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The goal of this homework assignment is to allow you to practice managing dynamic memory in C by building fundamental data structures and navigating the file system using low-level functions and system calls. The first activity involves implementing a hash table library, while the second activity requires you to use this library to build a duplicates utility that determines if there are any duplicate files by computing the checksum of each argument.

For this assignment, record your source code and any responses to the following activities in the homework09 folder of your assignments GitLab repository and push your work by 11:59 AM Saturday, April 18.

Activity 0: Preparation

Before starting this homework assignment, you should first perform a git pull to retrieve any changes in your remote GitLab repository:

$ cd path/to/repository                   # Go to assignments repository

$ git checkout master                     # Make sure we are in master branch

$ git pull --rebase                       # Get any remote changes not present locally

Next, create a new branch for this assignment:

$ git checkout -b homework09              # Create homework09 branch and check it out

You are now ready to work on the activities below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Activity 1: Table Library (8 Points)

As discussed in your data structures class, a map is a container that allows the user to associate keys to values. This enables users to easily lookup values by a non-numeric key such as a string in an efficient manner. Maps (aka dict in Python) are used in many applications and scripts. For instance, whenever we used JSON, we were accessing a map.

Of course, being a bare bones language, C does not have a built-in map in its standard library. Because of this, we will build our own map container by implementing a hash table using the separate chaining technique to manage collisions.

Separate Chaining Hash Table

Fundamentally, a hash table is just an array. Normal arrays in C, unfortunately, can only be indexed by an integer. As we discussed last week, this is due to the fact that the name of an array is really just a label* for the base address of a contiguous chunk of memory. Therefore, an index** operation is equivalent to the following:

A[i] = *(A + i) // Index i of a is the same as access the location in memory at A + i

This is fine if we only need to search our elements by integer values, since we can use the integer value as an offset into our chunk of memory. However, if we wanted to quickly lookup values by strings or doubles, we would instead have to scan linearly through our array to find the appropriate element. This, of course, is inefficient, so we need another way of storing non-integer values in a way that allows us to quickly find them again.

To work around this limitation in arrays, we can use a hash function such as FNV-1a to deterministicly compute an integer value for any sequence of binary data:

FNV-1A-Hash(data) -> Integer

Therefore, using a hash function allows us to utilize non-integer values such as strings or doubles to lookup elements in a normal array. The use of a hash function in this manner is the core concept behind the data structure know as a hash table, which can be used to implement either the set or map abstract data types.

For this activity, you will be implementing a map based on a hash table that uses separate chaining to handle collisions as shown below:

In this design, the hash table starts with a structure that contains the following fields:

  1. Buckets: This is the array of Pairs, each of which consists of a key, a value, and a reference to the next Pair in the chain.

  2. Capacity: This is the size of the array of Pairs (ie. number of Buckets).

  3. Size: This is the number of valid Pair we are storing in our hash table.

In the example in the diagram above, we have a hash table with an array of 8 Buckets. Each Bucket is actually a singly-linked list where we store the Pairs in our hash table. Because the Bucket is an actual Pair and not just a reference to one, this means that our singly-linked list uses a dummy or sentinel node.

For instance, the first Pair at the top has a key of 0 and a value of "Dog". Because 0 maps to Bucket 0 we simply have the Pair structure at Buckets[0] reference this Pair. Because there are no other Pairs that map to 0, this top Pair's next reference is simply NULL.

At the bottom, we have two Pairs that map to Bucket 5. When multiple elements map to the same Bucket, we call this a collision. In separate chaining, we handle this situation by simply adding the additional Pair to our singly-linked list as shown in the diagram. Here, we have one Pair with the key 5 and the value "Log" followed by a second Pair with the key 13 and the value "Rock". The former has a reference to the latter to form a singly-linked list.

The remainder of this document details how you are to build a map that follows this overall design.

Skeleton Code

To help you get started, the instructor has provided you with the following skeleton code:

# Go to assignments repository
$ cd path/to/assignments/repository

# ------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------

# Download skeleton code tarball
$ curl -LO

# Extract skeleton code tarball
$ tar xzvf homework09.tar.gz

Once downloaded and extracted, you should see the following files in your homework09 directory:

    \_ Makefile               # This is the Makefile for building all the project artifacts
    \_              # This is the README file for recording your responses
    \_ bin                    # This contains the binary executables and test scripts
      \_   # This is the shell script for testing the duplicates tool
      \_         # This is the shell script for testing the hash functions
      \_         # This is the shell script for testing the Pair structure
      \_         # This is the Python script for testing the quiz answers
      \_        # This is the shell script for testing the Table structure
    \_ include                # This contains the header files
      \_ hash.h               # This is the C header file for hash functions
      \_ macros.h             # This is the C header file for macros
      \_ pair.h               # This is the C header file for Pair structure
      \_ table.h              # This is the C header file for Table structure
    \_ lib                    # This contains the library files
    \_ src                    # This contains the C implementation files
      \_ duplicates.c         # This is the C implementation file for the duplicates tool
      \_ pair.c               # This is the C implementation file for the Pair structure
      \_ hash.c               # This is the C implementation file for the hash functions
      \_ table.c              # This is the C implementation file for the Table structure
    \_ tests                  # This contains the unit test C implementation files
      \_ unit_hash.c          # This is the C implementation file for the hash unit est
      \_ unit_pair.c          # This is the C implementation file for the Pair unit test
      \_ unit_table.c         # This is the C implementation file for the Table unit test

The details on what you need to implement are described in the following sections.

Task 0: Headers

The following is a description of the header files included in the skeleton code.


The include/pair.h file is the header file for Pair struct. In addition to the function prototypes, this header defines the following types:

typedef union {
    int64_t  number;
    char    *string;
} Value;

This defines a Value union type consisting of either a 64-bit integer or a string.

typedef enum {
} Type;

This defines an enumeration that defines the constants NUMBER and STRING.

typedef struct Pair Pair;
struct Pair {
    char   *key;
    Value   value;
    Type    type;
    Pair   *next;

This defines a Pair struct, which follows from our design described above. In addition to having a key, value, and next reference, the Pair also records the type of its value (ie. NUMBER or STRING). This will be useful in choosing between the number and string fields of the value union.


The include/table.h file is the header file for Table struct. In addition to the function prototypes, this header defines the following types:

typedef struct {
    Pair    *buckets;
    size_t   capacity;
    size_t   size;
} Table;

This defines the Table struct, which follows from our design described above.

Type Definitions

The use of typedef in this header file allow us to simply say Table *t rather than struct Table *t. While there is some controversary over whether or not this is good practice, we will use these type definitions to make our code clearer and more compact.


Finally, the include/macros.h header file provides a debug macro that you can use to insert debugging statements into your code (rather than [printf]):

debug("foo = d", foo);

The advantage of using this macro is that it displays the file name, line number, and function name where the command is called in its output, along with the formatted message you specified.

Likewise, the header file also provides a streq macro that you can use instead of strcmp:

if (streq(source, target)) {

For this task, you do not need to modify these header files. Instead, you should review them and ensure you understand the provided code.

Task 1: Makefile

Once again, the Makefile contains all the rules or recipes for building the project artifacts (e.g. libtable.a, duplicates, etc.). Although the provided Makefile contains most of the variable definitions and test recipes, you must add the appropriate rules for libtable.a, unit_hash, unit_pair, unit_table, duplicates, and any intermediate objects. The dependencies for these targets are shown in the DAG below:

Makefile Variables

You must use the CC, CFLAGS, LD, LDFLAGS, AR, and ARFLAGS variables when appropriate in your rules.

Once you have a working Makefile, you should be able to run the following commands:

# Build all TARGETS
$ make
Compiling src/duplicates.o...
Compiling src/hash.o...
Compiling src/pair.o...
Compiling src/table.o...
Linking lib/libtable.a...
Linking bin/duplicates...

# Run all tests
$ make test
Compiling tests/unit_hash.o...
Linking bin/unit_hash...
Testing hash...
make: *** No rule to make target 'answers.json', needed by 'test-quiz'.  Stop.

# Simulate build with tracing output
$ make -n
echo Compiling src/duplicates.o...
gcc -g -Wall -std=gnu99 -Iinclude -c -o src/duplicates.o src/duplicates.c
echo Compiling src/hash.o...
gcc -g -Wall -std=gnu99 -Iinclude -c -o src/hash.o src/hash.c
echo Compiling src/pair.o...
gcc -g -Wall -std=gnu99 -Iinclude -c -o src/pair.o src/pair.c
echo Compiling src/table.o...
gcc -g -Wall -std=gnu99 -Iinclude -c -o src/table.o src/table.c
echo Linking lib/libtable.a...
ar rcs lib/libtable.a src/hash.o src/pair.o src/table.o
echo Linking bin/duplicates...
gcc -Llib -o bin/duplicates src/duplicates.o lib/libtable.a -lcrypto

Depending on your compiler, you may see some warnings with the initial skeleton code. Likewise, the test programs will all fail in some fashion.

Task 2: src/hash.c

The src/hash.c file contains the C implementation for the FNV-1a hash function and the MD5 checksum function. For this task, you will need to implement the following functions:

  1. uint64_t hash_from_data(const void *data, size_t n)

    This function uses the FNV-1a algorithm to compute a hash on the given data which consists of n bytes.

    To implement this function, you may follow the pseudo-code below:

    function FNV-Hash(data):
        hash = FNV_OFFSET_BASIS
        for each byte in data:
            hash = hash ^ byte of data
            hash = hash x FNV_PRIME
        return hash

    Note: Remember that you can use type casting to interpret a chunk of bytes in any format you wish.

  2. bool hash_from_file(const char *path, char hexdigest[HEX_DIGEST_LENGTH])

    This function computes the MD5 checksum on the contents of the file specified by path and stores the result in hexdigest.

    To implement this function, you will need to use the MD5 functions from the OpenSSL library.

    Note: You may adapt the code described in this StackOverflow question.

As you implement src/hash.c, you can test it by running the test-hash target:

# Run test-hash target
$ make test-hash
Compiling tests/unit_hash.o...
Compiling src/hash.o...
Compiling src/pair.o...
Compiling src/table.o...
Linking lib/libtable.a...
Linking bin/unit_hash...
Testing hash...
 hash_from_data                           ... Success
 hash_from_file                           ... Success

   Score 1.00

# Run unit_hash manually
$ ./bin/unit_hash 0
    wake me up inside = 0x7d9454fa584a0a56
                  123 = 0x456fc2181822c4db
              deadool = 0x7d517630945dadbb
            wolverine = 0x874d0d8868f684c8

$ ./bin/unit_hash 1
       include/hash.h = aaa8a3ede129a8b4111621b074ce5eac
     include/macros.h = 6af0cd9ee6b7ee2a9cab5560a2740e03
       include/pair.h = 93222a535b925ddffcc6fc6bd6097ad4
      include/table.h = a0b7dc9db3470347a1f67caa1913742d

Task 3: src/pair.c

The src/pair.c file contains the C implementation for the Pair structure. For this task, you will need to implement the following functions:

  1. Pair * pair_create(const char *key, const Value value, Pair *next, Type type)

    This function allocates a new Pair, sets its key, value, next and type fields, and returns the allocated structure.


    • You must check if allocation fails.

    • You must allocate and copy the key (consider strdup).

    • You must allocate and copy the value if the type is set to STRING.

    • You may wish to use the pair_update function to implement part of this function (to avoid code duplication).

  2. Pair * pair_delete(Pair *p, bool recursive)

    This function deallocates the given Pair and any previously allocated fields such as the key and value. If recursive is true, then this function will also deallocate the next Pair and any of its successors.

    Note: You can use recursion for this if you wish since the singly-linked list should never be too long.

  3. void pair_update(Pair *p, const Value value, Type type)

    This function updates the value field of the specified Pair.

    Note: Special care must be given to both the old value type and the new value type.

    • If the old value is of type STRING, then you must deallocate it.

    • If the new value is of type STRING, then you must allocate and copy it.

    Failure to do so will lead to memory errors.

  4. void pair_format(Pair *p, FILE *stream)

    This function prints the Pair's key and value fields to the specified stream in the format "{key}\t{value}\n".

As you implement src/pair.c, you can test it by running the test-pair target:

# Run test-pair target
$ make test-pair
Compiling tests/unit_pair.o...
Linking bin/unit_pair...
Testing pair...
 pair_create                              ... Success
 pair_delete                              ... Success
 pair_update                              ... Success
 pair_format                              ... Success

   Score 2.00

# Run unit_pair manually
$ ./bin/unit_pair 0

Task 4: src/table.c

The src/table.c file contains the C implementation for the core hash table data structure. For this task, you will need to implement the following functions:

  1. Table * table_create(size_t capacity)

    This function allocates a new Table, sets its capacity, and size fields, allocates buckets of Pair structures, and returns the allocated structure.


    • If capacity is 0, then it should use the DEFAULT_CAPACITY instead.

    • The buckets field is an array of Pair structures.

  2. Table * table_delete(Table *m)

    This function deallocates the given Table along with its buckets of Pair structures.

    Note: Consider using the recursive argument to pair_delete.

  3. void table_insert(Table *m, const char *key, const Value value, Type type)

    This function inserts a new Pair into the Table if the key does not exist yet. If it does, then pre-existing Pair's value is updated to the given value.

    Note: It doesn't matter where you insert the Pair in the corresponding singly-linked list. That is, you can either add to the front or the back, it is up to you.

  4. Value * table_search(Table *m, const char *key)

    This function searches the Table for an Pair with the given key. If found then a reference to the corresponding Value is returned, otherwise NULL.

  5. bool table_remove(Table *m, const char *key)

    This function removes the Pair with the given key from the Table and returns whether or not the removal was successful (ie. an Pair with the key was in fact in the Table).

    Note: Special care must be given to bridge the gap between the previous Pair and the next Pair during removal.

  6. void table_format(Table *m, FILE *stream)

    This function formats all the Pairs in the Table to the specified stream.

As you implement src/table.c, you can test it by running the test-table target:

# Run test-table target
$ make test-table
Compiling tests/unit_table.o...
Linking bin/unit_table...
Testing table...
 table_create                             ... Success
 table_delete                             ... Success
 table_insert                             ... Success
 table_search                             ... Success
 table_remove                             ... Success
 table_format                             ... Success

   Score 5.00

# Run unit_table manually
$ ./bin/unit_table 0

Activity 2: Duplicates (6 Points)

Once you have a working hash table library, you are to complete the src/duplicates.c program:

# Display usage
$ ./bin/duplicates -h
Usage: ./bin/duplicates paths...
    -c     Only display total number of duplicates
    -q     Do not write anything (exit with 0 if duplicate found)

# Check files and directories for duplicates
$ cp

$ ./bin/duplicates Makefile bin is duplicate of

# Check files and directories for duplicates (counts only)
$ ./bin/duplicates -c Makefile bin

# Check files and directories for duplicates (quiet)
$ ./bin/duplicates -q Makefile bin

$ echo $?

The bin/duplicates program proceses the files and directories passed to the program as arguments. It computes the MD5 checksum of each file and stores it in a Table structure in order to keep track if it has seen the contents of each file before.

If a duplicate is found, then a message is displayed informing the user of the found duplicate (and the original file).

If the -c flag is set, then only a final count of the total number of duplicates found is reported to the user.

If the -q flag is set, then the program exits with 0 as soon as it detects a duplicate, otherwise, it exits with a non-zero value.

Task 1: src/duplicates.c

The src/duplicates.c file contains the C implementation of the duplicates tool described above.

In addition to implementing command line parsing in the main function and you will need to implement the following functions:

  1. bool is_directory(const char *path)

    This function returns true if path is a directory, otherwise it returns false.

    Note: Consider using the stat system call.

  2. size_t check_file(const char *path, Table *checksums, Options *options)

    This function checks if the MD5 checksum of the contents in the file specified by path is in the checksums Table. If so, it will return 1. Otherwise, it will return 0.


    • If quiet is true, then exit if file is in checksums Table.

    • If count is false, then print duplicate association if file is in checksums Table.

  3. size_t check_directory(const char *root, Table *checksums, Options *options)

    This function determines how many duplicates are in contained in the root directory by traversing all the entries. If the entry is a directory, then it recursively calls itself on the entry. Otherwise, it calls check_file on the entry. At the end, it should return the total numer of duplicates that was found while traversing the directory.


    • You should skip "." and "..".

    • You should use the full path of the entry when recursing.

As you implement src/duplicates.c, you can test it by running the test-duplicates target:

# Run test-duplicates target
$ make test-duplicates
Compiling src/duplicates.o...
Linking bin/duplicates...
Testing duplicates...
 duplicates -h                            ... Success
 duplicates none                          ... Success
 duplicates none (valgrind)               ... Success
 duplicates none -c                       ... Success
 duplicates none -c (valgrind)            ... Success
 duplicates none -q                       ... Success
 duplicates none -q (valgrind)            ... Success
 duplicates one                           ... Success
 duplicates one (valgrind)                ... Success
 duplicates one -c                        ... Success
 duplicates one -c (valgrind)             ... Success
 duplicates one -q                        ... Success
 duplicates one -q (valgrind)             ... Success
 duplicates two                           ... Success
 duplicates two (valgrind)                ... Success
 duplicates two -c                        ... Success
 duplicates two -c (valgrind)             ... Success
 duplicates two -q                        ... Success
 duplicates two -q (valgrind)             ... Success
 duplicates none dirs                     ... Success
 duplicates none dirs (valgrind)          ... Success
 duplicates none dirs -c                  ... Success
 duplicates none dirs -c (valgrind)       ... Success
 duplicates none dirs -q                  ... Success
 duplicates none dirs -q (valgrind)       ... Success
 duplicates one dirs                      ... Success
 duplicates one dirs (valgrind)           ... Success
 duplicates one dirs -c                   ... Success
 duplicates one dirs -c (valgrind)        ... Success
 duplicates one dirs -q                   ... Success
 duplicates one dirs -q (valgrind)        ... Success
 duplicates two dirs                      ... Success
 duplicates two dirs (valgrind)           ... Success
 duplicates two dirs -c                   ... Success
 duplicates two dirs -c (valgrind)        ... Success
 duplicates two dirs -q                   ... Success
 duplicates two dirs -q (valgrind)        ... Success

   Score 6.00

# Run manually
$ ./bin/

Activity 3: Quiz

Once you have completed all the activities above, you are to complete the following reflection quiz:

As with Reading 01, you will need to store your answers in a homework09/answers.json file. You can use the form above to generate the contents of this file, or you can write the JSON by hand.

To test your quiz, you can use the script:

$ ./
Submitting homework09 quiz ...
     Q01 0.10
     Q02 0.10
     Q03 1.20
     Q04 0.20
     Q05 0.40

   Score 2.00

Guru Point: Open Source Contribution (2 Point)

For extra credit, you must make a reasonable contribution to one of the following open source projects:


  2. PiSign

  3. Brick-A-Pic

  4. Web Terminal

  5. TrueGroups

  6. Terminus Browser

  7. WaifuPaste

  8. Chad Stride

  9. dracula/tmux

Note: Most of these are student projects from CSE 40677 Open Source Software Development.

Each of the projects above have a GitHub repository that you can explore. To make a contribution, you will need to fork a repository and try to tackle one of the issues marked as "good first issue".

You will receive one point for making a reasonable attempt at contributing to one issue. You will receive a second point if the project maintainers approve of your contribution (after some feedback).


To get credit for this Guru Point, you must show either the instructor or TA the pull request you made to one of the projects above. You have up until one week after this assignment is due to verify your Guru Point.

Self-Service Extension

Remember that you can always **forgo** this Guru Point for **two extra days** to do the homework. That is, if you need an extension, you can simply skip the Guru Point and you will automatically have until Monday to complete the assignment for full credit. Just leave a note on your **Merge Request** of your intensions.

Everyone gets two extra days to do the homework with no penalty now to accommodate those in adverse learning environments.


To submit your assignment, please commit your work to the homework09 folder in your assignments GitLab repository. Your homework09 folder should only contain at the following files:

Note: You must not modify any of the provided test scripts or unit tests.


$ cd homework09                           # Go to Homework 07 directory
$ git add Makefile                        # Mark changes for commit
$ git add bin/*.sh bin/*.py               # Mark changes for commit
$ git add include/*.h                     # Mark changes for commit
$ git add lib/.gitkeep                    # Mark changes for commit
$ git add tests/*.c                       # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework09: import"      # Record changes
$ git add src/hash.c                      # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework09: hash"        # Record changes
$ git add src/pair.c                      # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework09: pair"        # Record changes
$ git add src/table.c                     # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework09: table"       # Record changes
$ git add src/duplicates.c                # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework09: duplicates"  # Record changes
$ git add answers.json                    # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework09: quiz"        # Record changes
$ git push -u origin homework09           # Push branch to GitLab

Merge Request

Remember to create a merge request and assign the appropriate TA from the Reading 11 TA List.

DO NOT MERGE your own merge request. The TAs use open merge requests to keep track of which assignments to grade. Closing them yourself will cause a delay in grading and confuse the TAs.