%% Movies of the TNB frame along a curve %% % In these movies, *T* is blue, *N* is green and *B* is red. %% A warning % To get the frame to look like an orthonormal frame, you must have % intervals of approximately equal length along the axes. %% A helix % The file *helixframe.mat* was created with the commands syms t r = [3*cos(t),3*sin(t),t] helixframe = movingframe(r,t,0,4*pi,-6,6,-6,6,0,4*pi) save('helixframe','helixframe') %% % You can view the movie without executing these commands by giving the % commands load('helixframe') mplay(helixframe) %% A warning % To get the frame to look like an orthonormal frame, you must have % intervals of approximately equal length along the axes. %% Twisted cubic % The file *twistedcubicrame.mat* was created with the commands syms t r = [t,t^2,t^3] twistedcubicframe = movingframe(r,t,-1,1,-2,2,-2,2,-2,2) save('twistedcubicframe','twistedcubicframe') %% % You can view the movie without executing these commands by giving the % commands load('twistedcubicframe') mplay(twistedcubicframe)