The Northern Indiana Science, Mathematics and Engineering Collaborative

Guided Inquiry is our Focus

Kit-based Guided Inquiry using Vernier Labquests ---under construction - 6 Aug 2011
This summer 2011 at Notre Dame, we conducted 2 one-week workshops on "Guided Inquiry using Vernier Labquests and probes" as supplements to the science kits adopted by the South Bend Community Schools Corporation for grades 5-8.

Some pictures taken at the workshops...

Click on the pictures below for larger view - left - group 1a at the Jordan sundial; right - group1b in the classroom

The week's
schedule (it was almost the same for both weeks).

The Attendees: Workshops 1A and 1B (Both weeks).

Daily discussions:
Monday: Guided inquiry - SIP, PIP, Questions
Tuesday: Naked Science
Wednesday: Galileo looks at Jupiter's moons
Thursday: Reading an object - Cotton bolls
Friday: The sun's shadow; conclusion

Kent's daily discussion on Notebooking

The Lesson additions and supplements - by grade: These lessons are written in a simple "1-page format" so that teachers can easily follow how the Vernier Labquest and probes can be used to replace and/or supplement the kit lessons. In general, these lessons allow a more quantitative investigation of the projects within the FOSS, STC, and SEPUP kits; or provide further experiments to suppliment the students' understanding of the concepts. They are always in line with the new Indiana Science Standards: the relevant standards are included in each one-page synopsis. Users are encouraged to contact the SBCSC teacher authors (given in each file - they may be in your school) for any clarifications.

Fifth Grade: Workshop 1A
Gripping Gender test Muscle action Heart rate
Mass and Dissolving Light reflectivity Sunlight intensity
Sixth Grade: Workshop 1A
Bio Chamber Conductivity pH measurements
Temperature changes with mixtures Chemical batteries Controlling solar energy
Tilt of the earth Cycle of seasons Potential and kinetic energy
Seventh Grade: Workshop 1A
Curved track motion Free Fall Momentum collisions
Respiration Track angle motion Trolley
Eighth Grade: Workshop 1A
Solar heating Volume versus weight

Some of the articles read for homework:
Article 1 .......

The library collection is now on line and Vernier materials may be ordered through the Notre Dame Library catalog.
OR by sending the order form to Gordon Berry (by Fax - 631-5952, by regular mail: Gordon Berry, Physics Dept, NSH225, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN 46556; or by email to ....
Contact Gordon Berry at for further information.
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