
As noted in Reading 09, for the final project, you must create a web application that meets the following requirements:

  1. Uses Tornado as the server side web framework.

  2. Uses SQLite as the server side database.

  3. Uses Bootstrap for the client side user interface.

  4. Uses JavaScript for the client side user interaction.

  5. Uses AJAX and JSON for client side data retrieval.

You are to work in your groups and submit your final project to the Projects Bitbucket repository.


On Friday, May 6 at 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM in 125 DeBartolo Hall, you will present and demonstrate your project. Each presentation should have the following:

  1. Overview of the project and the team members.

  2. Description of how the project meets the requirements, including:

    a. A diagram of the database organization or schema.

    b. A diagram of the interaction between the client and server (what information is passed between the two).

  3. Demonstration of the web application in action.

  4. Summary of accomplishments and remaining issues or challenges.

Each group with have around 5 minutes to present their work.

If you cannot make it, please email the instructor a link to a video (ie. YouTube or Vimeo) of your presentation by 11:59PM Thursday, May 5.


To submit your work, please commit your project to the final folder of your Projects Bitbucket repository by the beginning of class, Friday, May 6, 2016.