
The readings for Monday, September 12 are:

  1. Data Structures and Other Objects Using C++:

    • Chapter 10.1-2, 10.4 Review

    • Chapter 11.1 - 2, 11.4

    • Chapter 13.1, 13.3

  2. VisuAlgo - Sorting


The focus of the reading is on priority queues, binary heaps, insertion sort, selection sort, and heap sort.


If you do not have the primary textbook, you can use the following free alternative texts instead:

  1. Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis

    • 5.5 Heaps and Priority Queues

    • 7.1 Sorting Terminology and Notation

    • 7.2 Three O(n^2) Sorting Algorithms

    • 7.6 Heapsort

  2. Open Data Structures


Once you have completed the readings, answer the following questions in the reading03/ file in your assignments repository:

  1. Identify which of the following trees is a maximum binary heap? If a tree is not a maximum binary heap, explain why.

  2. When inserting an entry into a binary heap, we must perform reheapification. What is the purpose and complexity of this process?

  3. Trace the execution of selection sort for an array containing {9, 6, 0, 0, 7}. That is show the contents of the array after each iteration of the sorting algorithm.

  4. Trace the execution of insertion sort for an array containing {9, 6, 0, 0, 7}. That is show the contents of the array after each iteration of the sorting algorithm.


To submit your solution, you must initiate a Merge Request in your private assignments repository and assign it to the appropriate TA from the Reading 03 - TA assignment list.

Development Branch

To facility the Merge Request workflow, you must do your development in its own branch:

$ cd path/to/repo                 # Go to your repository
$ git checkout master             # Make sure we are on master branch first
$ git pull                        # Make sure we have changes from GitLab
$ git checkout -b reading03       # Create reading03 branch
...                               # Do your work
$ git commit                      # Commit your work (can do this multiple times)
$ git push -u origin reading03    # Push branch to GitLab