The goal of this project is to allow you to practice utilizing distributed computing by harnessing multiple machines to brute-force crack a large collection of passwords. To do this, you will create two new Python programs:

  1. This is a basic brute-force password cracker that attempts every permutation of letters from an alphabet up to a specified length.

  2. This is a Work Queue application that coordinates workers running on different machines.

Once you have these programs, you will attempt to crack the following list of password hashes:


To keep track of who has decrypted the most passwords, you can submit your set of discovered passwords to the deadpool:

$ cat PASSWORDS | curl --data-binary @-

Replace PASSWORDS with the name of the file with your passwords and NETID with your Notre Dame NetID.

To view the current leaderboard, visit the deadpool:

For this assignment, you are to work in groups of 1, 2, or 3 and record your source material in the project02 folder of your project Bitbucket repository and push your work by 11:59 PM Wednesday, April 27, 2016.


For this project, you must use software or services provided by the Cooperative Computing Lab: Condor and Work Queue.

Activity 0: Readings + Bitbucket


The following readings provide a background into distributed computing and

  1. Anatomy of a hack: How crackers ransack passwords like "qeadzcwrsfxv1331"

  2. Notes on Distributed Systems for Young Bloods

  3. Work Queue + Python: A Framework For Scalable Scientific Ensemble Applications

Optional References:

  1. Building Reliable Clients and Services

  2. Distributed Systems for Fun and Profit


Once again, you should use your projects repository on Bitbucket. Ensure that you have modified the to include the name of the group members and their netids and that CSE-20189-SP16 has at least write access to the repository.

Activity 1: Hulk

For the first activity, you are to create, which is a script that uses brute-force to smash a set of MD5 hashes:

$ ./ -h


      -a  ALPHABET    Alphabet used for passwords
      -l  LENGTH      Length for passwords
      -s  HASHES      Path to file containing hashes
      -p  PREFIX      Prefix to use for each candidate password

Given, an ALPHABET (default is abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789), will compute the MD5 hash of every permutation of the ALPHABET up to the specified LENGTH and check if it is in the set of HASHES. If a PREFIX is specified, then this should be inserted before each candidate permutation.

For instance, suppose we had a hashes.txt file that contained the following MD5 checksums:


If we executed with a LENGTH of 1, we should get the following result:

$ ./ -l 1 -s hashes.txt

That is, determined that 3 of the hashes corresponds to the passwords a, b, and c.

If we executed with a LENGTH of 2 and a PREFIX of a, we should get the following result:

$ ./ -l 2 -s hashes.txt -p a

That is, determined that 1 of the hashes corresponds to the password abc. Note, we could have achieved the same results by executing:

$ ./ -l 3 -s hashes.txt

The difference is the former searches each permutation in the form aXX where X is a letter from the ALPHABET due to the PREFIX of a, while the latter searches each permutation in the form XXX.


  1. The default ALPHABET can be formed using the string.ascii_lowercase and string.digits constants.

  2. The default PREFIX should be an empty string.

  3. The default LENGTH should be 8.

  4. The default HASHES path should be hashes.txt

  5. You should use either a dict or set to store the collection of MD5 hashes.

  6. You can compute the MD5 hash of a string by using the hashlib library:

    # Compute MD5 hash of string
    def md5sum(s):
          return hashlib.md5(s).hexdigest()
  7. You can compute each permutation of the given ALPHABET by using the itertools.product function with the repeat argument set appropriately.

Activity 2: Fury

Once you have completed, you are to create another script named, which will utilize Work Queue to coordinate multiple workers running on different machines.


To utilize Work Queue on the student machines you must first setup the following environment variables:

$ setenv PATH /afs/$PATH
$ setenv PATH /afs/$PATH
$ setenv PATH /afs/$PATH

Note: if PYTHONPATH is not set, then simply leave off the last :$PYTHONPATH.

To check if your environment is setup properly, you can try the following commands:

# Show all Condor submissions from current machine
$ condor_q
-- Submitter: : <> :
1063343.0   cshinave        9/29 00:05   0+00:00:00 H  0   0.0  measure ./distance
1063402.0   cshinave        9/30 19:02   0+00:00:00 H  0   0.0  measure ./distance
1063685.0   cluo1           1/13 16:01   0+00:00:00 H  0   0.0  echo hello condor
1063720.0   xli19           1/19 02:15   0+00:00:01 H  0   0.0
1063734.0   xli19           1/20 08:35   0+00:00:06 H  0   0.0
1064269.0   avuong          2/3  20:51   0+00:00:00 H  0   2.9  povray +Irubiks.po
1065597.0   kfeng           2/4  00:50   0+00:00:01 H  0   2.9  povray +Irubiks.po
1065597.1   kfeng           2/4  00:50   0+00:00:01 H  0   2.9  povray +Irubiks.po
1065597.2   kfeng           2/4  00:50   0+00:00:01 H  0   2.9  povray +Irubiks.po
1065597.3   kfeng           2/4  00:50   0+00:00:01 H  0   2.9  povray +Irubiks.po
1065597.4   kfeng           2/4  00:50   0+00:00:01 H  0   2.9  povray +Irubiks.po
1100331.0   pbui            4/17 09:39   0+05:05:00 R  0   463.9 work_queue_worker
1100334.198 pbui            4/17 09:57   0+04:45:54 R  0   170.9 work_queue_worker

414 jobs; 0 completed, 0 removed, 1 idle, 402 running, 11 held, 0 suspended

# Show all Work Queue masters
$ work_queue_status
lobster_shuffle       9000       0       0     1317      56
lobster_shuffle       9002       0       0     1327      19
EEMT_Comet     9000     307      24       35       1
Callahan_RSun   9123     365       0     2769       0
hp24stab-gbsa    9000       0      49    92577      50
forcebalance       markland-cluster.stan  9868       1       0       48       0
forcebalance       markland-cluster.stan  9866       1       0       13       0
forcebalance       not0rious.stanford.ed  9345       9      15      156      15
forcebalance       not0rious.stanford.ed  9344       0       2      798      16
hulk-pbui   9123    4312     295    21628     402
cclosdci    9907       0       0       26       1
cclosdci12   9910       4       0       94       0
cclosdci8   9909       0       0        9       1
cclosdci4   9908       0       0        8       1
forcebalance       xstream-ln01.stanford  9433       0       1      110       9

Work Queue

The goal of is to:

  1. Create a Work Queue master that will coordinate workers executing the script:

    # Create Work Queue master with:
    # 1. Random port between 9000 - 9999
    # 2. Project name of hulk-NETID
    # 3. Catalog mode enabled
    queue = work_queue.WorkQueue(work_queue.WORK_QUEUE_RANDOM_PORT, name='hulk-NETID', catalog=True)
    queue.specify_log('fury.log') # Specify Work Queue log location
  2. Divide up the work of brute-forcing every password by creating Work Queue tasks for unit of work:

    # Example of creating and submitting a single Work Queue task
    command = './ -l 1'          # Command to execute
    task    = work_queue.Task(command)  # Create Work Queue task
    # Add source files
    for source in ('', 'hashes.txt'):
        task.specify_file(source, source, work_queue.WORK_QUEUE_INPUT)
    # Submit tasks

    Hint: Passwords of lengths 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 can be brute-forced relatively quickly. Beyond that you will want to use the PREFIX feature of to search passwords of length 5 + a PREFIX of length 1, 2, and 3.

    Followup: Charles suggests using the PREFIX feature of to search for passwords of length 6 + a PREFIX of length 1 and 2. This reduce the number of tasks, putting less pressure on the master (who has to schedule all the tasks).

  3. After all the work has been submitted, should wait for all the tasks to complete:

    # Until the Master queue is empty
    while not queue.empty():
        # Wait for a task to complete
        task = queue.wait()
        # Check if task is valid and if task returned successfully
        if task and task.return_status == 0:
              # Write output of task to stdout


Because will run for a long time, you may wish to stop and start it frequently as you debug and test it. To store your results and keep track of the tasks you have already completed, you should keep a journal, which is a common technique used in distributed computing. By storing the command and output of each tasks in a dict and then saving it to a JSON file, you will be able to:

  1. Keep track of your results. Once you get a task back from the queue, you can store it in your journal:

    # Example recording
    JOURNAL[task.command] = task.output.split()
    with open('', 'w') as stream:
        json.dump(JOURNAL, stream)
    os.rename('', 'journal.json')

    The reason why we write to a temporary file and then rename it is so that if the write operation gets interrupted, we are not left with a corrupt or incomplete journal. This a common technique to ensure data integrity.

  2. Skip already completed tasks. When starts, it should load the journal and check if the command has already been executed. If so, it can avoid creating and submitting this new task. This way, if you stop your master and restart it, you can avoid performing duplicative searches.

    # Example check
    command = './ -l 1'
    if command in JOURNAL:
        print >>sys.stderr, 'Already did', command

The contents of the journal will look something like this:

{"./ -l 1": [...], ...}


To execute, you simply need to execute the script:

$ ./

Since uses Work Queue, you will need to connect workers to To start a single local work_queue_worker, you can use the following command:

$ work_queue_worker -d all -N hulk-NETID

This will start one worker with debugging enabled on the local machine that will communicate to the master with the name hulk-NETID.

Alternatively, you can connect directly to the master by specifying the hostname and port:

$ work_queue_worker -d all 9XXX

This bypasses the catalog server, which can get slow when there are many users.

To start many workers on the Condor pool, you can use the following command:

$ condor_submit_workers -N hulk-NETID 200

This will submit 200 workers to the Condor pool that will communicate to the master with the name hulk-NETID.

To check the status of your workers, you can use the condor_q command.

Baby Steps

Do not start by submitting many workers at once. Instead, test by having dispatch a few tasks and then use a single local worker. Once you are confident that things are working, submit progressively more workers.


To help you monitor the progress of, you can use the work_queue_monitor script created by the instructor:

$ ~pbui/pub/bin/work_queue_monitor fury.log
Start Time:     1460920763603631
Elasped Time:   7.94 minutes
Task Rate:      135.49 (task/min)
Workers Init:   0
Workers Idle:   47
Workers Busy:   336
Progress:       1076 / 15828 (6.80%)
Estimated Time: 1.81 hours

This script will give you information about the Work Queue application based on the data stored in the Work Queue log generated by the master.

To extract the passwords stored in the journal, you can use the journal_dump_passwords script created by the instructor:

$ ~pbui/pub/bin/journal_dump_passwords

This script assumes the journal is named journal.json and is in the current directory.

Feel free to copy and modify either of these scripts.

Activity 3: Deadpool

Once you have completed and, you are to attempt to crack all of the provided password hashes and to submit your decrypted passwords to the deadpool as noted at the top of this document:

$ cat PASSWORDS | curl --data-binary @-

For full credit, you must crack at least 8000 passwords. There are 10271 total hashes. Each password is no more than 8 characters long and only consists of lowercase letters and numeric digits.

NSFW Passwords

Many of the passwords in the password hashes collection were pulled from a set of the top 10,000 most commonly used passwords on the Internet, so the set may contain some vulgar and offensive words.

Time Management

Cracking 10245 passwords in the collection of password hashes took the instructor about 12 hours using between 200 and 400 workers.

You should be able to get the first 6000 in a few minutes, but after that it will take much longer. Plan accordingly.

Activity 4: README

Once you have completed and and have attempted to crack the password hashes, briefly answer the following questions in your

  1. Describe the implementation of How does it crack passwords?

    Explain how you tested and verified that it works properly.

  2. Describe the implementation of How does it:

    • Utilize to crack passwords?

    • Divide up the work among the different workers?

    • Keep track of what has been attempted?

    • Recover from failures?

    Explain how you tested and verified that it works properly.

  3. From your experience in this project and recalling your Discrete Math knowledge, what would make a password more difficult to brute-force: more complex alphabet or longer password? Explain.


To submit your assignment, please commit your work to the project02 folder in your projects Bitbucket repository by 11:59 PM Wednesday, April 27, 2016. Your project02 folder should contain at least the following files:

The passwords.txt should contain a list of all all the passwords you found from the password hashes collection.