This course website is from a previous semester. If you are currently in the class, please make sure you are viewing the latest course website instead of this old one.
The goal of this homework assignment is to allow you to practice using functional programming to process data in Python. In this assignment, you will write a small web crawler that uses regular expressions to extract links to media files such as JPGs, PNGs, PDFs, and MP3s, and then downloads them concurrently using a process pool.
By using functional programming to structure your application in a concurrent manner, you will be able to take advantage of multiple CPU cores to execute the program in parallel.
For this assignment, record your scripts and any responses to the following
activities in the homework06
folder of your assignments GitHub
repository and push your work by noon Saturday, March 9.
Before starting this homework assignment, you should first perform a git
to retrieve any changes in your remote GitHub repository:
$ cd path/to/repository # Go to assignments repository
$ git switch master # Make sure we are in master branch
$ git pull --rebase # Get any remote changes not present locally
Next, create a new branch for this assignment:
$ git checkout -b homework06 # Create homework06 branch and check it out
To help you get started, the instructor has provided you with the following skeleton code:
# Go to homework06 folder
$ cd homework06
# Download Makefile
$ curl -LO
# Download Python skeleton code
$ curl -LO
Once downloaded, you should see the following files in your homework06
\_ Makefile # This is the Makefile building all the assignment artifacts
\_ # This is the Python script for the miles script
You may notice that in addition to the usual comments and TODOs
, the
docstrings of each method also contains a few doctests.
You are not to modify these doctests and must keep them in-place. They are used to verify the correctness of your code.
Your code goes below the docstrings, where the TODO
and pass
commands are (you may remove the pass once you complete the method).
Now that the files are downloaded into the homework06
folder, you can
commit them to your git repository:
$ git add Makefile # Mark changes for commit
$ git add *.py
$ git commit -m "Homework 06: Initial Import" # Record changes
After downloading these files, you can run the make
command to run the
# Run all tests (will trigger automatic download)
$ make
You will notice that the Makefile downloads these additional test data and scripts:
\_ miles.test # This is the Python test for the miles script
In addition to the embedded doctests in the skeleton code, you will be using these unit tests to verify the correctness and behavior of your code.
The test
scripts are automatically downloaded by the Makefile
, so any
modifications you do to them will be lost when you run make
again. Likewise,
because they are automatically downloaded, you do not need to add
or commit
them to your git repository.
The details on what you need to implement for this assignment are described in the following sections.
For the first activity, you are to write a script called
, which
acts a small web crawler that does the following:
Extract URLs:
will scan a given website for specified media
files such as JPGs, MP3s, PDFs, and PNGs using regular
Process Pool:
will take advantage of functional
programming and a process pool to distribute the found media files to
multiple processes.
Download URLs:
will download the found media files
concurrently to a destination folder.
With this script, you can crawl a website and extract any interesting media assets in parallel!
# Make script executable
$ chmod +x ./
# Display usage
$ ./ -h
Crawl the given URL for the specified FILETYPES and download the files to the
DESTINATION folder using CPUS cores in parallel.
-d DESTINATION Save the files to this folder (default: .)
-n CPUS Number of CPU cores to use (default: 1)
-f FILETYPES List of file types: jpg, mp3, pdf, png (default: all)
Multiple FILETYPES can be specified in the following manner:
-f jpg,png
-f jpg -f png
# Download jpg and pngs from course website to downloads destination folder using 4 CPUs
$ ./ -d downloads -f jpg,png -n 4
Files Downloaded: 4
Bytes Downloaded: 0.23 MB
Elapsed Time: 0.43 s
Bandwidth: 0.54 MB/s
script takes the following possible arguments:
: This allows the user to set the DESTINATION
folder where it should
save downloaded media files. If this directory does not exist, then the
script should create it.
: This allows the user to set the number of CPUs
(ie. processes) to
use when downloading the media files concurrently.
: This allows the user to set which FILETYPES
to extract. The script
must support: JPGs, MP3s, PDFs, and PNGs. If no FILETYPES
specified, then all of them will be extracted.
: This prints the usage message and exits with success.
After these flags, the remaining argument is the URL
to crawl.
If an unsupported flag is specified, or if no URL
is given, then
should print out the usage message and exit with failure.
¶To implement the
Python script, you will need to complete the
following functions:
resolve_url(base: str, url: str) -> str
This function resolves a
given abase
URL.Many websites will utilize relative URLs such as
. These relative URLs need to be expanded or resolved to absolute URLs given a base.For instance, the relative URL
on this page should resolve to
since the base is
Hint: You can use urllib.parse.urljoin with the base
if the
given url
is not already an absolute URL (ie. has ://
extract_urls(url: str, file_types: list[str]) -> Iterator[str]
This function extracts the urls of the specified
from the givenurl
them one at a time.To implement this function you will need to fill in the
dict at the top of the script. This dict should hold a mapping fromfile_type
to a list of regular expressions that can be used with re.findall to extract the URL corresponding to the media type.
Use requests.get
to retrieve the HTML of the given url
. Be sure
to check for any errors.
Use re.findall with the appropriate file_types
expressions on the contents of the response to find the corresponding
medial URLs.
You must support the following patterns:
File Type | Patterns | |
JPG | <img src="path.jpg"> , <a href="path.jpg"> | |
MP3 | <audio src="path.mp3"> , <a href="path.mp3"> | |
<a href="path.pdf"> | ||
PNG | <img src="path.png"> , <a href="path.png"> |
Your regular expressions will need account of variations in spaces and different HTML attributes, as well as the presence or absence of quotes around the URL.
Here is an example regular expression for the PDFs:
r'<a.*href="?([^\" ]+.pdf)'
Use yield
with resolve_url
to generate absolute URLs.
download_url(url: str, destination: str=DESTINATION) -> Optional[str]
This function downloads the media asset specified by
to thedestination
directory and returns the path to this new file.
Print the message Downloading {url}...
at the top of the function to
inform the user what is being downloaded.
Use requests.get
to retrieve the contents of the given url
. Be
sure to check for any errors (ie. if the status code is not 200
Use os.path.basename to get the name of the file based on the url
and create a new path with os.path.join with the destination
this name.
Using with
and open in write and binary mode to create the file
you wish to store the contents of the response into.
crawl(url: str, file_types: list[str], destination: str=DESTINATION, cpus: int=CPUS) -> None
This function crawls the specified
by extracting the urls for the specifiedfile_types
and then uses a process pool to download the found media assets concurrently to thedestination
folder using multiplecpus
.At the end of the function, it will print out the following information:
- The number of files successfully downloaded.
- The number of bytes downloaded to the destination folder (
).- The elapsed time required to crawl the site (
).- The estimated bandwidth based on the bytes downloaded and the elapsed time (
Use time.time to create timestamps to keep track of your start and end times.
Use concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor to create a process pool.
Use os.stat get the size of each of the downloaded files in destination
See the FAQ slides for a more extensive outline and example of how to
use the map
function in the concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor.
main(arguments=sys.argv[1:]) -> None
This function processes the command line
, crawls the givenURL
for the specifiedFILETYPES
, and downloads the found media assets to theDESTINATION
folder usingCPUs
As you implement
, you can use the provided doctests to verify the
correctness of your code:
# Run doctests
$ python3 -m doctest -v
2 items had no tests:
5 items passed all tests:
4 tests in miles.crawl
6 tests in miles.download_url
3 tests in miles.extract_urls
4 tests in miles.main
3 tests in miles.resolve_url
20 tests in 7 items.
20 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.
You can also use make
to run both the doctests and the unit tests:
# Run unit tests (and doctests)
$ make test-miles
Testing miles...
test_00_doctest (__main__.MilesTest) ... ok
test_01_mypy (__main__.MilesTest) ... ok
test_02_resolve_url (__main__.MilesTest) ... ok
test_03_extract_urls (__main__.MilesTest) ... ok
test_04_download_url (__main__.MilesTest) ... ok
test_05_crawl_single (__main__.MilesTest) ... ok
test_06_crawl_multi (__main__.MilesTest) ... ok
test_07_main_usage (__main__.MilesTest) ... ok
test_08_main_destination (__main__.MilesTest) ... ok
test_09_main_destination_filetypes (__main__.MilesTest) ... ok
test_10_main_destination_filetypes_cpus (__main__.MilesTest) ... ok
test_11_script_strace (__main__.MilesTest) ... ok
Score 10.00 / 10.00
Status Success
Ran 11 tests in 30.277s
To just run the unit tests, you can do the following:
# Run unit tests
$ ./miles.test -v
To run a specific unit test, you can specify the method name:
# Run only mypy unit test
$ ./miles.test -v MilesTest.test_01_mypy
To manually check your types, you can use mypy:
# Run mypy to check types
$ mypy
Once you have completed all the activities above, you are to complete the following reflection quiz:
As with Reading 01, you will need to store your answers in a
file. You can use the form above to generate the
contents of this file, or you can write the JSON by hand.
To test your quiz, you can use the
$ ../.scripts/
Checking homework06 quiz ...
Q01 0.20
Q02 0.20
Q03 0.10
Q04 0.20
Q05 0.30
Score 1.00 / 1.00
Status Success
For extra credit, you are to make your own personal website such as:
To do so, you can use a platform such as GitHub Pages or use resources from the GitHub Student Developer Pack (which includes cloud and domain name credits).
To get credit for this Guru Point, share the link to your personal website to a TA to verify. You have up until a week after this assignment is due to verify your Guru Point.
Remember that you can always forgo this Guru Point for two extra days to do the homework. That is, if you need an extension, you can simply skip the Guru Point and you will automatically have until Monday to complete the assignment for full credit.
Just leave a note on your Pull Request of your intentions.
To submit your assignment, please commit your work to the homework06
of your homework06
branch in your assignments GitHub repository.
Your homework06 folder should only contain the following files:
Note: You do not need to commit the test scripts because the Makefile
automatically downloads them.
# Make sure you have already completed Activity 0: Preparation
$ git add # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "Homework 06: Activity 1 completed" # Record changes
$ git add answers.json # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "Homework 06: Activity 2 completed" # Record changes
$ git push -u origin homework06 # Push branch to GitHub
Remember to create a Pull Request and assign the appropriate TA from the Reading 07 TA List.
DO NOT MERGE your own Pull Request. The TAs use open Pull Requests to keep track of which assignments to grade. Closing them yourself will cause a delay in grading and confuse the TAs.