Graduate Students

Ph.D. and M.S. Supervised Students
Hasan ZakeriWebsite
Ph.D. Research Topic: Passivity and Dissipativity of Complex Systems: Approximate Models and Local Results.
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, May 2016.
MSc. Control Systems, Electrical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, 2013.
BSEE, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran, 2009.
Etika Agarwal
Ph.D. Research Topic: Compositional Control of Large-scale CPS Using Hybrid Models and Dissipativity Based Analysis and Design.
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, May 2016.
B.Tech., Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, May 2012.
Yang Yan
Ph.D. Research Topic: Dissipativity Analysis and Resilient Design for Cyber Physical Systems.
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, May 2016.
MS, Engineering, Shandong University, China, June 2015.
BS, Shandong University, China, June 2012.
Arash Rahnama (Booz Allen Hamilton)
Ph.D. May 2018. “Learning-Based Approaches to Control, Estimation and Modeling.”
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, May 2015.
BS, Texas Tech, May 2013.
Zhi Wang (MathWorks)
Panos Antsaklis co-advisor, David Hoelzle (AME) advisor
Ph.D. May 2018. “Spatial Systems Modeling and Control of A Microscale Additive Manufacturing Process.”
B.Eng. in ME, Tsinghua University, July 2013
Moeen Mostafavi
MSc May 2018. “Control Design Based on Passivity Indices with Learning.”
MSc in EE, K.N. Toosi University of Technology
BSc in EE, Shiraz University
Vahideh Ghanbari
Ph.D. May 2017. “Dissipativity/Passivity Based Control Design for Symmetric and Switched Systems with Application to Medical Robotics.”
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, May 2013.
BSEE, Azad University, July 2007.
Meng Xia (MathWorks)
Ph.D. May 2015. “Analysis and Design of Cyber-Physical Systems Using Passivity and Passivation.”
MS Control Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, July 2010.
BS Information and Computational Science, Harbin Institute of Technology, July 2008.
Feng Zhu (Microsoft)
Ph.D. May 2014. “Passivity Analysis and Passivation in the Design of Cyber-Physical Systems”
MSc, Applied Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, May 2013
BS Automatic Control, Harbin Institute of Technology, July 2008.
Michael McCourt (University of Washington, Tacoma)
Ph.D. May 2013, "Dissipativity Theory for Hybrid Systems with Applications to Networked Control Systems"
BSEE, University of Washington, June 2007.
Po Wu (Amazon)
Ph.D. August 2013, "Symmetry and Dissipativity in the Design of Large-Scale Complex Control Systems"
MSc, Applied Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, May 2013.
BS Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, July 2007.
Han (Cherry) Yu (GE Global Research)
Ph.D. January 2013, "Passivity and Dissipativity as Design and Analysis Tools for Networked Control Systems"
BS Measuring and Control Technology and Instruments, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, June 2007.
Eloy Garcia (AFRL Dayton, Ohio)
Ph.D. June 2012, "Model-Based Control over Networks: Architecture and Performance"
MSEE, University of Illinois at Chicago, May 2006.
BSEE, Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, June 2003.
Matthew Zyskowski (Hamilton Sundstrand, Electric Systems)
Ronald Diersing co-advisor, Michael K Sain Advisor
Ph.D. December 2010, "Cost Density-Shaping for Stochastic Optimal Control."
MSEE, University of Pennsylvania, May 2006.
BSEE Mathematics, Drexel University, December 2003.
Tomas Estrada, Ph.D. (Elizabethtown College, PA)
Ph.D. May 2009. "Model-Based Networked Control Systems with Intermittent Feedback."
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, 2005.
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Costa Rica, 2002.
Hui Fang, Ph.D. (JP Morgan-Chase, NYC)
Ph.D. January 2008. "Cooperative Control of Multi-agent Systems with Information Flow Constraints."
MSc, Applied Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, 2006.
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, 2001.
Nicholas Kottenstette, Ph.D. (Corindus Vascular Robotics, Natick, MA)
Ph.D. August 2007. "Control of Passive Plants with Memoryless Nonlinearities over Wireless Networks."
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997.
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Catholic University of America, 1995.
Lei Fang, Ph.D. (Magnetar Capital LLC, Chicago, IL)
Ph.D. August 2006. "Control of Distributed Systems with Interconnection Constraints."
M.S., University of Connecticut, 2002.
M.S., University of Macau, 1999.
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, 1996.
Anastasios Tzimas, M.S.
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, May 2006.
Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, November 2003.
Emmanuel Sifakis, M.S.
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, "Routing Protocols for Wireless Networked Sensing and Control." May 2006.
B.S. in Electrical and Computer Science Engineering, Ecole Superieure d'Electricite-Supelec, December 2005.
Erez Abittan, M.S.
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, "Model-Based Approach for Bridge Structural Health Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks." May 2006.
B.S. in Electrical and Computer Science Engineering, Ecole Superieure d'Electricite-Supelec, December 2005.
Hai Lin, Ph.D. (University of Notre Dame)
Ph.D. August 2005. "Robust Analysis and Synthesis of Uncertain Linear Hybrid Systems with Networked Control Applications."
M.S., Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2002.
B.S. University of Science and Technology China, 1997.
Luis Montestruque, M.S., Ph.D. (EmNet LLC, South Bend, IN)
Ph.D. January 2005. "Model-Based Networked Control Systems."
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, 2001.
B.S., Pontificia University Catholica, Peru, 1997.
Ioannis E. Koutroulis, M.S.
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, January 2004.
B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Patras, Greece, May 2002.
Marian V. Iordache, Ph.D. (LeTourneau University, TX)
Ph.D. January 2004. "Methods for the Supervisory Control of Concurrent Systems Based on Petri Net Abstractions."
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, "Deadlock Prevention in Discrete Event Systems Using Petri Nets." May 1999.
M.S. in Electrical Engineering--Microsystems, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania, 1997.
Diploma in Electronics and Computing Systems, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania, 1996.
Vishwani Silochan, M.S. (Bechtel, Trinidad and Tobago)
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, December 2002.
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Louisiana State University, 2001.
Xuping Xu, Ph.D. (California Baptist University, Riverside, CA)
Ph.D. July 2001."Analysis and Design of Switched Systems."
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, 1999.
M.S. Applied Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, 2000. B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, May 1995.
Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Ph.D. (Toyota Technical Center, Ann Arbor, MI)
Ph.D. October 2000. "Explicit Rate Congestion Control for Data Networks."
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, 1996.
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan,1992.
Xenofon D. Koutsoukos, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN)
Ph.D. July 2000. "Analysis and Design of Piecewise Linear Hybrid Dynamical Systems."
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, 1998.
MSc, Applied Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, 1998.
Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 1993.
Jean-Kesney Auguste, M.S. (BAE Systems Controls)
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, "Modeling and Hinf Control of a Hot Strip Steel Mill." May 1999.
B.S., Boston University, 1992.
John O. Moody, Ph.D. (Lockheed Martin Federal Systems, Owego, NY)
Ph.D. May 1998."Petri Net Supervisors for Discrete Event Systems."
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, "A New Method for Constructing and Training Neural Networks." May 1993.
BSEE. University of Notre Dame, May 1991.
Ioannis K. Konstantopoulos, Ph.D. (DEH, Athens, Greece)
Ph.D. January 1996. "Optimal Controller Design and Reconfigurable Control Under Stability Robustness."
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, "Controller Design with Failure Diagnostic Capabilities Using Neural Networks." January 1993.
Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 1989, National Technical University of Athens.
James. A. Stiver, Ph.D. (Harris Corporation, Melbourne, FL)
Ph.D. May 1995. "Analysis and Design of Hybrid Control Systems."
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, "Modeling of Hybrid Control Systems Using Discrete Event System Models." May 1991.
BSEE, University of Notre Dame, May 1989.
Zugang Hou, M.S.
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, "Analysis of Automotive Powertrain Dynamics Using Neural Networks." May 1992.
B.S. Shandong University of Technology, China. May 1982.
Michael A. Sartori, M.S., Ph.D. (Venable LLP, Washington, DC)
Ph.D. May 1991. "Neural Networks and their Application to the Control of Systems."
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, May 1989.
BSEE, University of Notre Dame, May 1987.
Zhiqiang Gao, Ph.D. (Cleveland State University, OH)
Ph.D. August 1990. "Reconfigurable Control Systems: Analysis and Design."
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, "Model Matching and Related Control Problems: Conditions and Algorithms." August 1987.
B.S. Beijing Institute of Posts and Telecommunications, January 1984.
Mark D. Peek, M.S. (TellLabs)
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, "Machine Learning of Parameter Values for System Performance Adaptation." September 1989.
BSEE, University of Notre Dame, 1985.
Kevin M. Passino, Ph.D. (The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH)
Ph.D. May 1989. "Analysis and Synthesis of Discrete Event Regulator Systems."
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, "Reconstruction Methods and the Zeros of Sampled Systems." January 1985.
BSEE, Tri-State University, January 1983.
Oscar R. Gonzalez, Ph.D. (Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA)
Ph.D., August 1987. "Analysis and Synthesis of Two Degrees of Freedom Control Systems."
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, "Regulation Problem with Internal Stability (RPIS): Compensator Structure and Internal Models." May 1984.
BSEE, University of Idaho, January 1982.
Donald P. McLane, M.S. (University of Washington, Tacoma WA)
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, "Discrete System Identification in the Frequency Domain via Least Squares." January 1987.
B.S. Indiana University South Bend, January 1981.
Rodolfo F. Lopez, M.S. (Nicaragua)
MSEE, University of Notre Dame, "Multivariable Control Design Via Polynomial Interpolation Methods." May 1984.
Students from Computing and Control and Electrical Engineering,
Imperial College, London, England
Kevin Warwick (Coventry University UK)Ph.D. under John Westcott
Trevor W. Williams, Ph.D. (NASA Goddard Center)
Formerly, University of Cincinnati, Aeronautics
Ph.D. 1981. "Inverse and Decoupling Problems in Linear Systems."
João José Santos Sentieiro, M.S. Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, Lisbon, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal
M.S., "On the Flexibility Offered by State Feedback Compensation." 1980.