
We will now be transitioning from the server side to the client side. Rather than focusing on Python, we will now be exploring HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make interactive user interfaces.


For this assignment, you are to go through the HTML & CSS course from Codecademy

This will provide you an introduction into the basics of HTML and CSS.

After you have completed the course, you are to use your newfound skills to make a web page, animal.html, about your favorite animal which contains the following:

  1. The use of headers and paragraphs.

  2. The use of images.

  3. The use of links.

  4. The use of a table.

  5. The use of a list.

  6. The use of divisions and spans.

Additionally, you should include a CSS file named animal.css that applies styles to elements in the animal.html file. This CSS should contain at least one:

  1. Tag rule

  2. Class rule

  3. Identifier rule


Answer the following questions in your reading07/ file:

  1. Why do we have both HTML and CSS? What role does each language play in a web page?

  2. Explain how CSS styles are applied to HTML tags. When multiple rules apply to an element, how does the web browser determine which rules apply?


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the course, please provide your feedback at the end of your response.


To submit your response, please commit your work (responses and scripts) to the reading07 folder of your your Readings Bitbucket repository by the beginning of class, Tuesday, March 29, 2016.

$ git add animal.html animal.css
$ git commit -m "reading 07: completed"
$ git push