The goal of this lab assignment to allow you to explore boolean logic and binary numbers by writing interactive Python programs that utilize expressions, and functions.

For this assignment, record your work in a Jupyter Notebook and upload it to the form below by 11:59 PM Friday, February 1.

Activity 0: Anaconda + Starter Notebook

To help you get started, we have provided you with a starter notebook, which you can download and then use to record your answers. To utilize the starter notebook, download it to wherever you are running Jupyter Notebook and then use the Jupyter Notebook interface to open the downloaded file.

Download Starter Notebook

The starter notebook is already formatted for all the various sections you need to fill out. Just look for the red instructions that indicates were you need to write text or the cyan comments that indicate where you need to write code.

Activity 1: Functions

For the first activity, you are to write a few functions that utilize boolean expressions to test the parameters for certain properties.


Use the modulo (%) arithmetic operator and less-than-or-equal-to (<=) comparison operator to implement the following functions:

def is_odd(x):
    ''' Returns whether or not x is odd. '''

def is_even(x):
    ''' Returns whether or not x is even. '''

def is_multiple(x, y):
    ''' Returns whether or not x is a multiple of y. '''

def is_between(x, y, z):
    ''' Returns whether or not y is between x and z (inclusive). '''

Here are some examples of the functions in action:

>>> is_odd(3)

>>> is_odd(4)

>>> is_even(3)

>>> is_even(4)

>>> is_multiple(6, 3)

>>> is_multiple(6, 4)

>>> is_between(2, 3, 4)

>>> is_multiple(2, 4, 3)



Once you have implemented and tested the functions above, write a test_numbers function that uses the functions you wrote to display the results of passing inputs x, y, z to the respective functions:

def test_numbers(x, y, z):
    ''' Print the results of passing x, y, z to is_odd, is_even, is_multiple, is_between '''

The output of test_numbers(5, 5, 5) should look something like this:

is_odd(5)           -> True
is_even(5)          -> False
is_multiple(5, 5)   -> True
is_between(5, 5, 5) -> True

Once you have a working test_numbers function, use the interact function to call the text_numbers function repeated based on interactive inputs:

interact(test_numbers, x=(0, 10), y=(0, 10), z=(0, 10))

The execution of the interact function with the test_numbers function should produce an interactive widget as shown below:


Use your functions above to write boolean expressions that evaluate the following:

  1. Whether or not a number is both odd and a multiple of 7?

  2. Whether or not a number is even but not a multiple of 6?

  3. Whether or not a number is odd or a multiple of 8?

  4. Whether or not a number is between 0 and 100 and is even?

  5. Whether or not a number is odd but not between 20 and 50, or a multiple of 3?

For each boolean expression provide an example of the expression evaluating to True and another where it evaluates to False.


Remember that you can combine boolean expressions with logical and, or, and not boolean operators.

>>> True and True

>>> True and False

>>> False or True

>>> False or False

>>> not False

>>> not True

Activity 2: RGB Colors

For the second activity, you are to implement a function called display_color, which given r, g, and b color components, it generates a table that shows the following:

That is, for each color component show its decimal, hexadecimal, and binary representation. Likewise, display a color block above the table that shows the color the three components combine to create.

RGB Colors

Recall from Reading 01, that colors can be represented as red, green, and blue components (RGB color model), where each value represents the intensity of that color component. Given that each color component is a single byte (that is 8 bits), the maximum range of values for each component is 0 - 255. The lower the component value, the less that component contributes to the overall color. For instance, a RGB of 255, 0, 0 would produce a bright red color since we have maximum red values and no green and blue.

HTML Table

To display a HTML table in a Jupyter notebook, we can simply embed the HTML code into a string that we translate and convert using the display and HTML function. For instance, to show some bolded text, we can do the following:

text = '<b>Hello, World</b>'

Note, the HTML text is simply a Python string and thus you can do all the things you can normally do on a string such as format.

Since we haven't covered HTML yet (we will later in the semester), we have provided with the necessary HTML template as a string below. You simply need to format it with the appropriate values to make display the results.

TABLE = '''
<h5>Components of:</h5>
<div style="background: #{};">&nbsp;</div>

Display Color Function

Write a display_color function that given the r, g, and b values of a color as integers, it outputs an HTML table as described above:

def display_color(r, g, b):
    ''' Display a HTML table that shows the color of the r, g, b
    components and their decimal, hexadecimal, and binary

Note, you will want to use string formatting to modify the TABLE template string.


You can use the format function to convert an integer to different number representations.

>>> format(127, '02x')      # Convert 127 into hexadecimal

Color Interaction

Once you have a working display_color function, use the interact function repeatedly call display_color on different r, g, b values:

interact(display_color, r=(0, 255), g=(0, 255), b=(0, 255))

This should produce an interactive widget that looks like this:

Note, the color block and the values in the table should change as you adjust the r, g, b sliders.


Use your display_color widget to fill in the following table of colors:

Of course, there are many different shades of each color, so use your display_color widget to find your favorite shade and enter in the RGB values of each color as decimals, along with the hexadecimal representation of each color.


Once you have completed your lab, submit your Jupyter Notebook using the form:

Submit Lab Notebook