Table of Contents

Special Issue on Intelligent Learning Control

Intelligent Learning Control Panos J. Antsaklis.....5
Switched Reluctance Motor Control Via Fuzzy Adaptive SystemsDonald S. Reay, Mehran Mirkazemi-Moud, Tim C. Green, aand Barry W. Williams.....8
Learning Methodology for Failure Detection and AccomodationMarios M. Polycarpou and Arun T. Vemuri.....16
Control System Synthesis Through Inductive Learning of Boolean ConceptsMichael Lemmon, Panos Antsaklis, Xiaojun yang, and Constantino Lucisano.....25
Adaptation and Learning Using Multiple Models, Switching, and TurningKumpati S. Narendra, Jeyendran Balakrishnan, and M. Kemal Ciliz.....37
Qualitative Limitations Incurred in Implementations of Recurrent Neural NetworksAnthony N. Michel, Kaining Wang, Derong Liu, and Hui Ye.....52
Designing Fuzzy Net Controllers Using Genetic AlgorithmsJinwoo Kim, Yoonkeon Moon, and Bernard P. Zeigler.....66
Implementation of a Learning Fuzzy ControllerSujeet Shenoi, Kaveh Ashenayi, and Marc Timmerman.....73


Officer's Communique.....81
1995 IEEE Fellows.....84
Historical Perspectives.....90


From the Editor.....2
President's Message.....3
Sampled Data.....15
Sampled Data.....36
Sampled Data.....51
Conference Report.....97
Meeting Announcements.....104
University Focus.....114
On the Market.....115
Ad Index.....120