Section 6.2- The Runge-Kutta Method
In Problem Set C #16 I have asked you to implement the fourth order Runge-Kutta method in MATLAB, which I'll refer to as the Runge-Kutta method. Here I use my implementation, which I called rungekutta, to find a numerical solution of
rungekutta takes the same input as myeuler.
f = @(t,y) 2*y - 1;
First I use step size 0.1.
[t1,y1] = rungekutta(f, 0, 1, 0.4, 4); [t1 y1]
ans = 0 1.0000 0.1000 1.1107 0.2000 1.2459 0.3000 1.4111 0.4000 1.6128
Next I use step size 0.05.
[t2,y2] = rungekutta(f, 0, 1, 0.4, 8); [t2 y2]
ans = 0 1.0000 0.0500 1.0526 0.1000 1.1107 0.1500 1.1749 0.2000 1.2459 0.2500 1.3244 0.3000 1.4111 0.3500 1.5069 0.4000 1.6128
I will make a table of values at t = 0, 0.1,...,0.4. I will include the exact solution, which is
syms t y = dsolve('Dy = 2*y - 1, y(0) = 1', 't')
y = exp(2*t)/2 + 1/2
I will also include the approximate solution I had obtained with Euler's method using step size 0.025.
[ta,ya] = myeuler(f, 0, 1, 0.4, 16); ya
ya = 1.0000 1.0250 1.0513 1.0788 1.1078 1.1381 1.1700 1.2036 1.2387 1.2757 1.3144 1.3552 1.3979 1.4428 1.4900 1.5395 1.5914
Here is the table. The first column is t, the second ya, the third y1, the fourth y2 and the last y.
T = [ ] for k = 0:4 digits(9) A = [vpa(t1(k+1)),vpa(ya(4*k+1)),vpa(y1(k+1)),vpa(y2(2*k+1)),... vpa(subs(y,'t',t1(k+1)))]; T = [T;A]; end [sym('t1'),sym('ya'),sym('y1'),sym('y2'),sym('y');T]
T = [] ans = [ t1, ya, y1, y2, y] [ 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] [ 0.1, 1.10775312, 1.1107, 1.11070129, 1.11070138] [ 0.2, 1.23872772, 1.24590898, 1.24591212, 1.24591235] [ 0.3, 1.39792816, 1.41105323, 1.41105898, 1.4110594] [ 0.4, 1.59143729, 1.61276041, 1.61276978, 1.61277046]
Here is a table of the errors. The second column is the error with Euler's method, the third is the Runge-Kutta method with step size 0.1 and the fourth is the Runge-Kutta method with step size 0.05.
T = [ ] for k = 0:4 digits(9) A = [vpa(t1(k+1)),vpa(subs(y,'t',t1(k+1)))-vpa(ya(4*k+1)),... vpa(subs(y,'t',t1(k+1)))-vpa(y1(k+1)),... vpa(subs(y,'t',t1(k+1)))-vpa(y2(2*k+1))]; T = [T;A]; end [sym('t1'),sym('Ea'),sym('E1'),... sym('E2');T]
T = [] ans = [ t1, Ea, E1, E2] [ 0, 0, 0, 0] [ 0.1, 0.00294825408, 0.00000137908008, 0.0000000936547379] [ 0.2, 0.00718462693, 0.00000336882064, 0.000000228780293] [ 0.3, 0.0131312372, 0.00000617202325, 0.000000419149289] [ 0.4, 0.0213331701, 0.000010051357, 0.000000682600077]
I see that with step size 0.1 the Runge-Kutta method gives errors that are less than . With step size 0.05 it gives errors that are less than
. With step size 0.025, Euler's method gives an error greater than 0.02 at t=0.4.