The goal of this project is to allow you to practice using low-level system calls related to networking along with object-oriented programming. To do this, you will create two new programs in Python:

  1. This is a basic HTTP client that will hammer a remote HTTP server by making multiple requests.

  2. This is a basic HTTP server that supports directory listings, static files, and CGI scripts.

Once you have these programs, you will conduct an experiment using to test the latency and throughput of

For this assignment, you are to work in groups of 1, 2, or 3 and record your source material in the project01 folder of your project Bitbucket repository and push your work by 11:59 PM Wednesday, April 20, 2016.

Low-level Networking System Calls

For this project, you must use the low-level networking operations discussed in class: socket.socket, socket.bind, socket.listen, socket.connect, socket.accept, and socket.makefile.

This means that you cannot use the SocketServer framework or any other high-level networking libraries such as urllib.

Time Management and Incremental Development

This is a big project, which is why you have more time than usual and are allowed to work in groups. To complete this successfully, you will need to start early and work on it incrementally.

Activity 0: Readings + Bitbucket


The following readings provide a background into sockets and creating HTTP clients and servers in Python:

  1. Socket Programming HOWTO

    This provides a short introduction into programming sockets in Python.

  2. Let's Build A Web Server. Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

    This is a series of articles that describe how to build a HTTP server in Python. It has much more information than you need (ie. we will not be implementing WSGI), but it provides a lot of illustrations and explanations. Read this to get an idea of what you will be doing, but don't get bogged down by the details.

  3. Lecture 16 - Echo Client and Server

    This is an example of a echo client and server. The and versions demonstrate the core socket operations required to to implement this simple protocol, while the and demonstrate more complete versions of these programs by incorporating object-oriented programming, error checking, logging, and command-line arguments.

Optional References:

  1. TCP/IP Client and Server

    This is an overview of the features of the socket module in Python.

  2. Python socket - network programming tutorial

    This is a tutorial on programming sockets in Python.

Code re-use

You may use the and scripts as the basis for and respectively. In fact, you are encouraged to do so, but you may also choose to write them in anyway you wish as long as you only low-level system calls for sockets.


Because you will be working in groups, one member of your group is to fork the following projects repository on Bitbucket. Once you have forked it, you should modify the to include the name of the group members and their netids.

For this project, the projects repository contains a project01/www directory that can server as the DOCROOT for the HTTP server.

Repository Access

Make sure that your repository is private and gives CSE-20189-SP16 at least write permissions to your repository.

To facilitate collaboration, the owner of the repository should also give team members write access as well.

Activity 1: Thor

The first program is, which is a basic HTTP client similar to curl or wget that supports the following features:

  1. Performs HTTP GET requests.

  2. Performs multiple requests per process.

  3. Supports utilizing multiple processes.

An example of can be found on the student machines at:



Given a URL, uses the HTTP protocol to fetch the contents of the URL and dumps them to stdout. The -r sets the number of HTTP request to be made per process (default is 1), while -p sets the number of processes (default is 1). The -v flag sets the logging level to DEBUG.

Help Message

# Display help message
$ ./


    -h           Show this help message
    -v           Set logging to DEBUG level

    -r REQUESTS  Number of requests per process (default is 1)
    -p PROCESSES Number of processes (default is 1)

Single Verbose Request

# Perform single request with debugging enabled
$ ./ -v
[2016-04-10 14:25:12] URL:
[2016-04-10 14:25:12] HOST:
[2016-04-10 14:25:12] PORT: 80
[2016-04-10 14:25:12] PATH: /
[2016-04-10 14:25:12] Connected to
[2016-04-10 14:25:12] Handle
[2016-04-10 14:25:12] Sending request...
[2016-04-10 14:25:12] Receiving response...
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Cache-Control: max-age=604800
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2016 18:25:12 GMT
Etag: "359670651+gzip"
Expires: Sun, 17 Apr 2016 18:25:12 GMT
Last-Modified: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 23:54:35 GMT
Server: ECS (mdw/1275)
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Cache: HIT
x-ec-custom-error: 1
Content-Length: 1270
Connection: close

<!doctype html>
    <title>Example Domain</title>

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
        background-color: #f0f0f2;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        font-family: "Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

    div {
        width: 600px;
        margin: 5em auto;
        padding: 50px;
        background-color: #fff;
        border-radius: 1em;
    a:link, a:visited {
        color: #38488f;
        text-decoration: none;
    @media (max-width: 700px) {
        body {
            background-color: #fff;
        div {
            width: auto;
            margin: 0 auto;
            border-radius: 0;
            padding: 1em;

    <h1>Example Domain</h1>
    <p>This domain is established to be used for illustrative examples in documents. You may use this
    domain in examples without prior coordination or asking for permission.</p>
    <p><a href="">More information...</a></p>
[2016-04-10 14:25:12] Finish
[2016-04-10 14:25:12]  14863 | Elapsed time: 0.02 seconds
[2016-04-10 14:25:12]  14863 | Average elapsed time: 0.02 seconds
[2016-04-10 14:25:12] Process 14863 terminated with exit status 0

Multiple Verbose Requests with multiple processes

# Hammer time with 10 processes doing 10 requests each
$ ./ -v -p 10 -r 10 2>&1 > /dev/null | grep Average
[2016-04-10 14:31:58]  15124 | Average elapsed time: 0.02 seconds
[2016-04-10 14:31:58]  15119 | Average elapsed time: 0.02 seconds
[2016-04-10 14:31:58]  15122 | Average elapsed time: 0.02 seconds
[2016-04-10 14:31:58]  15121 | Average elapsed time: 0.02 seconds
[2016-04-10 14:31:58]  15118 | Average elapsed time: 0.02 seconds
[2016-04-10 14:31:58]  15127 | Average elapsed time: 0.02 seconds
[2016-04-10 14:31:58]  15123 | Average elapsed time: 0.02 seconds
[2016-04-10 14:31:58]  15120 | Average elapsed time: 0.02 seconds
[2016-04-10 14:31:58]  15126 | Average elapsed time: 0.02 seconds
[2016-04-10 14:31:58]  15125 | Average elapsed time: 0.02 seconds


Wikipedia has a decent overview of HTTP or the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. A basic client/server session looks like this:

# HTTP Client request
GET /index.html HTTP/1.0

# HTTP Server Response
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 22:38:34 GMT
Server: Apache/ (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux)
Last-Modified: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 23:11:55 GMT
ETag: "3f80f-1b6-3e1cb03b"
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 138
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Connection: close

<title>An Example Page</title>
Hello World, this is a very simple HTML document.

To implement the [client], we suggest that you build off the example. Using this as a base, you will need to create a custom HTTPClient class that derives from the TCPClient class.

Client Request

Given the URL,, the client will connect to the host at port 80 and send the text:

GET /index.html HTTP/1.0<CRLF>

Above, the <CRLF> represent the carriage return and line feed character because the HTTP standard requires that each line end with \r\n. To signal the end of the client request, the client must send an empty line as shown above.

Your should accept URLs in the following format:

Server Response

Once the server receives the request, it will return a response consisting of some headers followed by an empty line and then the contents of the resource requested.

Your should simply dump the server response to STDOUT.

The gory details of HTTP can be found in the HTTP 1.0 RFC 1945.


  1. Use as a base for your implementation.

  2. Use nc, curl, and wget to explore how HTTP requests are performed.

  3. Your core control flow should look like this:

    # Pseudo-code of core control flow
    for process in PROCESS:
        for request in REQUESTS:
            client = HTTPClient(URL)
  4. To support multiple processes, you should os.fork the specified number of PROCESSES, perform the specified number of REQUESTS, and then perform the necessary number of os.waits to cleanup the child processes.

  5. You should create a HTTPClient class similar to the EchoClient in the example. You will have to create your own contructor since the HTTPClient takes a URL rather than the address and port:

    # HTTPClient class
    class HTTPClient(TCPClient):
        def __init__(self, url):
            TCPClient.__init__(self, None, None) # Initialize base class
  6. The trickiest part of this program will probably be parsing the URL. As shown above, you need to be able to support a wide variety of URLs. I recommend heavily using the str.split method to slice and dice the provided URL. Here is an example:

    # Parsing URL
    self.url = url.split('://')[-1]
    if '/' not in self.url:
        self.path = '/'
        self.path = '/' + self.url.split('/', 1)[-1]

    In addition to the path you will want to determine the host, address, and port of the HTTP server from the given URL.

    Alternatively, you can use regular expressions and matching to extract groups using the re module.

  7. If the user provides a domain name instead of an ip address, then you will need to use socket.gethostbyname to determine the address of the server.

  8. The core logic of the HTTPClient.handle method is to write the HTTP request to the server as demonstrated above, and then read the response from the server and dump it to STDOUT.

  9. To measure the time for each request, you can use the time.time function to get the start and end times.

  10. You should handle errors gracefully and use the logging module to print debugging messages.

Activity 2: Spidey

The second program is, which is a basic HTTP server similar to Apache or NGINX that supports the following features:

  1. Executing in either single connection mode or forking mode

  2. Displaying directory listings

  3. Serving static files

  4. Running CGI scripts

  5. Showing error messages

An example of in action can be found at:


When executed, opens a socket on the PORT specified by the -p flag (default is 9234) and handles HTTP requests for files in the DOCROOT directory specified by the -d flag (default is current directory). If -f is specified, then will for a child process for each incoming client request. The -v flag sets the logging level to DEBUG.

Help Message

# Display help message
$ ./ -h
Usage: [-d DOCROOT -p PORT -f -v]


    -h         Show this help message
    -f         Enable forking mode
    -v         Set logging to DEBUG level

    -d DOCROOT Set root directory (default is current directory)
    -p PORT    TCP Port to listen to (default is 9234)

Verbose Single Connection Mode

# Serve content one connection at a time with debugging enabled
$ ./spidey -v
[2016-04-10 16:28:55] Listening on
[2016-04-10 16:29:01] Accepted connection from
[2016-04-10 16:29:01] | Connect
[2016-04-10 16:29:01] | Parsing ['GET', '/', 'HTTP/1.1']
[2016-04-10 16:29:01] | Handle Directory
[2016-04-10 16:29:01] | Finish
[2016-04-10 16:29:01] Accepted connection from
[2016-04-10 16:29:01] | Connect
[2016-04-10 16:29:01] | Parsing ['GET', '/favicon.ico', 'HTTP/1.1']
[2016-04-10 16:29:01] | Handle Error
[2016-04-10 16:29:01] | Finish
[2016-04-10 16:29:03] Accepted connection from
[2016-04-10 16:29:03] | Connect
[2016-04-10 16:29:03] | Parsing ['GET', '/asdf', 'HTTP/1.1']
[2016-04-10 16:29:03] | Handle Error
[2016-04-10 16:29:03] | Finish
[2016-04-10 16:29:03] Accepted connection from
[2016-04-10 16:29:03] | Connect
[2016-04-10 16:29:27] | Finish

Verbose Forking Mode with DOCROOT

# Serve content concurrently via forking from specified directory with debugging enabled
$ ./spidey -v -f -d www
[2016-04-10 16:35:58] Listening on
[2016-04-10 16:36:04] Accepted connection from
[2016-04-10 16:36:04] | Connect
[2016-04-10 16:36:04] | Parsing ['GET', '/', 'HTTP/1.1']
[2016-04-10 16:36:04] | Handle Directory
[2016-04-10 16:36:04] | Finish
[2016-04-10 16:36:07] Accepted connection from
[2016-04-10 16:36:07] | Connect
[2016-04-10 16:36:07] | Parsing ['GET', '/songs', 'HTTP/1.1']
[2016-04-10 16:36:07] | Handle Directory
[2016-04-10 16:36:07] | Finish


As noted above, HTTP works in a request and response communication model. To implement the server, we suggest that you build off the example. Using this as a base, you will need to create a custom HTTPHandler that derives from the BaseHandler class.

Client Request

Once a connection is established, then the HTTPHandler.handle method should call an internal _parse_request method that reads and parses the HTTP request. For instance, given the following HTTP request:

GET /cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.110 Safari/537.36
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8

This information should get parsed and exported to the process environment (ie. os.environ) in the following manner:

  1. The first line contains request with information for REQUEST_METHOD, REQUEST_URI, and QUERY_STRING.

  2. All of the lines after the request are the HTTP headers, which should be parsed by splitting the key and value, capitalizing the key, replacing - with _, and prefixing the key with HTTP_. For instance, the key, value pairs above should get translated into:

    HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=gzip, deflate, sdch
    HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.110 Safari/537.36

Likewise, the [TCP] connection address should be parsed into REMOTE_ADDR, REMOTE_HOST for the remote client's address, and REMOTE_PORT for the port they are using.


All of these pairs need to be exported to os.environ because the CGI scripts will read those variables in order to learn about the current request.

Once the HTTP request and headers have been parsed, the HTTPClient.handle method will need to then constructor the uripath of the request and then check what type of file it is and dispatch off of that:

# HTTPClient.handle Pseudo-code
def handle(self):
    # Parse HTTP request and headers

    # Build uripath by normalizing REQUEST_URI
    self.uripath = os.path.normpath(self.docroot + os.environ['REQUEST_URI'])

    # Check path existence and types and then dispatch
    if self.uripath does not exist or self.uripath does not start with self.docroot:
        self._handle_error(404) # 404 error
    elif self.uripath is a file and is executable
        self._handle_script()   # CGI script
    elif self.uripath is a file and is readable
        self._handle_file()     # Static file
    elif self.uripath is a directory and is readable
        self._handle_directory()# Directory listing
        self._handler_error(403)# 403 error

The reason why we need to construct the uripath is so we know how the requested URL maps to the local filesystem. To prevent a malicious user from being able to explore files outside the DOCROOT, we use os.path.normpath to normalize the paths and check that the resolved path starts with the DOCROOT.

Server Response

As shown above, there are four different types of HTTP responses that should support:

  1. Directory Listing: This displays a listing of the entries in a directory. At the minimum it should show the name, size, and type of each entry.

  2. Static File: This opens the contents of the specified file and streams it back to the client via the socket:

  3. CGI Scripts: This executes a script on the server and streams the results back to the client via the socket:

  4. Errors: This displays a HTTP error and a funny picture:

Note: a valid HTTP response looks like this:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html


The first line contains the HTTP status code for the request. The second line instructs the client (i.e. web browser) what type of data to expect (i.e. mimetype). Each of these lines should be terminated with \r\n. Additionally, it is important that after the Content-Type line you include a blank line consisting of only \r\n. Most web clients will expect this blank line before parsing for the actual content.


  1. Use as a base for your implementation.

  2. You should create a HTTPHandler class similar to the EchoHandler in the You will have to create your own constructor since the BaseHandler does not set a docroot instance variable:

    # HTTPHandler class
    class HTTPHandler(BaseHandler):
          def __init__(self, fd, address, docroot=None):
                BaseHandler.__init__(self, fd, address)
  3. To implement HTTPHandler._parse_request, you will once again want to heavily utilize str.split and other string utilities. For example:

    # Set REMOTE_ADDR from address
    os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = self.address.split(':', 1)[0]
    # Read stream and set REQUEST_METHOD
    data =
    os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] = data[0]

    Alternatively, you can use regular expressions and matching to extract groups using the re module.

  4. To implement HTTPHandler._handle_file you will need to determine the file's mimetype using the following

    mimetype, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(self.uripath)
    if mimetype is None:
        mimetype = 'application/octet-stream'

    This uses the mimetypes.guess_type function to guess the mimetype and if that fails, then it defaults to application/octet-stream.

    Once you know the mimetype, then you should write the HTTP response status to the socket, open the requested file in binary mode, and then read from the file and write to the socket until everything has been read from the file.

  5. To implement HTTPHandler._handle_directory, you will need to construct a HTML page that lists the contents of the directory. To get the contents of the directory, you can use os.listdir and then use the sorted function to order the list.

    To sort the contents of the directory so that directories come before files, you will need to implement a custom comparison function and pass that into the sorted call.

  6. To implement HTTPHandler._handle_script, you will need to use the os.popen command to execute the script and stream the output of the command to the socket:

    # Pseudo-code
    Set SIGCHLD to Default
    for line in Popen(uripath):
        Write line to socket
    Set SIGCHLD to Ignore

    The reason why we need to set SIGCHLD to the default handler is that os.popen needs to catch SIGCHLD (it interally forks and execs) otherwise we will get an exception. After the os.popen we revert back to ignoring our children.

  7. To implement HTTPHandler._handle_error, you will need to construct a HTML page that displays the specified error code. I also recommend you insert a jovial picture for the visitor's amusement.

  8. To support forking mode, you will need to modify the run method of the TCPServer class to have the following control flow:

    # Pseudo-code
    Bind and Listen on Socket
    Ignore Children
    while True:
        Accept Socket into client, address
        if not self.forking:
            self._handle(client, address)
            if Process is Child:
                self._handle(client, address)

    In this model, we bind and listen to the socket as normal. Rather than wait for each child, we will simply tell the OS that we wish to ignore them and let init adopt them.

    When we accept a connection, we will then check if we have forking enabled. If not, we do what we normally do. Otherwise, we fork and in the child process we handle the connection and then exit via os._exit. In the parent, we simply close the client connection.

Activity 3: Experiments

Once you have completed both and, you are to conduct expermients that answer the following questions:

  1. What is the average latency of in single connection vs forking mode for: directory listings, static files, CGI scripts?

  2. What is the average throughput of in single connection vs forking mode for: small static files (1KB), medium static files (1MB), and large static files (1GB)?

For each question, you must determine how you want to explore the question and how you wish to use to test

You should create shell scripts to automate running your experiments multiple times to generate a reasonable amount of data.


After you have conducted your experiments and collected your data, you are to generate a charts and diagrams using gnuplot and then use LaTeX to write a report that answers the following questions:

  1. Summary:

    Summarize what was accomplished in the project (ie. what worked and what didn't work) and how the work was divided among the group members.

  2. Latency:

    Describe how your group went about measuring the average latency of the different types of requests. You should have at least one diagram that illustrates the results of your experiments.

  3. Throughput:

    Describe how your group went about measuring the average throughput of the different file sizes. You should have at least one diagram that illustrates the results of your experiments.

  4. Analysis:

    Discuss the results of your experiments and explain why you received the results you did. What are the advantages and disadvantages to the forking model?

  5. Conclusions:

    Wrap up the report by describing what you learned from not only the experiments but also the lab assignment as a whole.

Guru Point (Point 1)

For extra credit, you are to extend your web server to do any of the following:

Directory Listings

  1. Display thumbnails for images.

  2. Display HTML5 audio element for audio files.

CGI Scripts

  1. Write a guest book script that allows users to add entries to a running message board.

  2. Write a survey or personality test script.

  3. Write a multiple-choice quiz script of the topic of your choice.

To receive credit, you must show a TA or the instructor your code and a demonstration of it in action.


To submit your assignment, please commit your work to the project01 folder in your projects Bitbucket repository by 11:59 PM Wednesday, April 20, 2016. Your project01 folder should contain at least the following files:

You also should include any data you collected for the report, along with the scripts you used to run the experiments and process the data.