{ "q1": { "type": "blank", "question": "\n

Given the following linked list code:

\n/* Structures */\n\ntypedef struct Node Node;\nstruct Node {\n    int   data;\n    Node *next;\n};\n\n/* Functions */\n\nNode *node_create(int data, Node *next) {\n    Node *n = malloc(sizeof(Node));                                                          \n    if (n) {\n        n->data = data;\n        n->next = next;\n    }   \n    return n;\n}\n

Complete the following node_search function, which performs an\niterative version of linear search:

\nNode *node_search(Node *head, int value) {\n    for (Node *curr = ____; ____; curr = ____) {  // 1. 2. 3.\n        if (____ == value) {                      // 4.\n            return ____;                          // 5.\n        }   \n    }   \n    return ____;                                  // 6.\n}\n
\n" }, "q2": { "type": "blank", "question": "\n

Given the linked list code above, complete the following\nnode_search_r function, which performs a recursive version\nof linear search:

\nNode *node_search_r(Node *n, int value) {\n    // Base case: invalid node\n    if (____) {                                   // 1.\n        return ____;                              // 2.\n    }\n\n    // Base case: found value\n    if (____) {                                   // 3.\n        return ____;                              // 4.\n    }\n\n    // Recursive: keep searching\n    return ____;                                  // 5.\n}\n
\n" }, "q3": { "type": "multiple", "question": "\n

Which of the following statements about the time and space\ncomplexities of the node_search and node_search_r\nfunctions are true (select all that apply)?

\n", "responses": { "ns_time_1": "The average time complexity of node_search is O(1).", "ns_time_n": "The average time complexity of node_search is O(n).", "ns_space_1": "The average space complexity of node_search is O(1).", "ns_space_n": "The average space complexity of node_search is O(n).", "nsr_time_1": "The average time complexity of node_search_r is O(1).", "nsr_time_n": "The average time complexity of node_search_r is O(n).", "nsr_space_1": "The average space complexity of node_search_r is O(1).", "nsr_space_n": "The average space complexity of node_search_r is O(n)." } }, "q4": { "type": "order", "question": "\n

The following binary_search function implements binary\nsearch recursively given an array of data, a target,\na start index, and an end index:

\nbool binary_search(int *data, int target, int start, int end) {\n    if (start > end)\n    if (midpoint == target)\n    if (midpoint > target)\n    else\n\n    int middle   = (start + end) / 2;\n    int midpoint = data[middle];\n\n        return binary_search(data, target, start, middle - 1); \n        return binary_search(data, target, middle + 1, end);\n        return false;\n        return true;\n}\n

Unfortunately, the code for binary_searchis scrambled.\nReorder the following lines of code to properly implement binary_search:

\n", "responses": { "a": "if (start > end)", "b": "if (midpoint == target)", "c": "if (midpoint > target)", "d": "else", "e": "int middle = (start + end) / 2;", "f": "int midpoint = data[middle];", "g": "return binary_search(data, target, start, middle - 1);", "h": "return binary_search(data, target, middle + 1, end);", "i": "return false;", "j": "return true;" } }, "q5": { "type": "multiple", "question": "\n

Which of the following statements about sets are true (select all that apply)?

\n", "responses": { "sets_unique": "A set only contains unique values.", "sets_duplicate": "A set may contain duplicate values.", "sets_ordered": "A set stores an ordered sequence of values.", "sets_unordered": "A set stores an unordered collection of values.", "sets_membership": "A set is often used to test a value for membership.", "sets_retrieval": "A set is often used to retrieve a specific value." } } }