About
the Formation of the Armenian Anaphoras:
A Preliminary Overview," Worship Traditions
in Armenia and the Neighboring Christian
East, St. Gregory the Enlightener Armenian
Church, White Plains, NY, September 26, 2002.
With Marcela Kliçova, "Jewish
Table Prayer and Early Christian Eucharistic
Praying," Masters in Theology Colloquium,
Department of Theology, University of Notre
Dame, September 18, 2002.
"Liturgical and Other Celebrations
of the Virgin of Guadalupe: Catholic and
Protestant,” Faculty Colloquium, School
of Theology, Saint John’s University,
Collegeville, MN, July 1, 2002.
Taught “Mary and the Saints in Liturgy,
Doctrine, and Life,” School of Theology,
Saint John’s University, Collegeville,
MN, June 17-July 5, 2002.
Taught “Baptismal Spirituality,” Summer
Institute of Christian Spirituality, Spring
Hill College, Mobile, AL, June 3-8, 2002.
“Real Presence, Eucharistic Reservation,
and Ecumenism,” Summer Institute of
Christian Spirituality “Soul Food” Lecture
Series, Spring Hill College, Mobile, AL,
June 6, 2002.
“’Satis Est’: Ecumenical
Catalyst or Narrow Reductionism?” for “How
Much is Enough? Liturgy and the Church’s
Unity,” The Institute of Liturgical
Studies: Theology, Music, and Practice, Valparaiso
University, Valparaiso, IN, April 9, 2002.
“Doxology: God’s Glory Breaking
Through,” at Formed in Faith: Celebrating
Catholic Identity, 40th Annual Southwest
Liturgical Conference Study Week, Dioceses
of Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Colorado
Springs, Colorado, January 18, 2002.
“Ecumenical Movements, Achievements
and Hurdles in the Church Today,” at
Formed in Faith: Celebrating Catholic Identity,
40th Annual Southwest Liturgical Conference
Study Week, Dioceses of Colorado Springs
and Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Colorado, January
19, 2002.
“Tertullian’s ‘Diem
baptismo sollemnioren’ Revisited: A Tentative
Hypothesis on Baptism at Pentecost,” to
the Early Christian Liturgy Seminar, North
American Academy of Liturgy, Reston, VA,
January 4, 2002. |
2001 |
“Forum: The Sacraments of Christian
Initiation,” Seventy-Fifth Anniversary
of The Liturgical Press Conference, ”“Differing
Visions, One Communion: Catholics and Liturgy
in the United States,” The Liturgical
Press, Saint John’s Abbey, Collegeville,
MN, June 7, 2001.
“Dead and Buried in Christ that We
might Live and Serve!” and “Born
Anew as a Priestly Community of the Holy
Spirit,” PastoralStudy Days: Bearers
of the Gift – Living and Leading as
Sacramental People, Roman Catholic Diocese
of London, Ontario, May 15-16, 2001.
“Jews and Christians in Dialogue:
The Liturgies of Holy Week,” MA/MTS
Colloquium, Dept. of Theology, University
of Notre Dame, April 18, 2001.
Response to Greg Sterling, “When Is
a Prayer A Prayer? Prayer in Literature and
Liturgy,” LS/CJA Colloquium, Dept.
of Theology, University of Notre Dame,
April 4, 2001. |
2000 |
“Confirmation: Then and Now,” for
Regional Diocesan Conference: Sacramental
Catechesis for Confirmation, Diocese of Orlando, Florida,
Feb. 24-26, 2000.
“Preparation for Pascha? Lent in Christian
Antiquity,” for Pro-Seminar for Theology
Majors, University of Notre Dame, March 9.
“Liturgical Norms in the Light of
Contemporary Liturgical Scholarship?" to
the Problems in the Early History of the
Liturgy seminar, North American Academy of
Liturgy, Tampa, FL, Jan. 3, 2000. |
1999 |
“Christian Worship at the Dawn of
the Third Millennium,” Parish
Council Retreat, Hilltop Lutheran Church of the Ascension, South Bend,
October 14, 1999.
"The New Millennium's Emmaus Road:
Word, Song, and Sacrament," Monastic
Liturgy Forum, Ferdinand-Saint Meinrad, IN,
August 11-14, 1999.
"Baptismal 'Spirituality' in the Early
Church and its Implications for the Church
Today," Valparaiso Liturgical Institute,
Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN, April
13-15, 1999. |
1998 |
"Syllabus Preparation for THEO 100/200:
Foundations of Theology," for the third
session on teaching Theology for Department
of Theology graduate students, November 11,
"Liturgy and Theology," M.A. Colloquium,
Department of Theology, University of Notre
Dame, Notre Dame, IN, October 7, 1998.
"Baptism as 'New Birth ex aqua et spiritu':
An Investigation of Western Liturgical Sources," International
Scholarly Congress: "Comparative Liturgy
Fifty Years after Anton Baumstark (+1948)," Pontifical
Oriental Institute, Rome, Italy, September
25-29, 1998.
"The 'Real' and Multiple 'Presences'
of Christ in Contemporary Lutheran Liturgical
and Sacramental Practice," Keynote Address,
for Church and Eucharist: The Many Presences
of Christ, Center for Pastoral Liturgy Conference,
June, 1998, Notre Dame, IN.
"The 'Joint Declaration on Justification'
and Lutheran-Roman Catholic Unity: Some Unresolved
Questions," Faculty Colloquium, School
of Theology, Saint John's University, Collegeville,
MN, July 26, 1998.
"Baptism as 'New Birth by Water and
the Holy Spirit,' according to Western Liturgical
Sources: A Catena of Texts and the Beginnings
of a Preliminary Study," to the Problems
in the Early History of the Liturgy Seminar,
North American Academy of Liturgy, January
5, 1998, San Antonio, Texas.
"Living Water, Sealing Spirit: The
Holy Spirit and the Rites of Christian Initiation," to
Winds of Hope: Sunshine State Conference
for Catechists, Roman Catholic Dioceses of
Florida, January 10, 1998, St. Petersburg,
Florida. |
1997 |
Two-day workshop: "The Liturgies of
the Paschal Triduum," Western North Dakota
Synod, ELCA, Fall Theological Conference, Assumption
Abbey, Richardton, ND, Nov. 2-4, 1997.
Response to: Gerard Austin, "Identity
of a Eucharistic Church in an Ecumenical
Age," Catholic Theological Society of
America, Minneapolis, MN, June 7, 1997.
Response to: Richard J. Beauchesne, "Yves
Cardinal Congar and Christian Worship (Life,
Liturgy and Eucharist): Ecumenical Perspectives," Catholic
Theological Society of America, Minneapolis,
MN, June 6, 1997.
Guest Homilist for the Community Mass, Saint
John's Abbey, Collegeville, MN, January 19,
1997 (Week of Prayer for Christian Unity). |
1996 |
"One Body, One Spirit in Christ: The
Eucharist as the Culmination of Christian Initiation." Key
Note Address for National Meeting of Federation
of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC),
Minneapolis, MN, October 10, 1996.
"What is Changing in Lutheran Liturgical
and Sacramental Practice?" Fall Theology
Conference for Western North Dakota Synod,
ELCA, Assumption Abbey, Richardton, ND, November,
"Encountering Christ in the Liturgical
Year," Series of Workshops for Worship
and Education Leaders, Celebration Lutheran
Church, Sartell, MN, August 28, October 30,
1996, and Feb. 5, 1997.
"We Can Go Home Again: Liturgy As A
Welcome Place for the Displaced," Collegeville
Pastoral Institute Conference: "The
Experience of Place and Displacement in the
Spiritual Journey," July 5 - 7, 1996,
Collegeville, MN.
"Christian Worship: The What, Why,
and When," Adult Forum, Christ Lutheran
Church, Hendricks, MN, May 12, 1996.
"The Development and Meaning of Lent," Adult
Forum, Salem Lutheran Church, St. Cloud,
MN, Feb. 25, 1996.
"Holy Communion Practices in the ELCA:
Frequency of Celebration and Ages for First
Communion," Adult Forum, Atonement Lutheran
Church, St. Cloud, MN. January 14, 1996.
"Response to 'Part Two: Holy Baptism'
in the First Draft of 'The Use of the Means
of Grace : A Statement on the Practice of
Word and Sacrament with Commentary,'" to
the Lutheran Seminar at the annual meeting
of the North American Academy of Liturgy,
Cincinnati, Ohio, January 4-7, 1996. |
1995 |
"Why We Do What We Do in Christian
Worship," Adult Forums, Celebration Lutheran
Church, Sartell, MN, October 15 and October
29, 1995.
"Parish Worship: Baptism and Eucharist," Fall
Bible Conference, Gethsemane Lutheran Church,
Upsala, MN, October 8-10, 1995.
"Rites of Christian Initiation in the
Lutheran Churches: Liturgical Texts and Future
Directions," Societas Liturgica meeting,
August, 1995, Dublin, Ireland.
"Adapting the Catholic Rites of Christian
Initiation of Adults," 1995 CHARIS Summer
Theological Conference and IMAGO DEI Arts
in Worship Conference, Concordia College,
Moorhead, MN, July 30-August 2, 1995.
"Rites of Christian Initiation in the
Lutheran Churches: Liturgical Texts and Future
Directions," Faculty Colloquium, School
of Theology, June 26, 1995.
"Eucharist and Justice: Reflections
From a Lutheran Perspective," Churches
Responding to Change Conference, March 28,
1995, Saint John's University, Collegeville,
Presider and Homilist for Joint Lutheran-Roman
Catholic Concluding Service of the Word,
Churches Responding to Change Conference,
March 28, 1995, Saint John's University,
Collegeville, MN.
"Worship and Culture," Adult Forum,
March 26, University Lutheran Church of the
Epiphany, Saint Cloud, MN.
"Mary and the Saints in Christian Spirituality," Guest
presentation for Helen Rolfson, O.S.F., undergraduate
class in Christian Spirituality, Feb. 27,
"The Postchrismational Structure of
Apostolic Tradition 21 and the Rites of Christian
Initiation in early Rome: A Tentative Hypothesis," Problems
in the Early History of the Liturgy Seminar,
North American Academy of Liturgy, Boston,
MA, January 5-8, 1995. |
1994 |
"Christmas and the Cross: Why December
25?" Hill Monastic Manuscript Library,
Saint John's University, November 29, 1994.
"Proclaiming the Word of God," Workshop
for Lectors, University Lutheran Church of
the Epiphany, Saint Cloud, MN, October, 1994.
"Liturgical Leadership in an Ecumenical
Context," Focus Session, Ministry in
the Year 2000 Conference, Saint John's University,
June, 1994.
"The Grace-full Use of the Means of
Grace: Theses on Worship and Worship Practices," Faculty
Colloquium, Department of Theology, CSB/SJU,
April 5, 1994.
"Preparation for Pascha? Lent in Christian
Antiquity" Problems in the Early History
of the Liturgy Seminar, North American Academy
of Liturgy, Jan. 2-5, 1994, in Charleston,
"Hippolytus Revisited: The Context(s)
of the Catechumenate in Chapters 16-20 of
the Apostolic Tradition Ascribed to Hippolytus
of Rome" Problems in the Early History
of the Liturgy Seminar, North American Academy
of Liturgy, Jan. 2-5, 1994, in Charleston,
SC. |
1993 |
"Berakah, Anaphoral Theory, and Luther:
One Lutheran's Response to Bryan Spinks," Faculty
Colloquium, School of Theology, Saint John's
University, Collegeville, MN, July 26, 1993.
"The Archaic Nature of the Sanctus,
Institution Narrative, and Epiclesis of the
Logos in the Anaphora Ascribed to Sarapion
of Thmuis," Seventy-Fifth Anniversary
Scholarly Congress, Pontifical Oriental Institute,
Rome, Italy, June 5, 1993.
“The Archaic Nature of the Sanctus,
Institution Narrative, and Epiclesis of the
Logos in the Anaphora Ascribed to Sarapion
of Thmuis," Problems in the Early History
of the Liturgy Seminar, North American Academy
of Liturgy, Albuquerque, NM, Jan. 2, 1993.
“Theses on North American Lutheran
Baptismal Theology and Practise,” Lutheran
Seminar, North American Academy of Liturgy,
Albuquerque, NM, Jan. 2, 1993. |
1992 |
“Eight Theses on Christian Unity,” Program
for Church Leaders, Center for Pastoral and
Social Ministry, University of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame, IN, November 17, 1992.
"The Challenge of the Creed," Program
for Church Leaders, Center for Pastoral and
Social Ministry, University of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame, IN, October 9, 1992.
"The Origins and Meaning of Lent," Adult
Forum, Sunnyside Presbyterian Church, South
Bend, IN, March 22, 1992.
"A Challenging Faith for Tempting Times," Institute
of Catechetical,
Formation for Catechists and Teachers, Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend,
Warsaw, IN, March 7, 1992; Mishawaka, IN, March 13, 1992; Fort Wayne,
IN, March 20, 1992.
"Where is Thmuis Anyway? The Prayer
Book of Sarapion (Serapion?)
of Thmuis: The Contemporary Version," Liturgy Area Colloquium,
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, Feb. 6, 1992.
"The Prayers of Sarapion of Thmuis," Problems
in the Early History of the Liturgy Seminar,
North American Academy of Liturgy, Georgetown
Conference Center, Washington, D.C., January
2, 1992.
"Theses on Baptism: Towards an ELCA Statement on Sacramental Theology and
Practice," Lutheran Seminar, North American Academy of Liturgy, Georgetown
Conference Center, Washington, D.C., January 2, 1992. |
1991 |
"The Prayers of Sarapion: A Progress
Report," Faculty Colloquium, School of
Theology, St. John's University, Collegeville,
MN, July 8, 1991.
"The Challenge of the Creed," Insitutute
of Catechetical Formation for
Catechists, Diocese of Fort Wayne–South Bend, March 2, 1991 |
1990 |
"From Three Weeks to Forty Days: Baptismal
Preparation and the Origins of Lent," Problems
in the Early History of the Liturgy Seminar,
North American Academy of Liturgy, Saint Louis,
Mo., January 4, 1990. |
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