The goal of this homework assignment is to allow you to practice writing Python scripts to create simple Unix filters or utilities that utilize data structures such as lists and dicts.
For this assignment, record your scripts and any responses to the following
activities in the homework04
folder of your assignments GitHub
repository and push your work by noon Saturday, February 22.
Before starting this homework assignment, you should first perform a git
to retrieve any changes in your remote GitHub repository:
$ cd path/to/repository # Go to assignments repository
$ git switch master # Make sure we are in master branch
$ git pull --rebase # Get any remote changes not present locally
Next, create a new branch for this assignment:
$ git checkout -b homework04 # Create homework04 branch and check it out
To help you get started, the instructor has provided you with the following skeleton code:
# Go to homework04 folder
$ cd homework04
# Download Makefile
$ curl -LO
# Download Python skeleton code
$ curl -LO
$ curl -LO
Once downloaded, you should see the following files in your homework04
\_ Makefile # This is the Makefile building all the assignment artifacts
\_ # This is the Python script for the cut utility
\_ # This is the Python script for the wc utility
You may notice that in addition to the usual comments and TODOs
, the
docstrings of each method also contains a few doctests.
You are not to modify these doctests and must keep them in-place. They are used to verify the correctness of your code.
Your code goes below the docstrings, where the TODO
and pass
commands are (you may remove the pass once you complete the method).
Now that the files are downloaded into the homework04
folder, you can
commit them to your git repository:
$ git add Makefile # Mark changes for commit
$ git add *.py
$ git commit -m "Homework 04: Initial Import" # Record changes
After downloading these files, you can run the make
command to run the
# Run all tests (will trigger automatic download)
$ make
You will notice that the Makefile downloads these additional test data and scripts:
\_ cut.input # This is the input file for the cut test script
\_ cut.test # This is the Python test for the cut utility
\_ wc.input # This is the input file for the wc test script
\_ wc.test # This is the Python test for the wc utility
In addition to the embedded doctests in the skeleton code, you will be using these [unit tests] to verify the correctness and behavior of your code.
The test
scripts are automatically downloaded by the Makefile
, so any
modifications you do to them will be lost when you run make
again. Likewise,
because they are automatically downloaded, you do not need to add
or commit
them to your git repository.
The details on what you need to implement for this assignment are described in the following sections.
For the first activity, you are to re-create a simplified version of the cut filter:
# Display usage message
$ ./ -h
Usage: cut -d DELIMITER -f FIELDS
Print selected parts of lines from stream to standard output.
-d DELIMITER Use DELIM instead of TAB for field delimiter
-f FIELDS Select only these fields
$ echo $?
$ ./
Usage: cut -d DELIMITER -f FIELDS
Print selected parts of lines from stream to standard output.
-d DELIMITER Use DELIM instead of TAB for field delimiter
-f FIELDS Select only these fields
$ echo $?
# Extract the first field
$ echo 'Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger' | ./ -d , -f 1
# Extract the second and fourth fields
$ echo 'Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger' | ./ -d , -f 2,4
Better, Stronger
# Extract the first field with test input (first four lines)
$ ./ -d , -f 1 < cut.input | head -n 4
Work it
Do it
script reads input from standard input and takes the following
possible flags:
: This allows the user to specify a DELIMITER
. By default, it is the
character (ie. \t
: This allows the user to specify which fields to select. The user
must specify this flag, otherwise it should result in a usage message
and a failure exit status as shown above.
: This prints the usage message and exits with success.
If the user specifies an unknown flag, then the program should print the usage message and exit with a failure status.
As with cut,
processes each line from standard input by
splitting the line by the DELIMITER
, combining specified FIELDS
by the
, and then printing out the resulting selection.
¶To build this filter, you will need to complete the
Python script
by implementing the following functions:
strs_to_ints(strings: list[str]) -> list[int]
This function converts a list of
into a list of ints.
cut_line(line: str, delimiter: str='\t', fields: list[int]=[]) -> list[str]
This function splits the given
by thedelimiter
and returns a list containing only the specifiedfields
Hint: Consider what you want to loop over and how you can use a
to handle IndexError
cut_stream(stream=sys.stdin, delimiter: str='\t', fields: list[int]=[]) -> None
This function calls
on each line instream
with the specifieddelimiter
. It joins each result fromcut_line
with thedelimiter
and then prints out the selection.
Hint: Consider using str.rstrip to remove trailing whitespace from each line while using str.join to combine the selections extracted from each line.
main(arguments=sys.argv[1:], stream=sys.stdin) -> None
This function processes the command-line
to determine the user specifiedDELIMITER
(as described above) and then callscut_stream
with the givenstream
and computedDELIMITER
Hint: Consider when to use strs_to_ints
and how to check if the
user did not specify any FIELDS
As you implement
, you can use the provided doctests to verify the
correctness of your code:
# Run doctests
$ python3 -m doctest -v
2 items had no tests:
4 items passed all tests:
1 tests in cut.cut_line
1 tests in cut.cut_stream
1 tests in cut.main
1 tests in cut.strs_to_ints
4 tests in 6 items.
4 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.
You can also use make
to run both the doctests and the [unit tests]:
# Run unit tests (and doctests)
$ make test-cut
Testing Cut ...
test_00_doctest (__main__.CutTest) ... ok
test_01_mypy (__main__.CutTest) ... ok
test_02_strs_to_ints (__main__.CutTest) ... ok
test_03_cut_line (__main__.CutTest) ... ok
test_04_cut_stream (__main__.CutTest) ... ok
test_05_main_usage (__main__.CutTest) ... ok
test_06_main_1 (__main__.CutTest) ... ok
test_07_main_1_2 (__main__.CutTest) ... ok
test_08_main_1_2_4 (__main__.CutTest) ... ok
Score 4.00 / 4.00
Status Success
Ran 9 tests in 0.052s
To just run the [unit tests], you can do the following:
# Run unit tests
$ ./cut.test -v
To run a specific [unit test], you can specify the method name:
# Run only mypy unit test
$ ./cut.test -v CutTest.test_01_mypy
To manually check your types, you can use mypy:
# Run mypy to check types
$ mypy
To use the test input with the script, you can utilize I/O redirection:
# Run script with input
$ ./ -d , -f 1 < cut.input
For the second activity, you are to re-create a simplified version of the wc utility:
# Display usage message
$ ./ -h
Usage: [-l | -w | -c]
Print newline, word, and byte counts from standard input.
The options below may be used to select which counts are printed, always in
the following order: newline, word, byte.
-c Print byte counts
-l Print newline counts
-w Print word counts
# Count newlines, words, and bytes
$ wc < wc.input
18 97 439
# Count only newlines
$ ./ -l < wc.input
script reads input from standard input and takes the following
possible flags:
: This allows the user to specify that the program should print byte counts.-l
: This allows the user to specify that the program should print newline counts.-w
: This allows the user to specify that the program should print word counts.-h
: This prints the usage message and exits with success.If the user specifies an unknown flag, then the program should print the usage message and exit with a failure status.
As with wc,
computes the newline, word, and byte counts of the data
from standard input and prints out the selected counts. If no options are
specified, then all three options are reported.
¶To build this utility, you will need to complete the
Python script
by implementing the following functions:
count_stream(stream=sys.stdin) -> dict[str, int]
This function counts the number of newlines, words, and bytes and returns a dict in the form:
{'newlines': ..., 'words': ..., 'bytes': ...}
Hint: Consider looping over the stream
line-by-line, and consider
how to handle possible KeyError
s when updating the count for one of
the options.
print_counts(counts: dict[str, int], options: list[str]) -> None
This function prints the
of the specifiedoptions
. If nooptions
are specified (e.g.options
is an empty list), then alloptions
are reported (ie.newlines
Hint: Consider what you should loop over and what you should search to determine if an option is selected or not.
Note, the traditional wc computes the maximum width (ie. number of digits) of the counts and uses that to organize the counts into evenly spaced columns.
Once you know the maximum number of digits from the counts, you can use str.rjust to format the count to a specific width.
If only one option is specified (e.g. wc -l
), then no adjustment
needs to be made (ie. count_width
should be 0
As reference, you can look at the wc.c source code from the GNU coreutils.
Print the selected and adjusted counts by combining them with a space
(ie. ' '
) delimiter via str.join.
main(arguments=sys.argv[1:], stream=sys.stdin) -> None
This function processes the command-line
to determine the user specified options, computes the counts usingcount_stream
, and then reports the counts usingprint_counts
Hint: Consider how to keep track of the options
while looping
through the arguments.
As you implement
, you can use the provided doctests to verify the
correctness of your code:
# Run doctests
$ python3 -m doctest -v
2 items had no tests:
3 items passed all tests:
1 tests in wc.count_stream
1 tests in wc.main
1 tests in wc.print_counts
3 tests in 5 items.
3 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.
You can also use make
to run both the doctests and the [unit tests]:
# Run unit tests (and doctests)
$ make test-wc
Testing WC ...
test_00_doctest (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_01_mypy (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_02_count_stream (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_03_print_counts_all (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_04_print_counts_newlines (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_05_print_counts_words (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_06_print_counts_bytes (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_07_print_counts_newlines_words (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_08_print_counts_newlines_bytes (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_09_print_counts_words_bytes (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_10_main_usage (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_11_main_counts_all (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_12_main_counts_newlines (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_13_main_counts_words (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_14_main_counts_bytes (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_15_main_counts_newlines_words (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_16_main_counts_newlines_bytes (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
test_17_main_counts_words_bytes (__main__.WCTest) ... ok
Score 4.00 / 4.00
Status Success
Ran 18 tests in 0.108s
To just run the [unit tests], you can do the following:
# Run unit tests
$ ./wc.test -v
To run a specific [unit test], you can specify the method name:
# Run only mypy unit test
$ ./wc.test -v WCTest.test_01_mypy
To manually check your types, you can use mypy:
# Run mypy to check types
$ mypy
To use the test input with the script, you can utilize I/O redirection:
# Run script with input
$ ./ < wc.input
Once you have completed all the activities above, you are to complete the following reflection quiz:
As with Reading 01, you will need to store your answers in a
file. You can use the form above to generate the
contents of this file, or you can write the JSON by hand.
To test your quiz, you can use the
$ ../.scripts/
Checking homework04 quiz ...
Q01 0.30
Q02 0.70
Q03 0.20
Q04 0.60
Q05 0.20
Score 2.00 / 2.00
Status Success
To submit your assignment, please commit your work to the homework04
of your homework04
branch in your assignments GitHub repository.
Your homework04 folder should only contain the following files:
Note: You do not need to commit the test scripts because the Makefile
automatically downloads them.
# Make sure you have already completed Activity 0: Preparation
$ git add # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "Homework 04:" # Record changes
$ git add # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "Homework 04:" # Record changes
$ git add answers.json # Mark changes for commit
$ git commit -m "Homework 04: Quiz" # Record changes
$ git push -u origin homework04 # Push branch to GitHub
If you collaborated with any other students, or received help from TAs or AI
tools on this assignment, please record this support in the
the homework04
folder and include it with your Pull Request.
Remember to create a Pull Request and assign the appropriate TA from the Reading 05 TA List.
DO NOT MERGE your own Pull Request. The TAs use open Pull Requests to keep track of which assignments to grade. Closing them yourself will cause a delay in grading and confuse the TAs.