
The readings for Tuesday, November 10 are:

  1. HTTP

  2. HTML

  3. Tornado

    Note: Using Tornado involves some concepts we haven't discussed yet (such as classes). We will discuss these concepts this week. The goal of the readings is to give you a sense of what is involved in web programming and we will fill in the details in class. That is, don't worry if you don't understand every detail in the readings.


Once you have completed these readings, please answer the following questions:

  1. Using the HTTP readings as a reference, briefly explain what happens what happens when you type "" into the address bar of your favorite web browser? That is, what communication is happening? Who is involved in the communication, what does it look like, and what is being sent back and forth?

  2. Read the Introduction to HTML, go through the HTML Basics tutorial, and then write HTML code that does the following:

    a. Display "hello, world" as bolded text:

    hello, world.

    b. Create a link to your favorite website:

    University of Notre Dame

  3. Follow the Tornado - Hello, World tutorial to build a simple web application that displays "Hello, World" in your web browser.

    Were you successful? What problems (if any) did you face? What remains confusing or mysterious about the web application to you?


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the course, please provide your feedback here.


To submit your response, please edit the reading09/ file in your Bitbucket repository.