The goal of this homework assignment is to allow you to practice using dynamic memory allocation to implement algorithms and build data structures in C99. In particular, you will be implementing a library and utility that computes the Huffman Coding for a stream of text. This encoding is a mapping from each character in the input stream to a unique bit sequence or prefix code, which unlike say ASCII is variable-length rather than fixed size. The purpose of the Huffman Coding is to utilize a greedy algorithm to produce an encoding that uses less space than the fixed-size ASCII encoding as show below:

In the example above, our input sequence is: BACABA, which in ASCII would consist of a total of 48 bits (e.g. 6 bytes):

010000100100000101000011010000010100001001000001  # ASCII Representation

To generate a more compressed version of this text, we would need to construct a Huffman coding by performing the following process:

  1. Frequency Table: First, read in the input stream and count the occurrences of each character to create a frequency table.

  2. Priority Queue: Next, represent each letter and count pairs as a node and push them into a priority queue.

  3. Tree: Afterwards, we construct the Huffman tree by doing the following:

    while q.size() > 1:
        l = q.pop()                                           # Pop nodes with smallest counts
        r = q.pop()
        n = Node(count=l.count + r.count, left=l, right=r)    # Construct new composite node
        q.push(n)                                             # Push new node into priority queue
    t.root = q.pop()                                          # Last node is root of Huffman tree

    Basically, as long there is more than one node in the priority queue, we will pop off the two smallest items, create a new node with the combined count of these two nodes, and insert this new node back into the priority queue. We repeat this process until there is only one node left in the priority queue, which we then set as the root of our Huffman tree.

    By constantly grouping nodes with the smallest counts, we use a greedy problem solving approach in order to maximize the path from the root to the nodes with the lowest occurrences (and thus minimize the path from the root to the nodes with the highest occurrences.

  4. Walk: To actually produce the Huffman Coding, we must walk the Huffman tree we constructed in the previous step and record the path we took to the leaf nodes (ie. our original nodes from step 2). To ensure a consistent prefix code, we can use the convention where the left child gets a 0 and the right child gets a 1 when we take the path from parent to child. In the example above, using this traversal mechanism yields the following encoding:

    Letter Count Encoding

Using this new Huffman Coding, our original text, BACABA, can be encoding as follows:

110100110     # Huffman Encoding

This means the Huffman Coding was about to compress down to about 20% of the original ASCII representation. This is the reason why many real-world data compression schemes such as PKZIP, JPEG, and MP3 use elements of the Huffman Coding technique to achieve smaller file sizes for different types of data.

To keep things manageable, we will only worry about the construction of the Huffman Coding in this assignment and leave out the actual compression and decompressing process (though you are free to implement that on your own!).

For this assignment, record your source code and any responses to the following activities in the homework07 folder of your assignments GitLab repository and push your work by noon Saturday, April 7.

Activity 0: Preparation

Before starting this homework assignment, you should first perform a git pull to retrieve any changes in your remote GitLab repository:

$ cd path/to/repository                   # Go to assignments repository

$ git checkout master                     # Make sure we are in master branch

$ git pull --rebase                       # Get any remote changes not present locally

Next, create a new branch for this assignment:

$ git checkout -b homework07              # Create homework07 branch and check it out

Starter Code

To help you get started, the instructor has provided you with some starter code.

# Download starter code tarball
$ curl -LO

# Extract starter code tarball
$ tar xzvf homework07.tar.gz

# Add and commit starter code
$ git add homework07
$ git commit -m "homework07: starter code"

Once downloaded and extracted, you should see the following files in your homework07 directory:

    \_ Makefile                   # This is the Makefile for building all the project artifacts
    \_                  # This is the README file for recording your responses
    \_ debug.h                    # This is the C99 header file with debugging macros
    \_ huff.c                     # This is the C99 implementation file for the Huffman utility
    \_ node.c                     # This is the C99 implementation file for the Huffman Node
    \_ node.h                     # This is the C99 header file for the Huffman Node
    \_ queue.c                    # This is the C99 implementation file for the Priority Queue
    \_ queue.h                    # This is the C99 header file for the Priority Queue
    \_               # This is the Shell test script for the Huffman utility
    \_ test_node.c                # This is the C99 test file for the Huffman Node
    \_               # This is the Shell test script for the Huffman Node
    \_ test_queue.c               # This is the C99 test file for the Priority Queue
    \_              # This is the Shell test script for the Priority Queue
    \_ test_tree.c                # This is the C99 test file for the Huffman Tree
    \_               # This is the Shell test script for the Huffman Tree
    \_ tree.c                     # This is the C99 implementation file for the Huffman Tree
    \_                    # This is the C99 header file for the Huffman Tree

The details on what you need to implement are described in the following sections.

Activity 1: Huffman Library (9.5 Points)

In order to follow the process described above, we will need to build a library that consists of the three following data structure components:

  1. Huffman Node: This represents the symbols in the text stream along with their corresponding frequency counts.

  2. Priority Queue: This is a binary heap that allows us to efficiently extrac the smallest Huffman Nodes so we can build our Huffman Tree.

  3. Huffman Tree: This computes the table of frequencies, makes a priority queue of nodes, and then constructs a binary tree using a greedy approach.

The following tasks will walk you through implementing each of these components as part of the Huffman Library, libhuff.a.

Task 0: Makefile (1 Point)

Before you implement any of the data structures, you should first complete the provided Makefile. Remeber, the Makefile contains all the rules or recipes for building the project artifacts (e.g. libhuff.a, huff, etc.). Although the provided Makefile contains most of the variable definitions and test recipes, you must add the appropriate rules for libhuff.a test_node, test_queue, test_tree, huff, and any intermediate objects. The dependencies for these targets are shown in the DAG below:

Note: Although we are producing a static library in the form of libhuff.a, we will not be statically linking our executables. Instead, we will use the libhuff.a as another object file when we link our executables.

Makefile Variables

You must use the CC, CFLAGS, LD, LDFLAGS, AR, and ARFLAGS variables when appropriate in your rules.

Moreover, since there are a lot of object files, it is recommend that you use a pattern rule for compiling *.c files into *.o files (rather than explicitly specifying each object rule).

Once you have a working Makefile, you should be able to run the following commands:

$ make                    # Build all targets
Compiling huff.o...
Compiling node.o...
Compiling queue.o...
Compiling tree.o...
Linking libhuff.a...
Linking huff...

$ make clean              # Clean targets and intermediate files

$ make -n                 # Simulate build with tracing output
echo Compiling huff.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -fPIC -o huff.o -c huff.c
echo Compiling node.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -fPIC -o node.o -c node.c
echo Compiling queue.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -fPIC -o queue.o -c queue.c
echo Compiling tree.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -fPIC -o tree.o -c tree.c
echo Linking libhuff.a...
ar rcs libhuff.a node.o queue.o tree.o
echo Linking huff...
gcc -L. -o huff huff.o libhuff.a

$ make test               # Run all tests

Depending on your compiler, you may see some warnings with the initial starter code. Likewise, the test programs will all fail in some fashion.


You must include the -Wall flag in your CFLAGS when you compile. This also means that your code must compile without any warnings, otherwise points will be deducted.

Task 1: node.c (1.5 Points)

Once you can build the project artifacts, your first task is to implement the Node structure, which is used to represent individual letter and count pairs in text stream. This structure is defined in the node.h header, which in addition to declaring function prototypes, also defines the following types:

#define NODE_NOT_SYMBOL (-1)

The NODE_NOT_SYMBOL constant is used as the symbol for internal Huffman tree nodes (ie. non-leaf nodes), which do not correspond to any particular symbol.

typedef union {
    int64_t letter;
    char    string[sizeof(int64_t)];
} Symbol;

The Symbol union stores the symbol of the Node structure. It can be accessed as either an integer or a string. In general, we use the letter field for initializing the Symbol, but then use the string for printing since the string representation handles escaping the symbol for printing.

typedef struct node Node;
struct node {
    Symbol  symbol;
    size_t  count;
    Node   *left;
    Node   *right;

The Node struct represents our letter and count pairs and contains the following attributes:

typedef void (*NodeFunc)(const Node *n, char *encoding, void *arg);

The NodeFunc type definition is used for declaring function arguments in functions such as tree_walk.

Type Definitions

The use of typedef in this header file allow us to simply say Node *n rather than struct Node *n. While there is some controversary over whether or not this is good practice, we will use these type definitions to make our code clearer and more compact.

Note: In C++, you do not need to typedef in order to do this since a struct is really just a public class.


To manipulate a Node struct, the node.c file defines the following functions:

* Create Node structure.
* @param   symbol      Symbol letter.
* @param   count       Initial count.
* @param   left        Left Node child.
* @param   right       Right Node child.
* @return  Newly allocated Node structure with specified attributes.
Node *  node_create(int64_t symbol, size_t count, Node *left, Node *right);

The node_create function constructs a new Node struct and initializes its attributes to the specified symbol, count, left and right arguments.


* Delete Node structure.
* @param   n           Node structure.
* @return  NULL.
Node *  node_delete(Node *n);

The node_delete function destructs the specified Node struct by recursively deleting its children and then deallocating itself.

* Dump Node structure.
* @param   n           Node structure.
* @param   stream      I/O to write to.
void    node_dump(const Node *n, FILE *stream);

The node_dump function prints the Node structures attributes to the specified stream in the following format:

Node{symbol: A, count: 0, left: 0x0, right: 0x0}


* Set symbol attribute of Node structure.
* @param   n           Node structure.
* @param   letter      Node symbol letter value.
void    node_set_symbol(Node *n, int64_t letter);

The internal node_set_symbol function is used by node_create to store the letter and then escape the letter value into a string (both stored in the symbol union).



As you implement node.c, you can test it by running the test-node target:

$ make test-node
Testing Huffman Node...
 node_create                              ... Success
 node_create    (valgrind)                ... Success
 node_delete                              ... Success
 node_delete    (valgrind)                ... Success
 node_dump                                ... Success
 node_dump      (output)                  ... Success
 node_dump      (valgrind)                ... Success
   Score 1.50

Debugging Macros

To help you with debugging, the debug.h header file includes the debug macro that you can use to insert debugging statements into your code. The advantage of this macro over printf is that debug displays information such as the file name, line number, and function name, along with the formatted message you specified. To take advantage of it, you simply use it as if it were printf:

debug("n->symbol = %s", n->symbol.string);

Note: debug will automatically append a \n so you don't need to include that in your message.

Task 2: queue.c (3 Points)

The next component you need to implement for the Huffman Library is the priority queue. In this project, we will use a binary heap with an array representation to implement an efficient priority queue. This Queue structure is defined in the queue.h header, which in addition to declaring function prototypes, also defines the following types:


The PRIORITY_QUEUE_CAPACITY constant is used whenever the user specifies a capacity of 0 to the queue_create function.

#define PARENT(i)       ((i-1)/2)
#define LEFT_CHILD(i)   (2*(i) + 1)
#define RIGHT_CHILD(i)  (2*(i) + 2)

These macros are used to access the PARENT, LEFT_CHILD, and RIGHT_CHILD of a Node located in an array at index i. This assumes that the binary tree is complete.

typedef struct queue {
    Node   **nodes;         /* Array of Node pointers */
    size_t   size;          /* Number of Nodes in Queue */
    size_t   capacity;      /* Total number of slots allocated */
} Queue;

The Queue structure stores represents the priority queue of Node structures contains of the following attributes:

Because of this design, the priority queue is implemented as a binary heap and grows like a vector in C++ when size reaches capacity.


To manipulate a Queue struct, the queue.c file defines the following functions:

* Create Queue structure.
* @param   capacity        Initial capacity.
* @return  Newly allocated Queue structure with specified capacity.
Queue * queue_create(size_t capacity);

The queue_create function constructs a Queue struct with the specified initial capacity.


* Delete Queue structure.
* @param   q           Queue structure.
* @return  NULL.
Queue * queue_delete(Queue *q);

The queue_delete function destructs the specified Queue struct by deallocating the nodes array and itself.

* Push Node into Queue structure.
* @param   q           Queue structure.
* @param   n           Node structure.
* @return  Whether or not the operation was successful.
bool    queue_push(Queue *q, Node *n);

The queue_push function inserts the specified Node struct into the priority queue.


* Pop minimum Node into Queue structure.
* @param   q           Queue structure.
* @return  Minimum Node structure (by count) or NULL.
Node *  queue_pop(Queue *q);

The queue_pop function removes and returns the Node struct with the smallest value in priority queue.


* Dump Queue structure.
* @param   q           Queue structure.
* @param   stream      I/O stream to write to.
void    queue_dump(const Queue *q, FILE *stream);

The queue_dump function prints all the Node structures in the priority queue using the node_dump function.

* Resize Queue structure.
* @param   q           Queue structure.
* @param   capacity    New capacity.
* @return  Whether or not operation succeeded.
bool    queue_resize(Queue *q, size_t capacity);

The internal queue_resize function grows the nodes array by the specified capacity.


* Bubble up Node in Queue structure.
* @param   q           Queue structure.
* @param   i           Index to current Node structure.
void    queue_bubble_up(Queue *q, size_t i);

The internal queue_bubble_up function continuously swaps the current Node with its parent if it is smaller than its parent, in order to maintain the binary heap invariant.

* Bubble down Node in Queue structure.
* @param   q           Queue structure.
* @param   i           Index to current Node structure.
void    queue_bubble_down(Queue *q, size_t i);

The internal queue_bubble_down function continuously swaps the current Node with its minimum child if it is greater than this child Node, in order to maintain the binary heap invariant.


* Determines index of child with minimum value.
* @param   q           Queue structure.
* @param   i           Index to current Node structure.
size_t  queue_minimum_child(Queue *q, size_t i);

The internal queue_minimum_child function returns the index of the minimum child of the specified Node.


As you implement queue.c, you can test it by running the test-queue target:

$ make test-queue
Testing Priority Queue...
 queue_create                             ... Success
 queue_create   (valgrind)                ... Success
 queue_delete                             ... Success
 queue_delete   (valgrind)                ... Success
 queue_push 0                             ... Success
 queue_push 0   (valgrind)                ... Success
 queue_push 1                             ... Success
 queue_push 1   (valgrind)                ... Success
 queue_push 2                             ... Success
 queue_push 2   (valgrind)                ... Success
 queue_pop                                ... Success
 queue_pop      (valgrind)                ... Success
 queue_dump                               ... Success
 queue_dump     (output)                  ... Success
 queue_dump     (valgrind)                ... Success
   Score 3.00

GDB and Valgrind

If your program fails any of the tests, you can use gdb and valgrind to track down any of your bugs. To run a specific test case, simply pass the appropriate number as a command-line argument to the test program:

$ ./test_queue                # List all test cases
Usage: ./test_queue NUMBER

Where NUMBER is one of the following:
    0. Test queue_create
    1. Test queue_delete
    2. Test queue_push 0
    3. Test queue_push 1
    4. Test queue_push 2
    5. Test queue_pop
    6. Test queue_dump

$ ./test_queue 0              # Run queue_create test

Task 3: tree.c (4 Points)

The last component of the Huffman Library is the binary tree required to construct the Huffman Coding. This Tree structure is defined in the tree.h header, which in addition to declaring function prototypes, also defines the following types:

#define TREE_COUNTS_SIZE (1<<8)

The TREE_COUNTS_SIZE constant sets the size of the counts table, which is the total number of char values (ie. 256).

typedef struct {
    Node   *root;
    int64_t counts[TREE_COUNTS_SIZE];
} Tree;

The Tree struct represents the Huffman Tree and contains the following attributes:


To manipulate a Tree struct, the tree.c file defines the following functions:

* Create Tree structure.
* @return  Newly allocated and initialized Tree structure.
Tree *  tree_create();

The tree_create function constructs a Tree struct with an initialized counts array.

* Delete Tree structure.
* @param   t           Tree structure.
* @return  NULL.
Tree *  tree_delete(Tree *t);

The tree_delete function destructs the specified Tree struct by deallocating root and the Tree itself.

* Build internal Tree structure.
* @param   t           Tree structure.
* @param   stream      I/O stream to read from.
* @return  Whether or not the operation succeeded.
bool    tree_build(Tree *t, FILE *stream);

The tree_build function builds the Huffman tree from the specified text stream.


This can be accomplished by following the process described at the beginning of the document:

  1. Use the internal tree_count function to construct the frequencies table.

  2. Use the internal tree_queue function to construct a priority queue of Node structs based on the counts array.

  3. Process the priority queue using the greedy algorithm described above until there is only one Node left in the priority queue.

* Walk Tree structure.
* @param   t           Tree structure.
* @param   f           Node function.
* @param   arg         Ndoe function argument.
* @return  Whether or not the operation succeeded.
void    tree_walk(const Tree *t, NodeFunc f, void *arg);

The tree_walk function walks the Huffman tree and calls the specified NodeFunc on each leaf Node by passing the current encoding and the specified arg.


This can be accomplished by using the internal tree_walk_node to recursively walk the binary tree.

* Build internal counts table in Tree structure.
* @param   t           Tree structure.
* @param   stream      I/O stream to read from.
* @return
void    tree_count(Tree *t, FILE *stream);

The internal tree_count function builds the counts frequency table using data from the specified stream.

* Create Priority Queue out of counts table in Tree structure.
* @param   t           Tree structure.
* @return  Priority Queue of Nodes corresponding to counts in Tree.
Queue * tree_queue(Tree *t);

The internal tree_queue function creates a Queue struct and inserts new Node structs with values from the counts array.


* Recursively walk Tree nodes.
* @param   n           Node structure.
* @param   f           Node function.
* @param   arg         Node function argument.
* @param   encoding    Node encoding.
void    tree_walk_node(const Node *n, NodeFunc f, void *arg, char *encoding);

The internal tree_walk_node function recursively walks the binary tree, calling the NodeFunc with the specified encoding and arg when it reaches a leaf Node.



As you implement tree.c, you can test it by running the test-tree target:

$ make test-tree
Testing Huffman Tree...
 tree_create                              ... Success
 tree_create    (valgrind)                ... Success
 tree_delete                              ... Success
 tree_delete    (valgrind)                ... Success
 tree_build 0                             ... Success
 tree_build 0   (valgrind)                ... Success
 tree_build 1                             ... Success
 tree_build 1   (valgrind)                ... Success
 tree_walk 0                              ... Success
 tree_walk 0    (valgrind)                ... Success
 tree_walk 1                              ... Success
 tree_walk 1    (valgrind)                ... Success
 tree_walk 2                              ... Success
 tree_walk 2    (valgrind)                ... Success
 tree_walk 3                              ... Success
 tree_walk 3    (valgrind)                ... Success
 tree_walk 4                              ... Success
 tree_walk 4    (valgrind)                ... Success
 tree_walk 5                              ... Success
 tree_walk 5    (valgrind)                ... Success
 tree_walk 6                              ... Success
 tree_walk 6    (valgrind)                ... Success
   Score 4.00

Activity 2: Huffman Utility (5.5 Points)

After completing the Huffman library, you can then implemet the Huffman utility, huff, which has the following command-line arguments:

$ ./huff -h
Usage: ./huff FILES...

    -f FORMAT    Output format (tsv, csv, yaml, json)

Here are some examples of huff in action:

$ ./huff <<< "BACABA"             # <<< Syntax only works on bash
A       0       3
B       10      2
\n      110     1
C       111     1

$ ./huff -f csv <<< "BACABA"

$ ./huff -f yaml <<< "BACABA"
"A": {"encoding": "0", "count": 3}
"B": {"encoding": "10", "count": 2}
"\n": {"encoding": "110", "count": 1}
"C": {"encoding": "111", "count": 1}

$ ./huff -f json <<< "BACABA"
  "A": {"encoding": "0", "count": 3},
  "B": {"encoding": "10", "count": 2},
  "\n": {"encoding": "110", "count": 1},
  "C": {"encoding": "111", "count": 1},

Task 1: huff.c (2.5 Points)

To implement the Huffman utility, you will need to complete the provided huff.c, which is pretty bare bones. It is recommended that you review cat.c from Reading 08 and use it as the basis for your implementation of huff.



As you implement huff.c, you can test it by running the test-huff target:

$ make test-huff
Testing Huffman utility...
 Usage                                    ... Success
 Input 0 (TSV)                            ... Success
 Input 0 (TSV)  (valgrind)                ... Success
 Input 0 (CSV)                            ... Success
 Input 0 (CSV)  (valgrind)                ... Success
 Input 0 (JSON)                           ... Success
 Input 0 (JSON) (valgrind)                ... Success
 Input 0 (YAML)                           ... Success
 Input 0 (YAML) (valgrind)                ... Success
 Input 1 (TSV)                            ... Success
 Input 1 (TSV)  (valgrind)                ... Success
 Input 1 (CSV)                            ... Success
 Input 1 (CSV)  (valgrind)                ... Success
 Input 1 (JSON)                           ... Success
 Input 1 (JSON) (valgrind)                ... Success
 Input 1 (YAML)                           ... Success
 Input 1 (YAML) (valgrind)                ... Success
   Score 2.50

Task 2: (1.5 Points)

Once you have a working Huffman utility, you are to revisit our friend Python to make a script,, which utilizes the huff program to compute the Huffman Coding of a series of text files and then generates a table of the results in Markdown format:

|        FILE        | OLD SIZE | NEW SIZE |   RATIO   |
|     data/1342-0.txt|   5712512|   3238771|     56.70%|
|      data/219-0.txt|   1866312|   1065343|     57.08%|
|       data/84-0.txt|   3579736|   2005500|     56.02%|
|        data/844.txt|   1139056|    672349|     59.03%|
|       data/98-0.txt|   6298288|   3575868|     56.78%|
|       data/data.txt|       328|       127|     38.72%|
|      data/ideas.txt|      8360|      4934|     59.02%|

As can be seen, the should emit the name of the file, the old size of the file (in terms of bits), the new size of the file using the Huffman coding (in terms of bits), and then the compression ratio if we were to use the Huffman coding.

You must use this script on at least five different text files (of varying sizes).



Most of the files from Project Gutenberg are in Unicode format rather than ASCII, which can cause your program to segfault. To avoid these errors, convert the Unicode files into plain ASCII by using the following command:

$ iconv -sc -f utf-8 -t iso-8859-1 unicode.txt > new.ascii

Replace unicode.txt with the name of the Unicode file and new.ascii with the name of the new file you want to create.

Task 3: (1.5 Points)

In your, include the Markdown table your script generated and then answer the following questions:

  1. Describe how the symbol is stored in the Node struct by diagramming the memory layout of the following Node structure:

    Node *n = node_create('\n', 2, NULL, NULL);

    Be sure to indicate how much memory each Node structure occupies and how much is allocated for each attribute in the struct.

    1. Explain what the code assert(n->symbol.letter == '\n') would result in?

    2. Given that symbol is a union type, is it ever possible for both the letter and string of the symbol \n to co-exist (that is, the string doesn't clobber the letter)?

      Hint: Consider alternative architectures.

  2. To construct the Huffman code, you had to utilize both a priority queue (aka. min-heap) and a Huffman Tree, both of which were binary trees. For the former, you used an array representation while for the later you used a linked node representation. With this in mind, answer the following questions:

    1. Would it have been easier to implement the priority queue with a linked node representation? Explain why this would be better or worse than the array representation.

    2. Would it have been easier to implement the Huffman Tree with an array representation? Explain why this would be better or worse than the linked node representation.

  3. Analyze the results of your experiements with you Python script. What sort of compression ratios were you able to achieve? How does this compare to standard utilities such as gzip, bzip2, and xz?

Guru Point: ShareLaTeX (1 Point)

So far this semester, you have been using Markdown to format your README files and have dabbled a little bit with HTML, which powers the World Wide Web. For academic papers, many scholars and researchers use a language called LaTeX to create crisp documents such as this PhD Dissertation.

For extra credit, you are to use LaTeX to produce a document that contains a few sections, a few paragraphs, at least one diagram, and at least one table. You may choose, for instance, to write-up the responses to the questions in this assigment using LaTeX (just be sure to include the generated PDF and make a note of it in your README) or you may create a document for another class (or anything you want).

To produce a PDF from a LaTeX document, you first use your favorite $EDITOR to compose the LaTeX source and then you compile the document using the following commands:

$ pdflatex article.tex
$ pdflatex article.tex        # Run it twice

If you'd rather have a more graphical and real-time editing experience, you should consider ShareLaTeX. Notre Dame has a site license for this website, which is a great tool for interactive and collaborative LaTeX document editting. The website also provides great documentation:

You should skim these tutorials and take a look at the sample LaTeX file which will generate this sample PDF.

To get credit, show the final document and the LaTeX source code to either the instructor or one of the TAs.


To submit your assignment, please commit your work to the homework07 folder of your homework07 branch in your assignments GitLab repository. Your homework07 folder should only contain the following files:

Note: Don't include any object files or executables.


$ cd homework07                           # Go to Homework 07 directory
$ git add Makefile                        # Mark changes for commit
$ git add node.c                          # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework07: node"        # Record changes
$ git add Makefile                        # Mark changes for commit
$ git add queue.c                         # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework07: queue"       # Record changes
$ git add Makefile                        # Mark changes for commit
$ git add tree.c                          # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework07: tree"        # Record changes
$ git add Makefile                        # Mark changes for commit
$ git add huff.c                          # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework07: huff"        # Record changes
$ git add                         # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework07:"     # Record changes
$ git add                       # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework07: README"      # Record changes
$ git push -u origin homework07           # Push branch to GitLab

Remember to create a merge request and assign the appropriate TA from the Reading 09 TA List.