Demonstrations for Math 40760

Some of these have been shown in class.

Maple worksheets

To use one of these worksheets on your computer, if you have Maple save the worksheet (download it) and open it with Maple.  If you are running Maple on a cluster linux computer, you can save the worksheet to your afs directory, start xmaple and open it, or if you don't want to save the worksheet, you can give the commands:

cd /afs/

and open the worksheet using Maple's file menu.

Professor Banchoff's applets for differential geometry


Parallel transport on the sphere

Helicoid in art, architecture and nature

M. C. Escher's Möbius strips

For more of Escher's work, go to the gallery at M. C. Escher the Official Web Site.

Breather pseudospherical surface on the 3D-XplorMath home page.