
Last week, we have studied two different forms of concurrency: event-based programming via select/poll and threads (ala pthreads). While the former allowed us to overlap I/O and computation, it did not allow us to take advantage of parallelism. To do harness multiple hardware resources, we will need to utilize threads. Unfortunately, using threads also means we need to employ locks and condition variables to ensure correct concurrent access to shared resources.

The readings this week focus on how locks and condition variables work and how we can use them to implement concurrent data structures.


For this reading assignment, you are to read about using locks and condition variables to synchronize pthreads, submit your responses to the Reading 05 Quiz, and modify your program to use threads.


The readings for this week are:

  1. Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces

    1. Locks
    2. Lock-based Concurrent Data Structures
    3. Condition Variables

Optional Readings

The following are optional related readings:

  1. Simple, Fast, and Practical Non-Blocking and Blocking Concurrent Queue Algorithms

  2. The Producer/Consumer Problem

  3. Multithreading: Producer Consumer Problem


Once you have done the readings, answer the following Reading 05 Quiz questions:


For this week's program, you are to modify the program.c from Reading 03 such that you use separate threads instead of processes to compute the SHA1 digest for each argument. In other words, for each file argument, you need to create a thread that computes and displays the SHA1 digest of the contents of the file. The main thread should collect the exit statuses of its worker threads and return 0 if all the threads were successful. Otherwise, it should return the number of threads that failed as its own exit status.


The usage and output of your program should be the same as sha1sum:

$ ./program Makefile  # Compute SHA1 of Makefile
50bb7f7ccf1ca089f3c5eaff5fe95e56ddbe53a5  Makefile

$ echo $?             # Check exit status

$ ./program asdf      # Handle invalid files

$ echo $?             # Check exit status


Note: To link properly to the SHA1 functions, you will need to add -lcrypto to the LIBS variable in your Makefile. You will also need to add the -pthread flags to your CFLAGS.


You should not need to modify your original sha1sum_file function from Reading 03. Instead, you should first create a thread function:

void *sha1sum_thread(void *arg) {
    char *path = (char *)arg;
    if (!sha1sum_file(path, cksum)) {

    return 0;

The body of this thread function should be similar to the body of the child process in Reading 03.

Once you have a sha1sum_thread function, you will need to modify the main function as follows:

function main():
    pthread_t thread[argc - 1]  # Thread array

    For each argument:
        Create a thread stored in thread[i] that runs sha1sum_thread

    For each thread in thread array:
        Join thread[i]


To submit you work, follow the same process outlined in Reading 01:

$ git checkout master                 # Make sure we are in master branch
$ git pull --rebase                   # Make sure we are up-to-date with GitLab

$ git checkout -b reading05           # Create reading05 branch and check it out

$ cd reading05                        # Go into reading05 folder
$ $EDITOR answers.json                # Edit your answers.json file

$ ../.scripts/check.py                # Check reading05 quiz
Checking reading05 quiz ...
     Q01 0.50
     Q02 0.20
     Q03 0.30
     Q04 0.50
     Q05 0.30
     Q06 0.20
     Q07 0.20
     Q08 0.20
     Q09 0.20
     Q10 0.40
   Score 3.00 / 3.00
  Status Success

$ git add answers.json                # Add answers.json to staging area
$ git commit -m "Reading 05: Quiz"    # Commit work

$ $EDITOR program.c                   # Edit your program.c file

$ make test-program                   # Check reading05 program
Testing reading05 program...
 I/O System Calls                                             ... Success
 I/O Functions                                                ... Success
 Memory Functions                                             ... Success
 SHA1 Functions                                               ... Success
 Process System Calls                                         ... Success
 Thread Functions                                             ... Success
 program                                                      ... Success
 program (valgrind)                                           ... Success
 program Makefile                                             ... Success
 program Makefile (valgrind)                                  ... Success
 program Makefile (strace)                                    ... Success
 program Makefile README.md                                   ... Success
 program Makefile README.md (valgrind)                        ... Success
 program Makefile README.md (strace)                          ... Success
 program Makefile README.md program.c                         ... Success
 program Makefile README.md program.c (valgrind)              ... Success
 program Makefile README.md program.c (strace)                ... Success
 program Makefile README.md program.c asdf                    ... Success
 program Makefile README.md program.c asdf (valgrind)         ... Success
 program Makefile README.md program.c asdf (strace)           ... Success
 program Makefile fdsa README.md program.c asdf               ... Success
 program Makefile fdsa README.md program.c asdf (valgrind)    ... Success
 program Makefile fdsa README.md program.c asdf (strace)      ... Success
 program Makefile README.md /bin/ls /bin/bash                 ... Success
 program Makefile README.md /bin/ls /bin/bash (valgrind)      ... Success
 program Makefile README.md /bin/ls /bin/bash (strace)        ... Success
   Score 3.00 / 3.00
  Status Success

$ git add program.c                   # Add program.c to staging area
$ git add Makefile                    # Add Makefile to staging area
$ git commit -m "Reading 05: Code"    # Commit work

$ git push -u origin reading05        # Push branch to GitHub

Pull Request

Once you have committed your work and pushed it to GitHub, remember to create a pull request and assign it to the appropriate teaching assistant from the Reading 05 TA List.