
The goal of the first project is to allow you to practice writing scripts and modules while also exploring the basics of object-oriented programming in Python. Therefore, this project requires you to complete a Python package called DrawIt, which is a simple drawing library for composing two-dimensional images in PPM format.

You are to work in your Raspberry Pi groups and your code should run on the provided machines (although you can do your development anywhere and using any resources you wish).

Activity 1: Projects Repository

To keep track of your work and to facilitate collaboration, your group will use a git repository on Bitbucket. For these group projects, one member of your group should fork the Projects repository:


Once that one member has forked that repository, then that person should give the other members access by going to Settings > Access management, and then adding the other group members.

After you have forked the Projects repository and given group members access, then you should clone it to your development machine. This can either be your laptop or directly onto the Raspberry Pi.

Activity 2: DrawIt Package

Once you have forked and cloned the Projects repository, you should go into the drawit folder. As you can see, the drawit project has the following layout:

    \_ drawit                           DrawIt Python Package
            \_ __init__.py
            \_ color.py                 DrawIt Color Module
            \_ image.py                 DrawIt Image Module
            \_ point.py                 DrawIt Point Module
            \_ ppm.py                   DrawIt PPM Module
            \_ tests                    DrawIt Tests
                \_ color_tests.py       DrawIt Color Module Tests
                \_ image_tests.py       DrawIt Image Module Tests
                \_ point_tests.py       DrawIt Point Module Tests
    \_ draw_circle.py                   Circle Demo Script
    \_ draw_freight_train.py            Freight Train Demo Script
    \_ draw_line.py                     Line Demo Script
    \_ draw_point.py                    Point Demo Script
    \_ draw_rectangle.py                Rectangle

For this project, you only need to modify the following the color.py, image.py, and point.py modules as detailed below.

Color Module

The first module is drawit.color which defines the drawit.color.Color class. As discussed previously, colors typically store red, green, and blue (aka rgb) values which define the color value for a pixel.

For this activity you are to complete the drawit.color.Color class by defining the following methods:

  1. __init__(self, r=0, g=0, b=0)

    This the constructor which should set the instance variables of the object (ie. r, g, b).

  2. __eq__(self, other):

    This is a protocol method which is called when we an expression comparing two drawit.color.Color objects (ie. color0 == color1). It should return True if the instance variables of each object are equal.

  3. __str__(self):

    This is a protocol method which is called when we want to get a string representation of the object (ie. str(color)). It should return a string of the form Color(r=?,g=?,b=?) with the appropriate r, g, b instance variables.

In addition to defining this class, you must also define some basic colors:


Furthermore, you should collect these basic colors into a COLORS list for easy of use.

Point Module

The second module is drawit.point which defines the drawit.point.Point class. This object contains x and y attributes that can be used to specify a location.

For this activity, you are to complete the drawit.point.Point class by defining the following methods:

  1. __init__(self, x=0, y=0)

    This the constructor which should set the instance variables of the object (ie. x, y). This method also ensures that the attributes are ints.

  2. __eq__(self, other):

    This is a protocol method which is called when we an expression comparing two drawit.point.Point objects (ie. point0 == point1). It should return True if the instance variables of each object are equal.

  3. __str__(self):

    This is a protocol method which is called when we want to get a string representation of the object (ie. str(point)). It should return a string of the form Point(x=?,y=?) with the appropriate x, y instance variables.

  4. `distance_from(self, other):

    This is a method which returns the distance from the current instance to other Point.

    Hint: You can use the math.hypot function.

Image Module

The last module is the drawit.image module which defines the drawit.image.Image class. This object contains the width and height of the image along with the pixels associated with the image.

For this activity, you are to complete the drawit.image.Image class by defining the following methods:

  1. __init__(self, width=DEFAULT_WIDTH, height=DEFAULT_HEIGHT)

    This the constructor which should set the instance variables of the object (ie. width, height) and initialize the internal collection of pixels.

  2. __eq__(self, other):

    This is a protocol method which is called when we an expression comparing two drawit.image.Image objects (ie. image0 == image1). It should return True if the instance variables of each object are equal.

  3. __str__(self):

    This is a protocol method which is called when we want to get a string representation of the object (ie. str(image)). It should return a string of the form Image(width=?,height=?) with the appropriate width, height instance variables.

  4. __getitem__(self, point):

    This is a protocol method which is called when we use the index operator to read a value (ie. image[point]). It should return the pixel color at the location specified by point. If point is not with the bounds of the image, then an IndexError should be raised.

  5. __setitem__(self, point, color):

    This is a protocol method which is called when we use the index operator to store a value (ie. image[point] = color). It should set the pixel at the location specified by point to the given color. If point is not with the bounds of the image, then an IndexError should be raised.

  6. clear(self):

    This is a method which clears the image by setting all pixels to default the Color.

    Hint: You can call this in the constructor to reduce code duplication.

  7. draw_line(self, point0, point1, color):

    This is a method which draw a line from point0 to point1 with the given color.

    To draw a line using polar coordinates, you can use the following recipe:

    1. Compute the angle defined by the two points using the atan2 function.

    2. Compute the distance between the two points.

    3. If angle is greater than or equal to Pi, then we need to subtract Pi from the angle.

    4. Draw the line by drawing a point every few lengths from the first point until we have reached the distance computed in step two.

    The point at distance d with angle a is defined as:

    P(d, a).x = point0.x + d*cos(a)
    P(d, a).y = point0.y + d*sin(a)
  8. draw_rectangle(self, point0, point1, color):

    This is a method which draw a rectangle from point0 to point1 with the given color.

    To draw a rectangle one row at at time, you can use the following recipe:

    1. Determine the column start and end.

    2. Determine the row start and end.

    3. For each row from the start to the end determined in step 2:

      • For each column from the start to the end determined in step 1:

        • Draw a pixel at point(column, row)

  9. draw_circle(self, center, radius, color):

    This is a method which draw a circle with the specified center and radius with the given color.

    To draw a circle by walking the rectangular area, you can use the following recipe:

    1. Determine the column start and end based on the center point and the radius.

    2. Determine the row start and end based on the center point and the radius.

    3. For each row from the start to the end determined in step 2:

      • For each column from the start to the end determined in step 1:

        • If point p is in circle then draw a pixel at point(column, row)


We have provided tests that you can run to verify that your code is behaving properly. To run these tests, you can use the unittest module as follows:

$ python -m unittest -v drawit.tests
test00_ColorInit (drawit.tests.color_tests.ColorTest) ... ok
test01_ColorEq (drawit.tests.color_tests.ColorTest) ... ok
test02_ColorStr (drawit.tests.color_tests.ColorTest) ... ok
test03_ColorGlobals (drawit.tests.color_tests.ColorTest) ... ok
test00_ImageInit (drawit.tests.image_tests.ImageTest) ... ok
test01_ImageEq (drawit.tests.image_tests.ImageTest) ... ok
test02_ImageStr (drawit.tests.image_tests.ImageTest) ... ok
test03_ImageGetItem (drawit.tests.image_tests.ImageTest) ... ok
test03_ImageSetItem (drawit.tests.image_tests.ImageTest) ... ok
test04_ImageClear (drawit.tests.image_tests.ImageTest) ... ok
test05_ImageLine (drawit.tests.image_tests.ImageTest) ... ok
test06_ImageRectangle (drawit.tests.image_tests.ImageTest) ... ok
test07_ImageCircle (drawit.tests.image_tests.ImageTest) ... ok
test00_PointInit (drawit.tests.point_tests.PointTest) ... ok
test01_PointStr (drawit.tests.point_tests.PointTest) ... ok
test02_PointStr (drawit.tests.point_tests.PointTest) ... ok
test03_PointDistanceFrom (drawit.tests.point_tests.PointTest) ... ok

Ran 17 tests in 5.369s


For your convenience, you can also use the following command to run the tests:

$ make test


In addition to the unit tests, you are also provided a few example demo scripts. The first few scripts demonstrate each of the drawing primitives:

$ ./draw_point.py > draw_point.ppm


$ ./draw_line.py > draw_line.ppm


$ ./draw_rectangle.py > draw_rectangle.ppm


$ ./draw_circle.py > draw_circle.ppm


One special script, demonstrates how you can put all of these things together to make a pretty cool image:

$ ./draw_freight_train.py > draw_freight_train.ppm


For your convenience, you can run all of these scripts at once by doing:

$ make ppms

This will generate PPM files that you can view. If you prefer PNG files, you can do the following instead:

$ make pngs

To make a single image, you can do:

$ make draw_line.png

Note: The make commands will automatically run any script that begins with draw_, so if you use that prefix for your scripts, then you can also use the make command.

Activity 3: DrawIt Artwork

Once you have a working and tested DrawIt package, then you are to use the library by writing scripts that produce cool images!

Specifically, each group must write a script, draw_group_logo.py that will generate an image that serves as the group's logo.

Afterwards, each group member should write their own draw_NETID.py script that

  1. Draws your initials.
  2. Draws a smiley face.
  3. Draws a robot.
  4. Draws a bunch of stars.
  5. Draws something super awesome and cool!

What you draw for your individual script is up to you.


To submit your project, please commit your work to your Projects repository by the beginning of class, Thursday, February 4.