
The focus of this week's readings is installing software. Since we have an exam this week, the readings will serve as references. For the most part, you simply need to lookup or search for the answers to the questions below and make the summary pages.

  1. Archives:

    a. An Introduction to File Compression Tools on Linux Servers

    b. How to Zip and Unzip in Linux?

  2. Package Managers:

    a. Yum Command Cheat Sheet for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

    b. apt-get command cheat sheet for Debian Linux

    c. Linux Commands For Beginners: SUDO

  3. Custom Software:

    a. The magic behind configure, make, make install

Also, please take a look at the manual pages linked below.


In your reading04/ file, describe what command you would use to accomplish the following:

  1. Extract the contents of file.tar.gz.

  2. Create an archive named data.tar.gz which consists of the contents of the directory data.

  3. Extract the contents of

  4. Create an archive named which consists of the contents of the directory data.

  5. Install a package on a Debian based distribution.

  6. Install a package on a Red Hat based distribution.

  7. Install a Python package.

  8. Paste the contents of a file to an online pastebin.

  9. Run commands as the root user.


In the reading04 folder, write at least five summary pages for the following commands:

  1. tar

  2. gzip

  3. zip

  4. unzip

  5. yum

  6. apt-get

  7. sudo

  8. su

  9. pip

  10. sprunge /

    Note: these are services, rather than specific commands, although you can make aliases for them.


Note, your summaries should be in your own words and not simply copy and pasted from the manual pages. They should be short and concise and only include common use cases.

Guru Point (1 Point)

For extra credit, download and install the CMatrix program to your a location in your $HOME directory. Additionally, adjust your $PATH so you can execute the program by simply typing cmatrix.

To get credit, you must show either a TA or the instructor a demonstration of CMatrix doing its thing.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the course, please provide your feedback at the end of your response.


To submit your assignment, please commit your work to the reading04 folder in your Assignments Bitbucket repository by the beginning of class on Monday, February 8.