%% Example 4.15 CDF(2,2) filters % The CDF(2,2) analysis filters have z-transforms $H_0$ and $H_1$ given by %% syms z H0 = sqrt(2)*(-z^2+2*z+6+2*z^(-1)-z^(-2))/8 H1 = sqrt(2)*(-z^2+2*z-1)/4 %% % The frequency response is given by substituting $z=e^{i\omega }$ and then % taking the absolute value. %% syms w 'real' absH0 = abs(subs(H0,z,exp(i*w))) absH1 = abs(subs(H1,z,exp(i*w))) %% % Here are the plots of the frequency response. %% fplot(absH0,[0 pi]) hold on fplot(absH1,[0 pi]) axis([0 pi 0 1.7]) xticks([0 pi/4 pi/2 3*pi/4 pi]) xticklabels({'0','.25','.5', '.75', '1'}) yticks([0 .5 1 1.5]) xlabel('frequency \omega (multiples of \pi)') annotation('textarrow',[0.51 0.63],... [0.56 0.60],'String','crossover point'); annotation('textarrow',[0.35 0.48],... [0.76 0.83],'String','lowpass filter'); annotation('textarrow',[0.54 0.44],... [0.26 0.35],'String',{'highpass filter'}); title('Frequency response of CDF(2,2) analysis filters')