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The goal of this homework assignment is to allow you to practice using pointers, arrays, and strings in C. The first activity involves building a string library, while the second activity requires you to use this library to build a translation utility similar to tr named trit.

For this assignment, record your source code and any responses to the following activities in the homework07 folder of your assignments GitHub repository and push your work by noon Saturday, April 6.

Activity 0: Preparation

Before starting this homework assignment, you should first perform a git pull to retrieve any changes in your remote GitHub repository:

$ cd path/to/repository                   # Go to assignments repository

$ git switch master                       # Make sure we are in master branch

$ git pull --rebase                       # Get any remote changes not present locally

Next, create a new branch for this assignment:

$ git checkout -b homework07              # Create homework07 branch and check it out

Task 1: Skeleton Code

To help you get started, the instructor has provided you with the following skeleton code:

# Go to homework07 folder
$ cd homework07

# Download Makefile
$ curl -LO

# Download C skeleton code
$ curl -LO
$ curl -LO
$ curl -LO
$ curl -LO

Once downloaded, you should see the following files in your homework07 directory:

    \_ Makefile     # This is the Makefile for building all the assignment artifacts
    \_ str.c        # This is the string library C source file
    \_ str.h        # This is the string library C header file
    \_ str.unit.c   # This is the string library C unit test source file
    \_ trit.c       # This is the translation utility C source file

Task 2: Initial Import

Now that the files are downloaded into the homework07 folder, you can commit them to your git repository:

$ git add Makefile                            # Mark changes for commit
$ git add *.c *.h
$ git commit -m "Homework 07: Initial Import" # Record changes

Task 3: Unit Tests

After downloading these files, you can run make test to run the tests.

# Run all tests (will trigger automatic download)
$ make test

You will notice that the Makefile downloads these additional test data and scripts:

    \_  # This is the string library unit test Python script
    \_  # This is the string library unit test shell script
    \_ # This is the translation utility test shell script

You will be using these unit tests to verify the correctness and behavior of your code.

Automatic Downloads

The test scripts are automatically downloaded by the Makefile, so any modifications you do to them will be lost when you run make again. Likewise, because they are automatically downloaded, you do not need to add or commit them to your git repository.

The details on what you need to implement for this assignment are described in the following sections.

Frequently Asked Questions

Activity 1: String Library (6 Points)

In Python, we had the luxury of strings being first-class objects with all sorts of useful methods such as str.lower or str.rstrip. Unfortunately, strings in C are just arrays that utilize the sentinel pattern for denoting the end of the strings and the standard library is a bit bare when it comes to manipulating strings.

To rectify this situation, for the first activity you are to create a string library, libstr, which contains functions such as str_lower and str_rstrip which implement some of the functionality present in Python but lacking in C.

Task 0: str.h

The str.h file is the header file for the string utilities library, which means it contains the function prototypes:

/* str.h: string library */

#pragma once

void    str_lower(const char *s, char *w);
void    str_upper(const char *s, char *w);
void    str_title(const char *s, char *w);
void    str_rstrip(const char *s, const char *chars, char *w);
void    str_delete(const char *s, const char *chars, char *w);
void    str_translate(const char *s, const char *from, const char *to, char *w);

/* vim: set sts=4 sw=4 ts=8 expandtab ft=c: */

Other programs will #include this file in order to use the functions we will be implementing in this library.

Note: For this task, you do not need to modify this file. Instead, you should review it and ensure you understand the provided code.

Task 1: Makefile

The Makefile contains all the rules or recipes for building the project artifacts (e.g. libstr.a,, etc.):

CC=         gcc
CFLAGS=     -Wall -g -std=gnu99 -fPIC
LD=         gcc
LIBS=         -lstr
AR=         ar
ARFLAGS=    rcs
TARGETS= libstr.a trit.dynamic trit.static

all:        $(TARGETS)

# TODO: Add rules for libstr.a



# TODO: Add rules for trit.dynamic trit.static






For this task, you will need to add rules for building the static library libstr.a and the shared library Besure to have a recipe for any intermediate object files that both libraries require as shown in the DAG below:

Makefile Variables

You must use the CC, CFLAGS, LD, LDFLAGS, AR, and ARFLAGS variables when appropriate in your rules. You should also consider using automatic variables such as $@ and $< as well.

Once you have a working Makefile, you should be able to run the following commands:

# Build all TARGETS
$ make
gcc -Wall -g -std=gnu99 -fPIC -c -o str.o str.c
gcc -L. -shared -o str.o
ar rcs libstr.a str.o

# Run str library tests
$ make test-libstr
Testing ...                                                                          
test_00_str_lower (__main__.StrTestCase) ... FAIL                                              
test_01_str_upper (__main__.StrTestCase) ... FAIL                                              
test_02_str_title (__main__.StrTestCase) ... FAIL                                              
test_03_str_rstrip (__main__.StrTestCase) ... FAIL                                             
test_04_str_delete (__main__.StrTestCase) ... FAIL                                             
test_05_str_translate (__main__.StrTestCase) ... FAIL

   Score 0.55 / 3.00                                                                           
  Status Failure  

# Remove generated artifacts
$ make clean

Note: The tests will fail if you haven't implemented the string library.


You must include the -Wall flag in your CFLAGS when you compile. This also means that your code must compile without any warnings, otherwise points will be deducted.

Task 2: str.c

The str.c file contains the C implementation for the string library.

For this task, you will need to implement the following functions:

  1. void str_lower(const char *s, char *w)

    This function converts all the letters in s to lowercase (e.g. s.lower() in Python) and stores the result in w.

    Hint: Use tolower to convert a char to lowercase.

  2. void str_upper(const char *s, char *w)

    This function converts all the letters in s to uppercase (e.g. s.upper() in Python) and stores the result in w.

    Hint: Use toupper to convert a char to uppercase.

  3. void str_title(const char *s, char *w)

    This function converts all the letters in s to titlecase (e.g. s.title() in Python) and stores the result in w.

    Hint: Anything that is not a letter (ie. isalpha) is a word boundary.

  4. void str_rstrip(const char *s, const char *chars, char *w)

    This function strips any of the specified chars from the back of s (e.g. s.rstrip(chars) in Python) and stores the result in w. If chars is NULL, then all trailing whitespace is stripped.

    Hint: After copying the string s to w, work backwards until you reach a character that should not be stripped. Construct and use a lookup table to efficiently determine if a character should be stripped.

  5. void str_delete(const char *s, const char *chars, char *w)

    This function deletes all the letters in chars from s (e.g. s.translate({c: None for c in chars}) in Python) and stores the result in w.

    Hint: Construct and use a lookup table to efficiently determine if a character should be copied from s to w.

  6. void str_translate(const char *s, const char *from, const char *to, char *w)

    This function translates the letters in s using the mapping provided by from and to (e.g. s.translate(string.maketrans(from, to)) in Python).

    Hint: Construct and use a lookup table to efficiently determine if a character should substituted for another character while copying from s to w.


  1. The functions above must not modify the original string s and must store the result in the provided w buffer.

  2. You are not allowed to allocate any additional temporary strings as scratch space. Moreover, you cannot use the heap or dynamic memory allocation.

  3. The functions above must run in O(n) (ie. linear) time and use O(1) (ie. constant) space.

  4. The functions above must only use pointers when iterating through a string or accessing individual characters in a string. That is, you cannot index into a string:

    /* Allowed: Iterate through string using pointers */
    for (char *c = s; *c; c++)
        putc(*c, stdout);
    /* Forbidden: Iterate through string using array index */
    for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++) {
        putc(s[i], stdout);       // Not allowed
        putc(*(s + i), stdout);   // Also not allowed
  5. You cannot use any functions provided by string.h, including strlen, strchr, or strcpy. You must perform all operations manually using pointers.

Task 3: Testing

As you implement the functions in str.c, you should use the and scripts to test each function:

# Build test artificats and run test scripts
$ make test-libstr

This will run two different test scripts:

  1. This is a Python unit test script that uses your

  2. This is a shell unit test script that uses your libstr.a with str.unit.

You can run each manually:

# Run Python unit test script manually
$ ./ -v
Testing ...
test_00_str_lower (__main__.StrTestCase) ... ok
test_01_str_upper (__main__.StrTestCase) ... ok
test_02_str_title (__main__.StrTestCase) ... ok
test_03_str_rstrip (__main__.StrTestCase) ... ok
test_04_str_delete (__main__.StrTestCase) ... ok
test_05_str_translate (__main__.StrTestCase) ... ok

   Score 3.00 / 3.00
  Status Success

Ran 6 tests in 0.001s


# Run Shell unit test script manually
$ ./
Testing libstr.a ...
 str_lower                                ... Success
 str_upper                                ... Success
 str_title                                ... Success
 str_rstrip                               ... Success
 str_delete                               ... Success
 str_translate                            ... Success

   Score 3.00 / 3.00

To use Python to interactively test a function, you can do something like the following:

# Import ctypes package
>>> import ctypes

# Load string utilies shared library
>>> libstr = ctypes.CDLL('./')

# Create string buffers
>>> s = ctypes.create_string_buffer(b'Hello, World!')
>>> w = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1<<10)

# Call str_lowercase function
>>> libstr.str_lower(s, w)

# View resulting value
>>> w.value
b'hello, world!'

To debug your string library in C, you can use [gdb] on str.unit

# Start gdb on str.unit
$ gdb ./str.unit
(gdb) run 0     # Run str.unit with the "0" command line argument (ie. str_lower)

You can also use valgrind to check for memory errors:

# Check for memory errors on str_lower test case
$ valgrind --leak-check=full ./str.unit 0

Iterative Development

You should practice iterative development. That is, rather than writing a bunch of code and then debugging it all at once, you should concentrate on one function at a time and then test that one thing at a time. The provided unit tests allow you to check on the correctness of the individual functions without implementing everything at once. Take advantage of this and build one thing at a time.

Activity 2: Trit (3 Points)

Once you have a working string library, you are to complete the trit translation utility:

$ ./trit.static -h                                            # Display usage
Usage: ./trit SET1 SET2

Post Translation filters:

   -l      Convert to lowercase
   -u      Convert to uppercase
   -t      Convert to titlecase
   -s      Strip trailing whitespace
   -d      Delete letters in SOURCE

$ echo "   Hello world " | ./trit.static                      # Just echo input
   Hello world

$ echo "   Hello world " | ./trit.static -l                   # Lowercase
   hello world

$ echo "   Hello world " | ./trit.static -u                   # Uppercase

$ echo "   Hello world " | ./trit.static -t                   # Titlecase
   Hello World

$ echo "   Hello world " | ./trit.static -s                   # Strip traling whitespace
   Hello world

$ echo "   Hello world " | ./trit.static -d aeio              # Delete
   Hll wrld

$ echo "   Hello world " | ./trit.static aeio 4310            # Translate
   H3ll0 w0rld

$ echo "   Hello world " | ./trit.static -s -l aeio 4310      # Translate, strip, and lowercase
   h3ll0 w0rld

The trit utility must use the corresponding functions from the string utilities library you created above to translate and filter the input text.

Task 1: Makefile

The first task is to modify the Makefile to include additional rules for the following targets:

  1. trit.static: This is a static executable of trit.c.

  2. trit.dynamic: This is a dynamic executable of trit.c.

Be sure to add any rules for any intermediate object files.

Once you have a working Makefile, you should be able to run the following commands:

# Build all TARGETS
$ make
gcc -Wall -g -std=gnu99 -fPIC -c -o str.o str.c
gcc -L. -shared -o str.o
ar rcs libstr.a str.o
gcc -Wall -g -std=gnu99 -fPIC -c -o trit.o trit.c
gcc -L. -o trit.dynamic trit.o -lstr
gcc -L. -static -o trit.static trit.o -lstr

# Run all tests
$ make test
Testing ...
test_00_str_lower (__main__.StrTestCase) ... ok
test_01_str_upper (__main__.StrTestCase) ... ok
test_02_str_title (__main__.StrTestCase) ... ok
test_03_str_rstrip (__main__.StrTestCase) ... ok
test_04_str_delete (__main__.StrTestCase) ... ok
test_05_str_translate (__main__.StrTestCase) ... ok

   Score 3.00 / 3.00
  Status Success

Ran 6 tests in 0.001s

Testing libstr.a ...
 str_lower                                ... Success
 str_upper                                ... Success
 str_title                                ... Success
 str_rstrip                               ... Success
 str_delete                               ... Success
 str_translate                            ... Success

   Score 3.00 / 3.00
  Status Success

Testing trit utility...
 trit -h                                  ... Success
 trit -h (valgrind)                       ... Success
 trit                                     ... Success
 trit (valgrind)                          ... Success
 trit aeio 4310                           ... Success
 trit aeio 4310 (valgrind)                ... Success
 trit blue gold                           ... Success
 trit blue gold (valgrind)                ... Success
 trit -l aeio 4310                        ... Success
 trit -l aeio 4310 (valgrind)             ... Success
 trit -u blue gold                        ... Success
 trit -u blue gold (valgrind)             ... Success
 trit -t                                  ... Success
 trit -t (valgrind)                       ... Success
 trit -s swift snake                      ... Success
 trit -s swift snake (valgrind)           ... Success
 trit -d aeio                             ... Success
 trit -d aeio (valgrind)                  ... Success
 trit -l -u aeio 4310                     ... Success
 trit -l -u aeio 4310 (valgrind)          ... Success
 trit -l -s aeio 4310                     ... Success
 trit -l -s aeio 4310 (valgrind)          ... Success
 trit -l -d gdbye                         ... Success
 trit -l -d gdbye (valgrind)              ... Success
 trit -s -t aeio 4310                     ... Success
 trit -s -t aeio 4310 (valgrind)          ... Success
 trit -u -d antm                          ... Success
 trit -u -d antm (valgrind)               ... Success

   Score 3.00 / 3.00
  Status Success

# Remove generated artifacts
$ make clean

Task 2: trit.c

The trit.c file is contains the C implementation of the translation utility described above:

/* trit.c: translation utility */

#include "str.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

/* Constants */

enum {
    LOWER   = 1<<1,
    UPPER   = 0,    // TODO: Modify
    TITLE   = 0,    // TODO: Modify
    STRIP   = 0,    // TODO: Modify
    DELETE  = 0,    // TODO: Modify

/* Functions */

void usage(int status) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: trit SET1 SET2\n\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Post Translation filters:\n\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "   -l      Convert to lowercase\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "   -u      Convert to uppercase\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "   -t      Convert to titlecase\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "   -s      Strip trailing whitespace\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "   -d      Delete letters in SET1\n");

void translate_stream(FILE *stream, const char *set1, const char *set2, int flags) {
    // TODO

/* Main Execution */

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // TODO: Parse command line arguments

    // TODO: Translate standard input
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

In addition to implementing command line parsing in the main function and you will need to implement the translate_stream function:

  1. void translate_stream(FILE *stream, const char *set1, const char *set2, int flags)

    This function reads one line at a time from the stream and performs either string deletion or string translation based on the values in set1 and set2. Any post processing is controlled by flags, which is a bitmask that specifies which filters to apply (ie. lower, upper, title, strip).

Note: You should apply the filters in the order specified above. Overall, the flow for each line of input should be: delete or translate, apply filters, and then print result.

Hint: To handle the flags bitmask, you should have an enumerate for each filter, where each filter corresponds to a particular bit field:

enum {                        /* Define Flags */
    LOWER   = 1<<1,

flags |= LOWER;               /* Set a Flag */

if (flags & LOWER) {          /* Check a Flag */

If you need a review of enum, checkout Chapter 22. Enumerated Types: enum.

Task 3: Testing

To test your trit utility, you can use the provided script:

# Build artifacts
$ make

# Run test script manually
$ ./
Testing trit utility...
 trit -h                                  ... Success
 trit -h (valgrind)                       ... Success
 trit                                     ... Success
 trit (valgrind)                          ... Success
 trit aeio 4310                           ... Success
 trit aeio 4310 (valgrind)                ... Success
 trit blue gold                           ... Success
 trit blue gold (valgrind)                ... Success
 trit -l aeio 4310                        ... Success
 trit -l aeio 4310 (valgrind)             ... Success
 trit -u blue gold                        ... Success
 trit -u blue gold (valgrind)             ... Success
 trit -t                                  ... Success
 trit -t (valgrind)                       ... Success
 trit -s swift snake                      ... Success
 trit -s swift snake (valgrind)           ... Success
 trit -d aeio                             ... Success
 trit -d aeio (valgrind)                  ... Success
 trit -l -u aeio 4310                     ... Success
 trit -l -u aeio 4310 (valgrind)          ... Success
 trit -l -s aeio 4310                     ... Success
 trit -l -s aeio 4310 (valgrind)          ... Success
 trit -l -d gdbye                         ... Success
 trit -l -d gdbye (valgrind)              ... Success
 trit -s -t aeio 4310                     ... Success
 trit -s -t aeio 4310 (valgrind)          ... Success
 trit -u -d antm                          ... Success
 trit -u -d antm (valgrind)               ... Success

   Score 3.00 / 3.00
  Status Success

Alternatively, you can both build the artifacts and run the test script by doing the following:

# Build and run test scripts
$ make test-trit


The shell script will use the valgrind tool to verify that your program does not contain any memory errors such as memory leaks, uninitialized values, or invalid accesses.

You can run valgrind manually by doing:

$ echo "   Hello World" | valgrind --leak-check=full ./trit.dynamic
==28627== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==28627== Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==28627== Using Valgrind-3.12.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==28627== Command: ./str-dynamic
  Hello World
==28627== HEAP SUMMARY:
==28627==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==28627==   total heap usage: 2 allocs, 2 frees, 5,120 bytes allocated
==28627== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==28627== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==28627== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

Note: You should run valgrind on the dynamic executable rather than the static executable. Likewise, valgrind may behave differently on macOS than it does on Linux, so beware of spurious errors on the former.

Activity 3: Quiz (2 Points)

Once you have completed all the activities above, you are to complete the following reflection quiz:

As with Reading 01, you will need to store your answers in a homework07/answers.json file. You can use the form above to generate the contents of this file, or you can write the JSON by hand.

To test your quiz, you can use the script:

$ ../.scripts/
Checking homework07 quiz ...
    Q01 0.40
    Q02 0.30
    Q03 0.40
    Q04 0.20
    Q05 0.70
  Score 2.00 / 2.00
 Status Success

Guru Point: Easter Egg (1 Point)

It is always fun to find Easter Eggs in programs and services. For instance, here is the first video game easter egg (as discussed in History of Computing):

For extra credit, you are to add an easter egg to your trit program that does any of the following:

  1. Display scrolling your favorite song, quote, or poem.

  2. Run a mini-game (ie. rogue, nethack, or any of the BSD games).

  3. Display some sort of animation (ala cmatrix or chad_stride).

Note: Your trit program must still pass all the provided tests after you add your easter egg.


To get credit for this Guru Point, you must show a TA a demonstration of your easter egg in action (or attach a video / screenshot to your Pull Request). You have up until one week after this assignment is due to verify your Guru Point.


To submit your assignment, please commit your work to the homework07 folder of your homework07 branch in your assignments GitHub repository. Your homework07 folder should only contain the following files:

Note: You do not need to commit the test scripts because the Makefile automatically downloads them.

# Make sure you have already completed Activity 0: Preparation
$ git add Makefile                        # Mark changes for commit
$ git add str.c                           # Mark changes for commit
$ git add str.h                           # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework07: Activity 1"  # Record changes
$ git add Makefile                        # Mark changes for commit
$ git add trit.c                          # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework07: Activity 2"  # Record changes
$ git add answers.json                    # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "homework07: Activity 3"  # Record changes
$ git push -u origin homework07           # Push branch to GitHub

Pull Request

Remember to create a Pull Request and assign the appropriate TA from the Reading 10 TA List.

DO NOT MERGE your own Pull Request. The TAs use open Pull Requests to keep track of which assignments to grade. Closing them yourself will cause a delay in grading and confuse the TAs.