June 22-26, 2009 Notre Dame Workshop (2B) on
Guided Inquiry and Vernier Labquest Probes

Photos taken during the workshop

Did you notice, we were mostly called Pat or Bill!!!...
People from the left are:
Gordon, Marcia, Karen, Brenda, Kent, Pat, Brad, Joe, Tim, Walter (in front), Mindy, Pat, Pat, Bill, Jenni, Bill.

 An overview, with Bill and Karen at the front (Edison IC)  Marcia and Pat (Clay and Edison)
 Brad and Walter, with Kent in the background (John Young MS)  Tim and Mindy (Discovery MS)
 Jenni and Bill (Jackson IC)  Brenda and Pat (LaSalle Academy)

Same group as above, but with Susan, our lunch and scheduling specialist (on the left)