
As discussed in class, we will doing two artificial intelligence projects next week. The first is to create a simple Twitter bot that can read and write status messages. The second is to create a simple agent that can play Connect 4.

The readings for Tuesday, November 15 are:

  1. The Rise of the Chatbots: Is It Time to Embrace Them?

    This is to provide a little background into what a chat bot is and why developing these bots is such a popular topic right now.

  2. Make a Twitter Bot in Python: Iterative Code Examples

    These are all articles that walk you through setting up a Twitter application account and using tweepy to communicate via Twitter. I have distilled this information into a guide below, but I link these references here for reference.


For this reading assignment, you are to follow the steps in the Reading 10 Notebook. At the end of the activity, you should have a bot that can send tweets and read user timelines.

To prove you have completed the assignment, you are to write a little bot that sends a message to @pnutzh4x0r in the form:

@pnutzh4x0r Hello from {NETID}

Replace {NETID} with your netid (ie. pbui for me).

Submit the code you used to do this in the file.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the course, please provide your feedback here.


To submit your response, please edit the reading10/ file in your GitLab repository.