
This week we will be returning to web programming and our friend the Tornado web framework. The readings for this week will be mostly review.

The readings for Tuesday, February 9 are:

  1. HTTP: The Protocol Every Web Developer Must Know - Part 1

  2. Structure of a Tornado web application


Once you have completed these readings, please answer the following questions:

  1. What are the components of a URL? Given the URL,, identify each component.

  2. In the context of HTTP, what is a client and what is a server? What is each side responsible for in a HTTP transaction?

  3. Using the slides and files from last semester as references, write a Tornado web application named that allows users to enter in some text in an input box and when they press Enter or click on a button, the application searches a list of favorite song titles and displays any matches.

    An example of the application you are to build can be found at


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the course, please provide your feedback at the end of your response.


To submit your response, please commit your work (responses and scripts) to the reading03 folder of your your Readings Bitbucket repository.