The goal of this homework assignment is to allow you to practice using system calls involving I/O, files, and directories in C by implementing partial clones of dd and find:

  1. duplicate: The first utility is called duplicate and uses system calls dealing with low-level I/O to implement the dd command, which allows users to copy data from one file to another:

    $ ./duplicate -h
    Usage: ./duplicate [options]
        if=FILE     Read from FILE instead of stdin
        of=FILE     Write to FILE instead of stdout
        count=N     Copy only N input blocks
        bs=BYTES    Read and write up to BYTES bytes at a time
        seek=N      Skip N obs-sized blocks at start of output
        skip=N      Skip N ibs-sized blocks at start of input
  2. search: The second utility is called search and uses system calls dealing with files and directories to implement find, which recursively searches a directory and prints the items it finds based on the specified user options.

    $ ./search -help
    Usage: ./search PATH [OPTIONS]
        -help           Display this help message
        -executable     File is executable or directory is searchable to user
        -readable       File readable to user
        -writable       File is writable to user
        -type [f|d]     File is of type f for regular file or d for directory
        -empty          File or directory is empty
        -name  PATTERN  Base of file name matches shell PATTERN
        -path  PATTERN  Path of file matches shell PATTERN
        -perm  MODE     File's permission bits are exactly MODE (octal)
        -newer fILE     File was modified more recently than FILE
        -uid   N        File's numeric user ID is N
        -gid   N        File's numeric group ID is N

For this assignment, record your source code and any responses to the following activities in the homework08 folder of your assignments GitLab repository and push your work by noon Saturday, April 14.

Activity 0: Preparation (0.5 Points)

Before starting this homework assignment, you should first perform a git pull to retrieve any changes in your remote GitLab repository:

$ cd path/to/repository                   # Go to assignments repository

$ git checkout master                     # Make sure we are in master branch

$ git pull --rebase                       # Get any remote changes not present locally

Next, create a new branch for this assignment:

$ git checkout -b homework08              # Create homework08 branch and check it out

Starter Code

To help you get started, the instructor has provided you with some starter code.

# Download starter code tarball
$ curl -LO

# Extract starter code tarball
$ tar xzvf homework08.tar.gz

# Add and commit starter code
$ git add homework08
$ git commit -m "homework08: starter code"

Once downloaded and extracted, you should see the following files in your homework08 directory:

    \_ Makefile                   # This is the Makefile for building all the project artifacts
    \_                  # This is the README file for recording your responses
    \_ duplicate.h                # This is the C99 header file for the duplicate utility
    \_ duplicate_main.c           # This is the C99 source file for the duplicate main function
    \_ duplicate_options.c        # This is the C99 source file for the duplicate options functions
    \_ search.h                   # This is the C99 header file for the search utility
    \_ search_filter.c            # This is the C99 source file for the search filter functions
    \_ search_main.c              # This is the C99 source file for the search main function
    \_ search_options.c           # This is the C99 source file for the search options functions
    \_ search_utilities.c         # This is the C99 source file for the search utility functions
    \_ search_walk.c              # This is the C99 source file for the search walk function
    \_          # This is the Shell test script for the duplicate utility
    \_             # This is the Shell test script for the search utility

File: Makefile

Before you implement any of the utilities, you should first complete the provided Makefile. Remeber, the Makefile contains all the rules or recipes for building the project artifacts (e.g. duplicate, search, etc.). Although the provided Makefile contains most of the variable definitions and test recipes, you must add the appropriate rules for duplicate, search, and any intermediate objects. The dependencies for these targets are shown in the DAG below:

Makefile Variables

You must use the CC, CFLAGS, LD, LDFLAGS, AR, and ARFLAGS variables when appropriate in your rules.

Moreover, since there are a lot of object files, it is recommend that you use a pattern rule for compiling *.c files into *.o files (rather than explicitly specifying each object rule).

Once you have a working Makefile, you should be able to run the following commands:

$ make                    # Build all targets
Compiling duplicate_main.o...
Compiling duplicate_options.o...
Linking duplicate...
Compiling search_main.o...
Compiling search_filter.o...
Compiling search_options.o...
Compiling search_utilities.o...
Compiling search_walk.o...
Linking search...

$ make clean              # Clean targets and intermediate files

$ make -n                 # Simulate build with tracing output
echo Compiling duplicate_main.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -fPIC -o duplicate_main.o -c duplicate_main.c
echo Compiling duplicate_options.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -fPIC -o duplicate_options.o -c duplicate_options.c
echo Linking duplicate...
gcc -L. -o duplicate duplicate_main.o duplicate_options.o
echo Compiling search_main.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -fPIC -o search_main.o -c search_main.c
echo Compiling search_filter.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -fPIC -o search_filter.o -c search_filter.c
echo Compiling search_options.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -fPIC -o search_options.o -c search_options.c
echo Compiling search_utilities.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -fPIC -o search_utilities.o -c search_utilities.c
echo Compiling search_walk.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -fPIC -o search_walk.o -c search_walk.c
echo Linking search...
gcc -L. -o search search_main.o search_filter.o search_options.o search_utilities.o search_walk.o

$ make test               # Run all tests

Depending on your compiler, you may see some warnings with the initial starter code. Likewise, the test programs will all fail in some fashion.


You must include the -Wall flag in your CFLAGS when you compile. This also means that your code must compile without any warnings, otherwise points will be deducted.

The details on what you need to implement are described in the following sections.

Activity 1: Duplicate Utility (4.5 Points)

As mentioned above, the first utility you are to implement is called duplicate, which is a clone of the dd command. This program allows users to copy data from one input file (ie. if) to another output file (ie. of) while specifying parameters such as the block size (ie. bs) to use, the number of blocks to copy (ie. count), and whether or not to skip blocks before reading from the input file (ie. skip) or before writing to the output file (ie. seek).

Unlike in previous assignments, the programs in this homework are not easily compartmentalized. This means that there are a lot of inter-dependencies between the functions. For instance, in order to know which file to open as the input file, the command-line options must be parsed first. However, since there are a lot of command-line options, it would be tedious to complete all the command-line parsing before actually using those options in other functions. Therefore, do not treat the following descriptions as sequential Tasks. Instead read through all the descriptions and then create a plan of attack that builds the solution piece-by-piece.

Iterative and Incremental Development

Do not try to implement everything at once. Instead, approach this program with the iterative and incremental development mindset and slowly build pieces of your application one feature at a time:

  1. Implement parsing one command-line option.

  2. Implement using that command-line option.

  3. Repeat!

Focus on one thing at a time and feel free to write small test programs to try things out.

File: duplicate.h

The duplicate.h file is the header file for duplicate utility. In addition to the function prototypes, this header defines the following types:

#define DEFAULT_BYTES   512

The DEFAULT_BYTES constant is to be used if the user doesn't specify a block size (ie. bs).

typedef struct {
    char *  input_file;     /* Path to input file */
    char *  output_file;    /* Path to output file */
    size_t  count;          /* Number of blocks to copy */
    size_t  bytes;          /* Size of each block */
    size_t  seek;           /* Number of blocks to skip in output file */
    size_t  skip;           /* Number of blocks to skip in input file */
} Options;

The Options struct stores the results of parsing the command-line options and contains the following attributes:


The duplicate.h header file also defines the following macros:

#define     streq(s0, s1)     (strcmp((s0), (s1)) == 0)

The streq macro can be used to test if two strings are equal.

#define     debug(M, ...)     fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG %s:%d:%s: " M "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__)

The debug macro can be used to output debugging messages that contain the name of the file, the line number, and the function name.

File: duplicate_options.c

The duplicate_options.c file contains the C99 implementation for the following functions:

 * Display usage message and exit.
 * @param   progname        Name of program.
 * @param   status          Exit status.
void        usage(const char *progname, int status);

The provided usage function displays the usage message and exists with the provided status code.

 * Parse command-line options.
 * @param   argc            Number of command-line arguments.
 * @param   argv            Array of command-line arguments.
 * @param   options         Pointer to Options structure.
 * @return  Whether or not parsing the command-line options was successful.
bool        parse_options(int argc, char **argv, Options *options);

The parse_options function parses the command-line options and sets the appropriate fields in the Options structure.


File: duplicate_main.c

The duplicate_main.c file contains the C99 implementation for the main function of the duplicate utility, which should accomplish the following:

  1. Declare and initialize an Options struct with the appropriate default settings.

  2. Parse the command-line options.

  3. Open the input file and output files.

  4. Allocate a buffer with the appropriate block size.

  5. Perform any skipping or seeking.

  6. Copy data from the input file to the output file.

  7. Clean up any allocated or requested resources.

Low-level I/O

For duplicate, you must use low-level I/O functions such as open, read, write, lseek, and close for copying data. That is, you must use file descriptors rather than streams for copying data. You may continue to use streamed-based functions for printing and debugging.


As you implement duplicate, you can test it by running the test-duplicate target:

$ make test-duplicate
Testing duplicate...
 usage                                                                    ... Success
 usage (valgrind)                                                         ... Success
 no arguments                                                             ... Success
 no arguments (valgrind)                                                  ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd                                                           ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd (valgrind)                                                ... Success
 if=asdfsadf                                                              ... Success
 if=asdfasdf (valgrind)                                                   ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd of=/tmp/duplicate.1000/of                                 ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd of=/tmp/duplicate.1000/of (valgrind)                      ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd bs=2                                                      ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd bs=2 (valgrind)                                           ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd bs=10240                                                  ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd bs=10240 (valgrind)                                       ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd bs=2 count=5                                              ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd bs=5 count=5 (valgrind)                                   ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd bs=2 count=5 skip=1                                       ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd bs=5 count=5 skip=1 (valgrind)                            ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd bs=2 count=5 skip=10                                      ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd bs=5 count=5 skip=10 (valgrind)                           ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd bs=2 count=5 skip=100                                     ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd bs=5 count=5 skip=100 (valgrind)                          ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd of=/tmp/duplicate.1000/of bs=2 seek=1                     ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd of=/tmp/duplicate.1000/of bs=2 seek=1 (valgrind)          ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd of=/tmp/duplicate.1000/of bs=2 count=5 seek=1             ... Success
 if=/etc/passwd of=/tmp/duplicate.1000/of bs=2 count=5 seek=1 (valgrind)  ... Success
   Score 4.50

Note: You can always compare the behavior of your duplicate utility directly with the actual dd command.

Activity 2: Search Utility (9 Points)

The second utility is search, which is a partial re-implementation of the find command. Given an initial root directory, this program recursively walks the specified path and prints out the name of any files that match the specified criteria. For instance, only output files that are executable, the user can specify the -executable flag:

$ ./search root -executable

For more details on what the various flags do, please consult the manual for find.

Iterative and Incremental Development

Once again, you should approach this program with the iterative and incremental development mindset and slowly build pieces of your application one feature at a time:

  1. Implement parsing the root directory.

  2. Implement walking the root directory.

  3. Implement recursively walking the root directory.

  4. Implement parsing one filter option.

  5. Implement checking one filter option.

  6. Repeat 4 and 5 until all options are implemented!

Remember that the goal at the end of each iteration is that you have a working program that successfully implements all of the features up to that point.

File: search.h

The search.h file is the header file for search utility. In addition to the function prototypes, this header defines the following types:

typedef struct {
    int     access;     /* Access modes (-executable, -readable, -writable) */
    int     type;       /* File type (-type); */
    bool    empty;      /* Empty files and directories (-empty) */
    char   *name;       /* Base of file name matches shell pattern (-name) */
    char   *path;       /* Path of file matches shell pattern (-path) */
    int     perm;       /* File's permission bits are exactly octal mode (-perm) */
    time_t  newer;      /* File was modified more recently than file (-newer) */
    int     uid;        /* File's numeric user ID is n */
    int     gid;        /* File's numeric group ID is n */
} Options;

The Options struct stores the results of parsing the command-line options and contains the following attributes:


typedef bool (*FilterFunc)(const char *path, const struct stat *stat, const Options *options);

This FilterFunc type definition specifies a function that given a path to a file, its stat information, and the options to the utility, returns whether or not the specified file should be excluded from the output (if so return true, otherwise return false to indicate it should be included).

The search.h header file also defines the following macros:

#define     streq(s0, s1)     (strcmp((s0), (s1)) == 0)

The streq macro can be used to test if two strings are equal.

#define     debug(M, ...)     fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG %s:%d:%s: " M "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__)

The debug macro can be used to output debugging messages that contain the name of the file, the line number, and the function name.

File: search_options.c

The search_options.c file contains the C99 implementation for the following functions:

 * Display usage message and exit.
 * @param   progname        Name of program.
 * @param   status          Exit status.
void        usage(const char *progname, int status);

The provided usage function displays the usage message and exists with the provided status code.

 * Parse command-line options.
 * @param   argc            Number of command-line arguments.
 * @param   argv            Array of command-line arguments.
 * @param   root            Pointer to root string.
 * @param   options         Pointer to Options structure.
 * @return  Whether or not parsing the command-line options was successful.
bool        parse_options(int argc, char **argv, char **root, Options *options);

The parse_options function parses the command-line options and sets the appropriate fields in the Options structure.


File: search_walk.c

The search_walk.c file contains the C99 implementation for the following functions:

 * Recursively walk the root directory with specified options.
 * @param   root        Root directory path.
 * @param   options     User specified filter options.
 * @return  Whether or not walking this directory was successful.
int         walk(const char *root, const Options *options);

This walk function recursively traverses the given root directory by checking if each item in the directory passes the specified Options filters; if so, it simply prints out the path of the item. If the item is a directory, the function will recurse on this item before processing the next entry in its own listing.


File: search_utilities.c

The search_utilities.c file contains the C99 implementation for the following functions:

 * Checks whether or not the directory is empty.
 * @param   path    Path to directory.
 * @return  Whether or not the path is an empty directory.
bool        is_directory_empty(const char *path);

This is_directory_empty function returns whether or not the specified path is an empty directory.


 * Retrieves modification time of file.
 * @param   path    Path to file.
 * @return  The modification time of the file.
time_t      get_mtime(const char *path);

The get_mtime function returns the modification time of the file at the specified path.


File: search_filter.c

The search_filter.c file contains the C99 implementation for the following items:

FilterFunc FILTER_FUNCTIONS[] = {   /* Array of function pointers. */

The FILTER_FUNCTIONS is a NULL terminated array of function pointers, where each item is a FilterFunc.


 * Filter path based on options.
 * @param   path        Path to file to filter.
 * @param   options     Pointer to Options structure.
 * @return  Whether or not the path should be filtered out (false means include
 * it in output, true means exclude it from output).
bool        filter(const char *path, const Options *options);

The filter function checks if the file specified by path passes all filters specified in options. The function returns true if the file is to be excluded from output and false if it is to be included in the output.


The filter function should perform an lstat on the given path and then simply iterate through the FILTER_FUNCTIONS array. If any of the FilterFuncs return true, then the specified file should be excluded from the output.

This is an example of what the instructor calls the gauntlet pattern: perform a series of checks and if any fail, return immediately. If all the checks pass, then perform the final operation. This is somewhat related to what is known as the Guard Clause, which is a technique that can be used to refactor nested conditionals.

File: search_main.c

The search_main.c file contains the C99 implementation for the main function of the search utility, which should accomplish the following:

  1. Declare and initialize an Options struct with the appropriate default settings.

  2. Parse the command-line options.

  3. Check the root directory (ie. see if it passes the filters and output its path).

  4. Recursively walk the root directory.


As you implement search, you can test it by running the test-search target:

$ make test-search
Testing search...
 usage                                                                    ... Success
 usage (valgrind)                                                         ... Success
 no arguments                                                             ... Success
 no arguments (valgrind)                                                  ... Success
 /etc                                                                     ... Success
 /etc (valgrind)                                                          ... Success
 /etc -executable                                                         ... Success
 /etc -executable (valgrind)                                              ... Success
 /etc -readable                                                           ... Success
 /etc -readable (valgrind)                                                ... Success
 /etc -writable                                                           ... Success
 /etc -writable (valgrind)                                                ... Success
 /etc -type f                                                             ... Success
 /etc -type f (valgrind)                                                  ... Success
 /etc -type d                                                             ... Success
 /etc -type d (valgrind)                                                  ... Success
 /etc -name '*.conf'                                                      ... Success
 /etc -name '*.conf' (valgrind)                                           ... Success
 /etc -path '*security/*.conf'                                            ... Success
 /etc -path '*security/*.conf' (valgrind)                                 ... Success
 /etc -perm 600                                                           ... Success
 /etc -perm 600 (valgrind)                                                ... Success
 /etc -newer /etc/hosts                                                   ... Success
 /etc -newer /etc/hosts (valgrind)                                        ... Success
 /etc -uid 0                                                              ... Success
 /etc -uid 0 (valgrind)                                                   ... Success
 /etc -gid 0                                                              ... Success
 /etc -gid 0 (valgrind)                                                   ... Success
 /etc -empty                                                              ... Success
 /etc -empty (valgrind)                                                   ... Success
 /etc -type f -executable                                                 ... Success
 /etc -type f -executable (valgrind)                                      ... Success
 /etc -type d -readable                                                   ... Success
 /etc -type d -readable (valgrind)                                        ... Success
 /etc -type d -name '*conf*'                                              ... Success
 /etc -type d -name '*conf*' (valgrind)                                   ... Success
 /etc -type f -executable -readable                                       ... Success
 /etc -type f -executable -readable (valgrind)                            ... Success
 /etc -perm 755 -uid 0                                                    ... Success
 /etc -perm 755 -uid 0 (valgrind)                                         ... Success
   Score 9.00

Note: You can always compare the behavior of your search utility directly with the actual find command.

Activity 3: Reflection (1 Point)

Once you have working versions of duplicate and search, you are to use the strace command to compare the system calls used by your utilities versus those utilized by dd and find.

$ strace -c ./duplicate if=/etc/passwd > /dev/null
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
  0.00    0.000000           0         3           read
  0.00    0.000000           0         1           write
  0.00    0.000000           0         3           close
  0.00    0.000000           0         7         6 stat
  0.00    0.000000           0         1           fstat
  0.00    0.000000           0         4           mmap
  0.00    0.000000           0         4           mprotect
  0.00    0.000000           0         3           brk
  0.00    0.000000           0         1         1 access
  0.00    0.000000           0         1           execve
  0.00    0.000000           0         1           arch_prctl
  0.00    0.000000           0        10         7 openat
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
100.00    0.000000                    39        14 total

In your, record the output of the strace information for duplicate vs dd and search vs find, and then answer the following questions:

  1. Describe the differences you see between the number and type of system calls used by your utilities as compared to the standard Unix programs.

  2. Did you notice anything surprising about the trace of your utilities or the trace of the standard Unix programs? Which implementations are faster or more efficient? Explain.

Guru Point: Easter Egg (1 Point)

In the spirit of the Easter Season, you are to embed an easter egg into your search program. For instance, here is the first video game easter egg (as discussed in History of Computing):

Here are some possible easter egg ideas:

For instance, the instructor's version of search on the student machines contains the following easter eggs:

$ ~pbui/pub/bin/search for the droid

$ ~pbui/pub/bin/search for a pony

$ ~pbui/pub/bin/search the matrix

To receive credit, simply demonstrate the easter egg to the instructor or a TA.


To submit your assignment, please commit your work to the homework08 folder of your homework08 branch in your assignments GitLab repository. Your homework08 folder should only contain the following files:

Note: Don't include any object files or executables.


$ cd homework08                           # Go to Homework 07 directory
$ git add Makefile                        # Mark changes for commit
$ git add duplicate_*.c                   # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework08: duplicate"   # Record changes
$ git add Makefile                        # Mark changes for commit
$ git add search_*.c                      # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework08: search"      # Record changes
$ git add                       # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework08: README"      # Record changes
$ git push -u origin homework08           # Push branch to GitLab

Remember to create a merge request and assign the appropriate TA from the Reading 10 TA List.