
The goal of the third project is to allow you to practice build an interactive web application in Bootstrap and JavaScript. Therefore, this project requires you to use Python, Tornado, and SQLite on the server-side and Bootstrap and JavaScript on the client-side.

You are to work in your Raspberry Pi groups and your code should run on the provided machines (although you can do your development anywhere and using any resources you wish).

Once again, to keep track of your work and to facilitate collaboration, your group will use your Projects repository on Bitbucket. The starter code for the project has already been merged into your Projects repository. You simply need to do a git pull on your local clone to get the latest files.

After you have the files, you can see that the playit project as the following layout:

    \_ assets
            \_ css
                    \_ playit.css     PlayIt CSS
            \_ html
                    \_ playit.html    PlayIt HTML
            \_ js
                    \_ playit.js      PlayIt JavaScript
            \_ mp3                    MP3 Directory
            \_ yaml
                    \_ playit.yaml    PlayIt YAML
    \_ PlayIt
            \_ __init__.py
            \_ __main__.py            PlayIt Main Execution Module
            \_ database.py            PlayIt Database Module
            \_ web.py                 PlayIt Web Module

For this project, you need to modify the following files:

  1. playit.css: This file contains your custom CSS styles.

  2. playit.html: This file contains the base HTML user interface.

  3. playit.js: This file contains the JavaScript code that adds interactivity to the web application.

  4. playit.yaml: This file contains information for the song database.

  5. database.py: This file contains the Python code for operating the SQlite database.

  6. web.py: This file contains the Python code that uses Tornado to handle HTTP requests.

Each of these files has a TODO marker that identifies what needs to be implemented. Further details on what needs to be done are provided below.

The order in which you implement the different components is up to you. My recommendation is to get the HTML and CSS portions settled and then slowly add the JavaScript and Python support.

MP3 Files

In order for your application to play music, you will need to upload MP3 files to your Raspberry Pi. These files should go in the playit/assets/mp3 directory and be named 0001.mp3 for the track with TrackID of 1:

    \_ assets
            \_ mp3                    MP3 Directory
                    \_ 0001.mp3       MP3 for Track 1
                    \_ 0002.mp3       MP3 for Track 2
                    \_ 0003.mp3       MP3 for Track 3

While organizing and naming these files is tedious, it will allow us to avoid modifying our current database schema.


You will need to modify the playit/assets/yaml/playit.yaml to reflect the songs you have (as noted above). The format of this file is the same as in Project 02.

To simplify your lives, do not include any tracks you don't have a MP3 for. Otherwise, the track will show up on the web application and the user will be confused when the song does not play.

HTML5 Audio

Only Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer support playing MP3 audio files. Due to patent restrictions, Firefox does not support this format.

User Interface

To construct the user interface, you will need to use Bootstrap and some custom CSS to stylize your HTML web page.

Custom CSS

Feel free to use any Bootswatch or custom CSS code.


This file contains any custom CSS you wish to add on top of the existing Bootstrap theme. For instance, the provided file contains the following:

/* Sets top padding for fixed navigation bar */
body {
    padding-top: 140px;

/* Sets albumImage size */
#albumImage {
    width:  64px;
    height: 64px;

/* Sets sets song information color */
.song-information dl {
    color:  white;

/* Sets playlist image size */
.playlist-image {
    width:  64px;
    height: 64px;

/* Sets playlist cell vertical alignment */
.table > tbody > tr > td {
    vertical-align: middle;

/* Sets playlist active cell font weight */
.playlist-active {
    font-weight: bold;

Feel free to add, modify, or remove any of these as you see fit.


This file provides the base HTML user interface as show below.

For this file, you will need to determine how to layout the application and then add the appropriate HTML elements with the appropriate identifiers.

In particular, you will need the following sections:

  1. Current Song: This is a section on the page dedicated to displaying the current song information (album cover, track name, album name, artist) and the audio controls (previous song, play/pause, next song).

    In the screenshot above, this is the blue bar at the top.

  2. Music Library: This is a section of the page dedicated to displaying the music library and allows the user to browse by Artist, Albums, or Tracks and to search any of those categories.

    In the screenshot above, this information is provided in the notebook tabs below the blue bar.

  3. Playlist: This is a section of the page dedicated to displaying the current list of songs to be played.

    In the screenshot below, this information is provided in a notebook tab.

Exactly how you arrange these elements is up to you, but the playit.html has a set of TODOs that describe what elements you need to add and what to identify them as.

Web Service

For the most part, the web back-end remains mostly the same except for the following:

  1. We need to add another method to our Database so we can return song information for a particular track.

  2. We need to return JSON data rather than HTML in our web application.


For the database, you will need to add one more method:

 def song(self, track_id=None):

Given the track_id, this method returns a single dict with the track name, artist name, album name, album image, track number, and song URL.

The dict should look something like this:

  'trackName'  :
  'artistName' :
  'albumName'  :
  'albumImage' :
  'songURL'    :

The song URL should look something like this: /assets/mp3/XXXX.mp3 where is the TrackId for the song.

Note, to grab the first result from a database query, you can use the fetchone method on the cursor after you execute it.


In the Tornado portion of the web application, the main changes are that the handlers now need to return JSON data rather than render HTML.


This should simply render playit.html.


This should perform a database search using the query for the appropriate table and then return the results in the form of a JSON object:

    'render' : 'gallery',       # Which render function to use
    'prefix' : table,           # Which prefix
    'results': list(results),   # Ensure we have a list


This returns a JSON object with all the artists if artist_id is not specified. Otherwise, it provides the album information about the specific artist.


This returns a JSON object with all the albums if album_id is not specified. Otherwise, it provides the track information about the specific album.


This returns a JSON object with all the tracks if track_id is not specified. Otherwise, it provides the track information about the specific track.


This returns a JSON object with the song information about the specific track.


As you develop these methods, you can test them by going to the appropriate URL and checking if you get back valid JSON data:

$ curl http://localhost:9876/song/1


The majority of the work will be done in playit.js, which is the JavaScript file for adding interactivity to the web application. Below is a walk-through of the provided JavaScript code and a description of what you need to modify.

Incremental Development

You should build components and features one at a time and test them thoroughly, rather than trying to do everything at once.

playit.js - Constants

At the top of the playit.js file are three constants:

  1. PlaylistQueue: This is the list that will contain the song information.

    When songs are added, they pushed to the back of this list.

  2. PlaylistIndex: This is the index used to keep track of the current song in the Playlist.

    To go to the next song, we will increment this value. Conversely, when we go to the previous song, we will decrement this value. If we reach the front or back of the queue, we will wrap around to the other side.

  3. CurrentNotebook: This is used to keep track of the currently visible notebook tab.

playit.js - AJAX Functions

This portion of the JavaScript file contains the requestJSON function discussed in class.

playit.js - Display Functions

This portion of the JavaScript file contains functions for displaying the different user interface components of the application:

  1. displayTab: This function displays the tab that was clicked on by the user by doing the following:

    1. Remove the active tag from all the notebook tab elements.

      Hint: You can use document.getElementsByClassName to get a list of all the nav-tab elements, and then use getElementsByTagName to get a list of all the elements with li tag for the first nav-tab element.

    2. Add the active tag to the current notebook tab element.

      Hint: You can use this.classList to access the current element's list of classes.

    3. Check the current element's identifier and call the appropriate function: displaySearch, displayArtist, displayAlbum, displayTrack, displayPlaylist.

      Hint: If you gave each notebook tab anchor an identifier, you can simply check this.id.

  2. displayResults: This is a helper function used by some of the other display functions that performs a requestJSON on the provided url and then checks the received data's render field to see which render function to utilize: renderGallery, renderAlbum, renderTrack:

    function displayResults(url) {
        requestJSON(url, function(data) {
            if (data['render'] == 'gallery') {
                renderGallery(data['results'], data['prefix']);
            } else if (...) {
            } else if (...) {
  3. displaySearch: This function displays the Search notebook tab by setting the CurrentNotebook to 'Search', updating the notebook-body-nav element to display the search form, and then calling the updateSearchResults function.

    CurrentNotebook = 'Search';
    var element    = document.getElementById('notebook-body-nav');
    var renderHTML = '<form class="navbar-form text-center">';
    renderHTML += '<div class="form-group">';
    renderHTML += ...
    renderHTML += '</div></form>';
    element.innerHTML = renderHTML;
    return updateSearchResults();

    Note: Be sure to register the onkeyup even of the query and table input elements to the updateSearchResults function.

  4. displayArtist: This function displays the Artist notebook tab by setting the CurrentNotebook to Artists, setting artist to '' if it is undefined, and then calling the displayResults function with the appropriate artist URL.

  5. displayAlbum: This function displays the Album notebook tab by setting the CurrentNotebook to Albums, setting album to '' if it is undefined, and then calling the displayResults function with the appropriate album URL.

  6. displayTrack: This function displays the Track notebook tab. setting the CurrentNotebook to Tracks, setting track to '' if it is undefined, and then calling the displayResults function with the appropriate track URL.

  7. displayPlaylist: This function displays the Playlist notebook tab by setting the CurrentNotebook to Playlist and updating the contents of notebook-body-contents to display a playlist table that displays the song number, song album cover, song artist, song album, and song track name.

playit.js - Render Functions

This portion of the JavaScript file contains helper functions for generating HTML:

  1. renderGallery: This function is similar to the gallery.html template from Project 02 and should update the notebook-body-contents element with items from the given data and prefix:

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-3">
            <a href="#" onclick="displayArtists(1)" class="thumbnail text-center">
            <img src="...">
            <div class="caption"><h4>...</h4></div>

    Note, you should create a new row every 4 items.

  2. renderAlbum: This function is similar to the album.html template from Project 02 and should update the notebook-body-contents element with items from the given data:

    <table class="table table-striped">
          <td><a href="#" onclick="displayTrack(TRACK_ID)">TRACK_NAME</a></td>
            <a href="#" onclick="addSong(TRACK_ID)"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></a>
            <a href="#" onclick="playSong(TRACK_ID)"><i class="fa fa-play"></i></a>
  3. renderTrack: This function is similar to the track.html template from Project 02 and should update the notebook-body-contents element with items from the given data:

    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-sm-3"
        <a href="#" onclick="playSong(TRACK_ID)" class="thumbnail text-center"><img src="ALBUM_IMAGE"></a>
      <div class="col-sm-6">
          <dt>Track ID</dt>
          <dd><a href="#" onclick="displayArtist(ARTIST_ID)">ARTIST_NAME</a></dd>
          <dd><a href="#" onclick="displayAlbum(ALBUM_ID)">ALBUM_NAME</a></dd>
          <dt>Track Number</dt>
          <dt>Track Name</dt>

playit.js - Update Functions

This portion of the JavaScript file contains helper functions for updating portions of the user interface:

  1. updateSearchResults: This function builds the URL for the /search request by extracting the values form the query and table elements and constructing the query string (ie. "/search?query=swift&table=Artists"). It then calls displayResults on this URL.

  2. updateSongInformation: This function gets the current song in the PlaylistQueue as noted by PlaylistIndex, and then:

    1. Updates the trackName, albumName, and artistName elements.

    2. Sets the albumImage source attribute.

    3. Sets the player source attribute.

    4. Calls displayPlaylist if the CurrentNotebook is Playlist.

playit.js - Audio Controls

This portion of the JavaScript file contains functions manipulating the playlist and audio control. The functions have been implemented for you, but you may modify them if you wish.

playit.js - Registrations

At the bottom of the playit.js file, you will need to register the callback functions necessary to react to user events. In particular:

  1. Tabs: You need to connect the displayTab function to the onclick events for each tab.

    Hint: You can use document.getElementsByClassName to get a list of all the nav-tab elements, and then use getElementsByTagName to get a list of all the elements with li tag for the first nav-tab element.

  2. Audio Buttons: You need to direct the onclick events for the prevButton, playButton, and nextButton to the appropriate functions.

    Hint: You can use documentElementById to get the specific button elements.

  3. Audio Player: You need to register the endSong function to the onended event of the player element.

    Hint: You can use documentElementById to get the specific audio element.

Once the registrations are completed, you should call the displaySearch function to display the initial page.


To run web application, you can do the following:

$ python -m playit

A live example is provided at xavier.h4x0r.space:9876.


To submit your project, please commit your work to your Projects repository by the beginning of class, Tuesday, April 19, 2016.