
This week, you will be finishing up Project 02: SearchIt. This reading assignment will allow you practice using templates in Tornado by modifying a small web application.

Template Review

The idea behind using templates in web application frameworks such as Tornado is to allow developers to separate data processing logic from the presentation code. This separation of concerns allows each component to only focus on what is necessary with the hopes of making the code simpler to modify and maintain (but not necessarily to initially create).

To use templates in Tornado, simply create a HTML file such as page.html and then use the render method on that file:

def get(self):
    # Do some data processing
    self.render('page.html', variable=value)

As shown above, you can pass data to the template by specifying named arguments to the render method. The following provides details on how to use the data passed to the templates.

Variables and Values

To use the value of a variable, do the following:

{{ variable }}

To set the value of a variable, do the following:

{% set variable = value %}


To check the value of a variable, do the following:

{% if variable == 0 %}
variable has the value: 0
{% elif variable == 1 %}
variable has the value: 1
{% else %}
variable has the value: {{ variable }}
{% end %}

Note, to display text inside templates, we simply type in the text. We do not need to print or format anything.


To loop over a collection, do the following:

{% for item in collection %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% end %}

The code above will loop through collection and for each item, it will generate a list item with the value of each item. For instance, if the collection was [1, 2, 3], the code above would result in the following HTML:


As you can see, templates are a way to programmatically geneerate or modify HTML documents outside of a Python script. Rather than having long strings inside a Tornado web application, we can move the HTML code to external templates.


For this assignment, you will need to download the archive:

$ curl -O
$ unzip
$ ls
students.html  students.tsv

The archive contains the following files:

  1. students.html: This is the HTML template that you will be modifying.

  2. This is the Python web application that you will be modifying.

  3. students.tsv: This contains the student data as seen in Reading 04.

An example of the web application can be found at

First, you will need to modify the web application in by completing the TODOs in the IndexHandler and Application classes:

# Handlers

class IndexHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        # TODO: Get field and query value from form

        # TODO: Search for students if field and query are valid

        # TODO: Render 'students.html' template by passing field, query, and
        # search results

For the IndexHandler class, you need to do the following:

  1. Retrieve the field and query values from the HTML form by using the get_argument method.

  2. If the field and query values are valid, then perform a search on the database with the field and query values and store the results in a variable called students.

  3. Render the students.html template by using the render method and passing the appropriate arguments (ie. field, query, and students).

The IndexHandler will resemble what you have seen in Project 02: SearchIt and Reading 05.

# Application

class Application(tornado.web.Application):
    def __init__(self, port=PORT):
        tornado.web.Application.__init__(self, debug=True)
        self.logger   = logging.getLogger()
        self.ioloop   = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
        # TODO: Define database and port instance variables

        # TODO: Add IndexHandler

For the Application class, you need to complete the constructor by doing the following:

  1. Define the database and port instance variables.

  2. Add the IndexHandler to the Application instance.

The Application will resemble what you have seen in Project 02: SearchIt and Reading 05.


Once you have the web application working, you can then modify the the students.html template by doing the following:

<!--// TODO:

Create Form that contains:

1. Text Input for the query

2. Select dropdown for the field

3. Submit button


<!--// TODO:

If query is valid, then display a table containing the NetID, First Name,
Last Name, and Classification from the search results.

Otherwise, display a message telling the user to enter in something to


The first TODO requires you to create a form, while the second TODO requires you to display the results of the search in a table.


Answer the following questions in your reading06/ file:

  1. How are values from the HTML form accessed from the Tornado web application?

  2. How are values from the Tornado web application passed to the HTML template?

  3. What do you think of templates? Are they worth the hassle?


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the course, please provide your feedback at the end of your response.


To submit your response, please commit your work (responses and scripts) to the reading06 folder of your your Readings Bitbucket repository.

$ git add students.html students.tsv
$ git commit -m "reading 06: completed"
$ git push